LGBTQ+ Support group
This is a safe place for lgbtq+ people to talk about their issues. If you hate you will be reported.
If you don't mind please tell me what your gender/Sexuality and your preferred name and pronouns!
If I invited you and you're not lgbt feel free to ignore this (but if you want to stay you can :) )
@Coke cos || Male - Pansexual/ Polyamorous - Apollo - They/he
@-Melodic_Memories- || Female - Bisexual - Melody or Mel-Mel - She/they
@LETSBEFRISKIE || Non-binary - Bisexual - Kk or Frisk - She/they
@Maplespirit4life || Female - Bisexual -Maple - She/they
@Turtle-Jayfeather || Female -Straight -Turtle - She/they
@a_trans_pansexual || Male -Pansexual and Polyamory - Oliver or Oli || He/Him (Any other pronouns are fine just no She/Her)
@Xx|-T0XIC_BUNNIE-|xX || Non-binary -Biromantic Asexual - Kai - They/them or he/him
@monster_inthe_closet || Female - panromantic - Kei or K (prefers kei) - She/they