200+ Followers Q+A, AND Contest (read desc.)
Hi everyone! As a result of 200+ followers (thank you!), I am hosting not only a q+a studio, but ALSO a contest! For the q+a part of it, you can just ask questions in the chat, and I will answer them! As for the contest part of it . . . HERE IT IS! RULES: 1. Be kind and respectful. 2. Only add one project, and that will be the project that I will judge you on. 3. I will not promote anyone to manager, because I have to many experiences with raiding. 4. Enjoy! Now the part you have all been waiting for. . . PRIZES! 1. Love and fave 20 of your projects (if you have less than twenty projects, I will keep love and favoriting them until you have shared 20), 5 follows, and a shoutout on my profile! 2. Love and fave 15 of your projects (same rule as above), 4 follows, and tell a couple people to check out your games! 3. Love and fave 10 of your projects (same rule as above), 3 follows, and tell 2 people to check out your games! 4. Love and fave 5 of your projects (same rule as above), 2 follows, and telling one person to check out your games! 5. Love and fave 2 projects (same rule as above), and 1 follow! Of course, to be able to give all these prizes, I will need prize givers! So please, volunteer! Prize givers: @BillyBobby1111 @Foxycode12 @super_coder10 It ends on . . . February 15th 2021 If you really like things like this, please check out my other studio like this: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28447090/projects/ Enjoy! @BillyBobby1111