Outrunning Karma: (Open) Fandom villain MAP studio
Welcome! If you were invited to this studio, that means you got the part. You can ask for parts in the comments section here or in the comments if the original project, it makes zero difference to me. You can also post your finished parts in the projects section of this studio if you are a curator. Also, sorry, me and my alt are the only managers. FYI everything else is an exact repeat of what is included in the original MAP call. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was rereading one of my books, and it made me remember how much I loved the villain of the book- Also this MAP is basically a backup just in case my other one flops. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m going to pay less attention to either of them. I’m just saying that this is a backup. Also hosting MAPs is really fun! ~~~~~~~~!APPLICATION!~~~~~~~ Username/Fandom you’re using/Codeword/Animation examples (optional)/Previous map parts (optional)/AMV or PMV/Part you want ~~~~~~~~~~!RULES!~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. It is mostly first-come first-served. But if you are a more experienced animator, you have a higher chance at getting a part than less experienced animators. 2. I would LOVE animation links, but they aren’t required. Seriously, I’ll take anyone. 3. Please don’t animate the background PLEASE- 4. This is a FANDOM MAP. no OCs, sorry. 5. 2 sprites max. I don’t have the best computer and with the amount of parts, I don’t think it could handle any more than that. 6. Don’t be upset if the part you wanted is taken. You can join in my next MAP! Seriously, if you didn’t get a part this time I can secure you a spot in the next one! 7. Code word is inside. ignore the one at the bottom of the rules. 8. A bit of gore is fine, but If I think you’re taking it too far, YOU. WILL. KNOW. 9. Anyone can enter for the thumbnail! No need to ask. 10. 2 part max per person. If no one joins, 3 is fine. If you do three though I will give you an extension on your part. 11. Furries are fine! 12. Please tell me whether you are doing a PMV or an AMV 13. Any fandom is fine. Books, games, anime, Disney channel, Disney XD, Star Wars, etc. 14. Try not to use gacha but if you enjoy it then go ahead. 15. You will be kicked out if you do one of three things: -Steal art -act rudely to other people in this map -go over your time limit 16. If you post a WIP towards the end of your time I can give you an extension 17. Your time limit for your part is a month 18. Code word is 1800s (don’t ask) 19. If I don’t reply within 2 days that means that you forgot something in your application and it needs to be fixed. 20. The only times I will ever flat-out deny anyone is if they are: A. A known art thief B. If they try to join after it’s closed- I mean- why would you ever do dat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thumbnail entries: ~~~~~~~~~~~~Parts~~~~~~~~~~~ Intro: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: @SpringMaple-exe - Fnaf ~March 7~ Part 7: Part 8: @LOZBOTWFANGIRL - As old as time ~dOnE~ Part 9: Part 10: Part 11: Part 12: Part 13: Part 14: Part 15: Part 16: Part 17: Part 18: Part 19: Part 20: Part 21: Part 22: Outro: ~~~~~~~~~~Backups~~~~~~~~~~ Intro: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: @SpringMaple-exe ~Done~ Part 7: Part 8: Me ~Done~ Part 9: Part 10: Part 11: Part 12: Part 13: Part 14: Part 15: Part 16: Part 17: Part 18: @kitmeowtow Part 19: Part 20: Part 21: Part 22: Outro: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh hi. You thought there would be more didn’t you? Well I admire your enthusiasm, coming all the way down here, but it was pointless. This is it.