Johnny Depp Zombie Apocalypse roleplay
Blaine and Johnny Depp build a bunker. Blaine and Johnny Depp steal food from costco Blaine and johnny depp steal knifes from walmart Blaine and johnny depp fight their way back to the bunker Blaine and Johnny Depp plan how to protect themselves if they have to move. Blaine and Johnny Depp begin to pray to the lord, johnny rice Blaine and Johnny Depp make soup Blaine and Johnny Depp eat the soup and Johnny Depp gets a larger severing because hes johnny depp. Blaine and Johnny Depp clean their fedoras Blaine and Johnny Depp Cry over the lose of Tim Burton and Elliott because he also died and it would be rude to forget him... Blaine and Johnny Depp Clean the knifes Blaine and johnny Depp put the knifes away Blaine and Johnny Depp check for zombies Blaine and Johnny Depp spot 4 of the undead beasts Blaine and johnny depp take on 2 zombies each and kill them Blaine and Johnny Depp eat more soup Blaine and johnny Depp clean their fedoras again Blaine and Johnny Depp sleep Blaine and Johnny wake up Blaine and Johnny Depp make more soup again because they might have an addiction im not sure... Blaine ad Johnny Depp eat the soup Blaine and Johnny Depp wash their fedoras again Blaine and Johnny Depp make pie Blaine and Johnny Depp fill the pie with soup Blaine and Johnny Depp summon satan Blaine and Johnny Depp trade their canned souls™ children flavour to satan in exchange for these people- Blaine and Johnny Depp train their soldiers to fight zombies Blaine, Johnny Depp and the soldiers put on their leather jackets Blaine, Johnny Depp and the soldiers makes soup Blaine, Johnny Depp and soldiers eat the soup Blaine, Johnny Depp and soldiers clean their fedoras Blaine, Johnny Depp and the soldiers prepare for battle Blaine, Johnny Depp and the soldiers fight the zombies but Elliott gets biten Blaine offers Elliott a cheese-it which prevents him from becoming a zombie Blaine and Johnny Depp and the soldiers kill more zombies The army eats the corpses The army goes home The army makes soup