The Benders
This is a place where all benders collide to join forces. Ask me in the comments what element you are/ what you want to be! -Open Roleplays! If you want, you can show your character by adding it as a curator. If you are promoted to be a Manager, you may accept people. Air Temple ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆ Monks- @AppaTheBunny Airbenders- Teachers- Students - Water Tribes o(〃^▽^〃)o Leader (s)- daughter- son- Waterbenders- Students- Fire Nation (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Fire Lord- Fire Prince- Fire Princess- Guards- Citizens- Earth Kingdom \(0^◇^0)/ Earth King- Earth King's wife- daughter- son- Guards- Citizens-


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Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!