Spin BOTM [Roleplay]
[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] as some of you may remember my show SBOTM [Spin is a trademark of @creaturefromthevoid and @radexpedea] it only got to episode 1 but dont worry 2 will be out soon so anyways here are the characters (READ THE ENTIRE DESC) [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] CHARACTERS Meme Man : @radexpedea Orang : Vegetal 1: @KitCat2020 Vegetal 2: Vegetal 3: scoobus : despacitus : Leader Vegetal : Sunglasses emoji : san : sheen : enslaved moisture : @Gamegirl65800| rick astly : Doge : @OverTheGardenWall2 Cheems : Proto : @MegaMarioBuilder64 [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] [CUSTOM] [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] Characters who supass mortals [mary sues] Ancient 1 Ancient 2 Ancient 3 Elephoont [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] RULES -fill form to make custom character -if you sign up as an ancient you must protecc the octahedron and thats it -to get the octahedron you must get the permission of one of the ancients return after further use -you can do it on scratch but aqqie would be more easy ur choice - if you do use aqqie still sign up for character on scratch [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] Locations -Vegetal jail -void -space -emoji space -council -shanpe space -octahedron pedastal [MORE COMING SOON] [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] FORM for characters ||username||character|| FORM for custom ||username||name of character||short description of looks or ref link|| [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] AQQIE (optional) https://aqqie.io/cay0lqk9dw (will be changed often) [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] PEOPLE @XxPastelSunsetzxX [kiara] @Gamegirl65800| [Enslaved moisture] @KitCat2020 [vegetal] @OverTheGardenWall2 [Doge] @radexpedea [Neoki and Meme man] @MegaMarioBuilder64 [Proto]


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