Get popular and famous here!!

If your project has more than 50 views, go to this studio:
How to become famous:
1. Go to this studio and enter the comments
2. Ask for a project with LESS THAN 50 VIEWS to be added
3. Wait UP TO a week
4. Gain extra views, loves, favourites and remixes!
5. Follow this studio so more people see it so there are more views on these projects (I don't care about followers of this studio, it's just to increase the views)
1. Projects OVER 50 VIEWS will NOT be added
2. Projects may have 51+ views AS LONG AS THEY HAD 0-50 WHEN THEY WERE ADDED
3. This studio contains tags below the caution bit (even if tags don't work on studios)
4. You don't have to follow, it's just so more people get views
#get #famous #popular #followers #views #loves #favourites #stars #hearts #faves #remixes #fame #here #add #projects