My Uncle passed away and my grandparents evacuated
in may my uncle passed away to a brain anurizum. 2020 is horrible first coronavirus came and then my uncle passed away, a few days ago a strong wind knocked over a power line which caused a huge forest fire in Oregon. then my grandparents had to evacuate for safety so we had to drive to their house and pick them out to drive them to my house. i have to sleep downstairs because my grandparents needed to sleep somewhere. the sky is still orange and i'm a bit bored. i'm trying to make a level in smm2 but i'm so bored i had to play story mode again so please no managers allowed and do not add unimportant projects or post funny comments. i really hope you'd appreciate me by following the studio. do not ask for F4F or F4F (Feedback 4 Feedback) that means you: @Flamingtorpedo you never even helped me


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