Territory usage & storage

Territory #1: Short-Grass Plains (TAKEN by the Echo Pride)
A large plains sort of area with long and short grass, sort of like close to the sisters steppe in the first couple episodes. Large rocks, ditches, hiding places for young lions and lionesses in the pride to go, small trees with minimal yet sufficient shade. Small hares, gazelle, larger Buffalo and herbivores and such. vultures, Cheetahs, and small predatory animals as predators and such.
Idea: @foaminq--
Territory #2: Greengas Swamp (TAKEN by the Huffe Pride)
Sort of a swampy area now? Kinda like a big if you know what I mean. Larger amounts of rain / weather here, predatory swamp birds and water Buffalo. Long grasses and reeds along the ground and lots of trees, tall and spread out.
Idea: @foaminq--
Territory #3: Sunset Ridge (TAKEN by the Kae Pride)
The territory resides in a strip of the stretch known as the sunset ridge, with long plains showered with rocks here and there, the tall grass hiding those who hunt. There are occasional tall trees, some even baring fruit. The sunset here is quite remarkable. However, the most noticeable feature of the territory is the vast cliff that the prides home resides on, with gnarled roots providing safe dens and a large rock for the mane. Within these cliffs are twisting caves filled with bioluminescent plants and crystals, and an oasis resides very close to the prides home. There are some snakes, however, and the nights are cold, though the pride protected by their safe camp.
Idea: @Poisonous_art
Territory #4: Crystal Springs (TAKEN by the Far Pride)
a crystal hotsprings theme with a "extinct" volcano in the edge of the territory. There are some caves that wind around the territory- which you guessed it- have crystals in them. The crystals glow.
Idea: @WesternGates
Territory #5: Spring Crest (TAKEN by the Noctura Pride)
a very rocky, desert like area with sparse trees. there is a large amount of cliffs to the south, that are surrounded by reeds and very large grasses. within the undergrowth is a cold spring that has taken place at the foot of many small water falls that drip down the cliffs. usually water-fowl that live near the springs, and species of medium-sized gazelle and rabbit.
Idea: @thylaciine-
Territory #6: Ever Grove (TAKEN by The Emerald Kingdom)
almost a jungle like area with rather medium-sized clearings of dry earth
and outback. small ponds are found here and there, but this area experiences drought quite often due to the lack of streams. small species and a large variety of birds. some even learn to eat the roots of trees when it comes to drought and nutrients is needed.
Idea: @thylaciine-
Territory #7: Vast Brush (TAKEN by the March Pride)
your normal outback. there is a large, undiscovered watering hole in the northern area of this terrain. large gazelle and buffalo (including water buffalo near the watering whole). occasionally birds and rabbits, but this is rare and only during herd migrations.
Idea: @thylaciine-
territory 8: TBN (TAKEN by the Pantano Pride)
a vast, dry/desert like area with large, sparse spots of marsh. large over hanging acacia trees are bordered on one small side of these spots of marsh. to the west side of the territory there is a very small area of marsh consisting of many fish and water-fowl. a large cascade of flat rocks is bordering one side of marsh.
Idea: @thylaciine-
Territory 9: Dusting Stretch (TAKEN BY THE DUSTING STRETCH PRIDE)
a very dry, dusty area with a large, winding river pulsing through the area. there are no trees, and only sparse rock formations and tall grass. small herds of gazelle and wildebeest roam through here.
Idea: @thylaciine-
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Characters storage and such. (WIP)
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