{ CAAC news station! }
SORRY IF I ADDED YOU AND YOU AREN'T PART OF THE CAAC- JUST DELETE YOUR SELF!! hey-- so here we are!! I kinda wanna make a news station. Here, we will make projects using our voices! (you don't haft to- This is also just for new news! ) We will need reports for each project- so yea! we will make up a script for you to follow and then you put the sound in back bag and follow the script! ^^ just ask in the comments <33 we will call ppl by there nicknames ALL REPORTERS TAKEN! ONLY PROJECT MAKER LEFT!! NEWS PROJECT 1: FULL! Script maker/what they will say: Cass (@Cassrollcat ) Project maker: Cass (@Cassrollcat ) news reporter 1: Coffee (@CoffeeCat41 ) news reporter 2: Misty (@kwaicat ) news reporter 3: lel ( @Elsathdesperado ) news reporter 4: Piink (@PiinkInkling ) news reporter 5: Quert (@yetrop ) PROJECT 2: reporters: (5) (5/5 ) Mint (@eloiga ) Algo (@Algophobia ) Coffee (@CoffeeCat41 ) Misty (@kwaicat Petal (@Warriorcat4life9 ) Project maker: (1) 1/1 Cass (@Cassrollcat) unfinished Script maker: (1) 1/1 Misty (@kwaicat ) DONE! AFTER 1 PROJECT IS MADE: reporter- Crimson reporter- Tupelo reporter- B reporter- Misty aww shucks im not in this :( -@CS_Iewis but you could :) - Misty ack ill maybe apply later -@CS_Iewis I like cheese -crimson i would do this if i had a d e c e n t recorder - minty qwq