Fighting for the High Ground
S1E0 Dogge Joins the Battle!!!
S1E1 Codey's Part
S1E2 I AM... Fitness Cat!
S1E3 Spotty Joins the Battle!!!
S1E4 tiny-pig Joins the Battle!!!
S1E5 Stickman Joins the Battle!!!
S1E6 Jake Joins the Battle!!!
S1E7 tiny-pig and Jake team up!
S1E8 Cosmic Joins the Battle!!!
S1E9 kief x Joins the Battle!!!
S1E10 The beast awakens!
S1E11 Spotty's Revenge!
S1E12 Casual day at home.
S1E13 kief x strikes!
S1E14 Spotty is saved!
S1E15 The Green Dimension!
S1E16 Doplle Joins the Battle!!!
S1E17 kief x and Doplle team up!
S1E18 K00PA_K1D Joins the Battle!!!
S1E19 Walle10-0 Joins the battle!!!
S1E20 The Alliance of 4!
S1EL Fillieboyz_Aminate1 Joins the battle!!!/K00PA_K1D's Rescue
S1E21 The Arena
S1E22 K00PA_K1D Returns!
S1E23 Topper Exists Exists
S1E24 R.O.M. Enters
S1E26 Mr. Stick arrives!
S1E27 tiny-pig vs. tiny-pig
S1E28 S1 Finale
S2E1 It's not over.
S2E2 A Familiar Face
S2E3 Red is here!
S2E4 The tiny pigs return!
S2E5 The Map
S2E6 Host
S2E7 ANTI-BRAINWASH (not advertized)
S2E8 A long awaited return!
S2E9 Entrance and Exit
S2E10 Stick Boy and the Castle
S2E11 New Faces...
S2E12 Unexpected Encounter.
S2E13 The Trap
S2E14 Luigi168 joins
S2E15 Now it's an RPG...
S2E16 It's not working very well :|
S2E17 What doing in ma swamp?
S2E18 The New School
S2E19 Know your maths!
S2E20 Wait, Scribble Stick used Mr. Stick's toothbrush as a back scratcher?
S2E21 Inside and Outside the Schoolhouse...
S2E22 S2 Finale
S3E0 Walle10-0 didn't say
S3E1 Lets go Guys!
S3E2 The Battle Begins!
S3E3 Mr. Stick Makes his Moves!
S3E3.5 why u kill me?
S3E3.5.5 why u ko me too?
S3E4 The Fight
S3E4.5 The Revenge
S3E5 Striking Colors
S3E6 Time to Act!
S3E7 Low Budget
S3E8 The Bad Attack
S3E9 Goes Berserk
S3E10: Baketic Execution
S3E11: Time to Move!
S3E12: The Airship
S3E13: The Airship Was Breached
S3E14: Rank Achieved!
S3E15: "Do you like pancakes on an airship?"
S3E16: Machinery
S3E17: The Flood
S3E18: A Flood (of Rage)
S3E19: The End?
S3E20: It's Not Over Yet...
S3EΩ: The Finale (WIP)
SWIE1: Part 1
SWIE2: Part 2
SWIE3: Part 3
SWIE4: Part 4
S4E0: Rebooted
S4EX: The End
@sgmcats : 1. i cleared the long chat. 2. are 0-hit-k.o.s legal?
@MLGYolofade: lol "0 hit-KOS" that doesnt even exist.
@Thehonkerguy: yeah if 1-hit KOS are illegal that 0-hit KOS (whatever that is) definately isn't legal.
@sgmcats : ok then mr. stick survived
@tiny-pig : K00PA_K1D says that his part is almost done
@K00PA_K1D: After all this time...IT'S FINALLY DONE!
@tiny-pig I think this may be the longest running fight collab on scratch
@MLGYolofade: Yeah...
@sgmcats : it is weird ( @K00PA_K1D 's episode)
@sgmcats : and @valgards
@K00PA_K1D: I was trying to introduce something new which ended up being something (pretty much) no one know’s about.
@K00PA_K1D: Unless everyone else wants to do their part for the collab, I wouldn’t mind ending off the collab at 20. If I can end off the Season, I’ll wait until everyone finished with their part and then end it.
@K00PA_K1D: So since I'm the only one who can chat in the description after some smart/dumb update put into Scratch, I'm just gonna go ahead and say that we honestly shouldn't have been doing this anyways. There's an entire comment section to talk in so...
@K00PA_K1D: Not even sure if anyone's reading this, but I'm working on Episode 20 as I'm typing this.