>The Sleepover< RP
17 year old Oliva (me)
Goes to her 17 years old best friend Booker's(me aswell) Sleep over party its late and they had a few drinks.
When they woke up Oliva was $hirt 0ff And Booker had no p@nts
and they were in a k!$sing p0sition on a bed When they heard a knock on the door...
Everyone make a OC and Countinue in comment
Example format
Camryn/Girl/16/Likes both genders/ Long strawberry blonde hair/white/frekels under eyes/Green eyes/Full eyebrowns/Meduim lips
-Ariyan (Pronounced A-Ryan, likes to be called Ari) // 16 years // Lesbian <3 // Shy, introvert, (Best friends with Oliva-? Pwease) // Glasses, short brunette hair, She's about 5'5, she loves jean shorts, and big tee's // Date her pwease? :3 // Reeeee
-lillian (prefers to be called lili) // female // 18 // pansexual // has long black hair and dark brown eyes // light skin // none // full lips
Ashley (people mostly call him ash) // Male // 17 // Demisexual // has dark green hair and light green eyes // tan skin // full eyebrows // medium lips // bff brooker? // likes brooker // shy
Unicka (pronounced uh-nick-uh) Carson-female-16-likes both genders- looks are in a project but basically looks like my pfp-