Sprite Art

Instructions | Instrucciones | Istruzioni | Instruções | 指示 | Talimatlar | Navodila https://sip.scratch.mit.edu/scratch-month-activities/
Imagine if you could make art out of anything—a frog, a watermelon, or even a random scribble?
Well, of course you can! In this studio, create your own colorful and mesmerizing Sprite Art projects. Make your art twist, turn, swing, or run across the screen. Sprite Art is a project where you can create clones of a sprite and apply different effects to generate countless surprising artistic patterns.
Watch this video for ideas and inspiration: https://scratch.wistia.com/medias/3spp3mednx
Or, get started by remixing any of the projects in this studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/8337601/
Here are some things you can try:
- draw your own shapes and make sprite art out of them
- try a variety of animated effects (change size, turn, whirl, color, etc.)
- make sprite art in a circle, spiral, line, or any custom shape
- write the letters of your name or a word in the form of sprite art
- make the sprite art respond to your voice or video motion
- construct a scene using multiple sprite art elements
- take a picture of an object in your home and use it to make your sprite art
Thanks to Scratch Team members @shruti and @rupsthereitis for making this activity!