Our world is dying! We need to do something.
IF YOU ARE A MANAGER OF THIS STUDIO THEN PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE DESCRIPTION OR DELETE ANY CURATORS. IF YOU DO THEN I WILL DELETE YOU FROM THIS STUDIO. YOU MAY ADD CURATORS. WE HAVE 7 YEARS TO FIX OUR WAYS PEOPLE!!! This is a message to all of you who care about the environment and the animals. Please help me to raise awareness of climate change. Some of you may of heard of Greta Thunberg. She is the inspiration for this studio. If you haven't heard of Greta Thunberg then i will tell you who she is. Greta Thunberg is a young girl aged 16. She is very passionate about the environment and she has been doing protests for climate change since last year. If you want any more information on her then search her on the internet and you can comment on my profile, Porkpie_1, and i will get back to you later on.