i remix famous scratchers projects (give suggestions
Hi guys it's @OJpolar I have decided to make a studio where I remix famous scratchers projects. comment in the comment section a famous scratcher and If I can, I will choose one of his/her projects and give credit in the studio him/her and on the project (and post on this studio the remix) ------------------------------------------rules: 1. INVITE YOU FOLLOWERS 2. no advertising ----------------------------------------- please 1. don't change the descriprion 2. Don’t delete any one 3. Don’t get mad at me if I don’t get round to doing your suggestion 4. Don’t spam 5. Don’t bully 6. Be kind 7. Have fun 8. don't ask me to remix unless the person has more than 100 followers 9.when i promote you don't add projects, delete people, change title or change studio description 10. don't advertise ++++++++++++++++++++++++ scratchers that I’ve remixed from: @griffpatch @sharkyshar @KK_Chameleon @strangerthings11max @Mao-Mao-fan @TheInternetIsCoool @Will_Wam