interviewing famous scratchers
Welcome to my show, interviewing famous scratchers! EPISODES: @potato_the_potato - 1 @okae - 2 @qood - 3 @-microwave - 4 WORKING ON: @pomeranainlovveer - 5 @ @ SUGGESTIONS: @ @ @ SCHEDULE: I'll be posting them every 2 days :) I'll always be working on 3 episodes, and I'll have as many suggestions as I can lined up :) If possible I'll do them daily but i rlly don't know. So feel free to suggest scratchers to interview! I won't do them if: they haven't been active in 2 days, or have more than 100 000 followers I won't be doing them. So please check before you ask :D FAMOUS GUIDELINES: -600+ follows -100000 or less follows -500+ follows if you've been on scratch for less than a year -has 5+ projects -active in the last 2 days NEED I need a thumbnail so if anyone could make one that'd be swell :P we can discuss payments later :D