The NOT Dead studio! I made it not dead! We make Scratch Projects and Stuff. ========================== Manager Chat ========================== @EXP_05 hello @Chagic hi @justicecav ? @super1234dc why make a manager chat??? @Chagic idk @super1234dc Not much people comment on the studio chat, so why make one more? @anonymous idk @super1234dc why do u have to use anonymous? the spelling is not right and we all know u are Chagic @EXP_05 haha IT WAS ME ALL ALONG @super1234dc SERIOUSLY !!! I HATE U EXP U BET MY WILL I WILL LET CHAGIC ARREST U!!! @EXP_05 wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh “cries horribly” @anonymous hi guys @anonymous dead studio lol @EXP_05 I see that this is @chagic... @justicecav I just came back and i saw this...