Stray Dog Rp
You used to have an owner, but you ran away. You need to create your own pack to run to freedom, there are dog catchers dog patrol, and worst of all, DOG HATERS. You have to find your way to freedom, and find caves to survive, you can't outrun 'em, but maybe you can.... Code word: #SaveAllAnimals DOG BIO: Name-Gender-Breed-Mate-Pups-Age (one dog year is about 6 or 4 human years)-Likes-Dislikes-Friends Other animal Name-Gender-Type-Mate-Pups-Age-Likes-Dislikes-Friends Human Bio Name-Gender-Age-Likes-Dislikes-friends-What you do for a living (Job)-Pet Season: Summer Dogs: Akala-Black Retriever-F-1 month-@Pupyraincloud Robin-Mutt(Dachshund/Labrador)-F-11 months- @Shoeket-and-Charlie Phineas-M-Labrador-1 year (6, maybe 4 years)-@nightmarefredbear10 Scarlet-Collie-F-1.7 years (7)-@Kitten_Lover_2000 Isabella-F-Golden Retriever-4 weeks- @FrozenPrincessLove84 Roxy-F-German Shepherd-@ilikeanimals226 Humans Amber-F-13-@Puppyraincloud All people who sign up for manager will be manager. Form: Active 1-10//How much do I like dogs 1-1000000000000//Code word//


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