I think I'm gonna take a break.
Hey. Scratch isn't what it used to be. Okay, I know that's a lame excuse. I'm not sure my mental health is great, and my sleep scedule is definitely horrid. My mom is looking into therapists and whatnnot, and I just need a break. Covid's probobly getting to me, and school is too, i guess. I'm tired a lot more of the time, but that might just be my horrid sleep patterns. I dno't think I have any MAp parts, AT halves, DT halves, or anything that I have to do. I'm kinda slef consious about my body, but that's not really a problem. I just need a break. I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll be checking my studio ( https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27880349/comments/ ) every now and again, but other than that, I won't be active. If you have anything important, please contact me there. I'll hopefully see you soon. ~ supergirl2198


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