Acadia High (for dangerous kids)(A Roleplay)
(recommended for 12+, Read at your own risk) Acadia high is a select entry school, for the most dangerous kids. Some of the teachers are doctors. Everyone sat an entrance exam and had background information checked, just enough to see if they are 'bad' enough to attend. Some kids were sent here by their parents, Some were sent by their schools. Others were just sent acceptance letters by the school. You may have attempted murder, murdered, harmed someone or yourself. You may have been expelled on numerous occasions. It's up to you. You could of done anything. The punishments are harsh. Do the right thing and follow the rules and you'll be fine. Break them, beware. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Student Bio; Name //age //gender //sexuality //looks // personality//backstory //Disabilities (optional) // Crush// Other// Teacher; Name //age // position//gender //sexuality //looks // personality//backstory // Other// /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ RULES; 1: Be punctual, report to school and class on time 2: Respect each other at all times. 3: Buildings and the campus will be kept clean and neat. 4: Curfew is at 10:00 for everyone 5: Follow your schedule and set bedtimes 6: No talking back 7: follow teacher's and leaders instructions 8: Fighting kept at a minimum 9: no obstructing or breaking the security cameras /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Characters; ------------------------------------------- Teachers; Headmistress/principal; Mrs (Abby) woods// 30// female Vice principal; Teachers; Mr. (Hilton) Charles//32//Teacher/Doctor//Male/ Doctors; ------------------------------------------- Students; Hazel Holland //14// Female// Dahlia Baker || 16 || Female || Stormy Howard//13//Female// Tammy Stakeford/12/female/ Alexandria Whitford//16// female// Sam Callian// 16// male// Ryder Barnes || 17 || Female || Addison/17/Female/ Qi | 16 | Non-binary (biologically female) | Fern Gale | 17 | Female | Ashley/16/female/ Charlton Cooper//15//male Sierra//19//girl// /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dorms; female; dorm 1; Hazel & Tammy dorm 2; Dahlia & Alexandria dorm 3; Ryder & Addison dorm 4; Stormy & Alex dorm 5; dorm 6 dorm 7; dorm 8; dorm 9; Brielle & dorm 10; dorm 11;Sierra & Lauren dorm 12; Ashley & Male; dorm A; dorm B; dorm C; Sam &