echo ll anonymous chat ♥︎
Welcome to echo! Talk using a fake name down below. If you would like to join, just ask! Please do not impersonate anybody. Do not empty the description. That is Miri and Zoey's job. --------------------------------------------- -chaitea // Welcome! Please do not check the studio activity for privacy reasons and please contact me if you need anything. --------------------------------------------- *miri cleared the chat* awkwardd // oh cool allispoon! yes that was a very nice ted talk indeed xD Amethyst // YEAH boop noop oop is also really good! I like DJ Kit Kat and boop noop oop xD awkwardd // yes xD shade // hey lol remember me? I'm from the very beginnin of this XD shade // bump @moonlark // Hey everyone, it's miri. i'm never active here, so i'm going to remove myself. talk to zoey this needs to be cleared. i was Midnight, by the way, back when i was still active :)). so have fun, and farewell! <3 Amethyst// I feel like this is slowly becoming inactive... allispoon - vently bartholomew - 20trash // hi everyone :) it was nice talking here, been here since the start like bump, but im not very active on this account or echo anon chat, so im sorry to say that im probably going to leave the chat /:) and yes, i was all three of these people XD vently bartholomew // this was my fav name lol Amethyst // lol goodbye ppl I’ll probably stay in here just in case I ever feel like I need 2 vent, but like nobody really uses this anymore so yeah awkwardd // true, I've been here for sort of a long time? I've had other names. I wasn't here from the beginning, though. allispoon // GUESS WHOSE CRUSH JUST SAID I LOVE YOU TO HERRRRRRR AHILFVDYSHFYHDBP avocado to alispoon// hi i'm back also oml! yay! aah. allispoon // im friends with a lot of my brother's friends, so i know i lot of 10 year olds lol, but one of them just came out in our groupchat as a lesbian and im so proud of her, she's so brave and she's only in 4th grade allispoon // omg and another kid just came out as trans... idk how this is gonna go down tho bc my brother likes him, and he liked him back, but my brother is straight and knew him as a girl.... omg life is gonna get hecka crazy allispoon // okay im not gay but audrey hepburn is cute ... in other words im calling myself cute bc i did my hair and outfit today and i look like her uou butterscotch- // wow, I almost forgot about this T-T Amethyst// You know those imessage group chat stuff? idk everyone in my class is useless and I seriously have no idea why. Like 87% of them are. Idk why they think I spam, but I got kicked out for sharing a picture of my plush. I actually feel more angry than sad honestly. So imma prank them l8er XD ok yeah bye ophiuchus // i haven’t been on here for ages what’s the tea ophii // oh lotso ppl leaving... ok... i hope this means i get more of a voice? i don’t want to sound like rude or anything but the only time people really noticed me was when someone kept deleting my chats... ophiuchus // WELL THIS DIED requiredforever // i totally haven't been on here for so long i forgot my nickname(s)... so hurray? this shall be my new one for now :3 and yeah probably no one will see my messages ;-; timid- // hi, I guess >.< Amethyst // Lolz ur welcome for a studio notif ;D requiredforever // thank you very much :D Sunny//I'm on my period now and it sucks Amethyst// oof how does that work Anyway yay another studio notif :P lifelight: how is everyone? i haven't been on here for so long. avocado [] frickkk i forgot about thisss avocado [] imma take over and reboot thisss avocado [] aaaaaaaaaaaaa butterscotch- // i feel like an og in this studio lmaoaoa ,, but this studio has been inactive for a year starflight - ikr. im removing myself as manager, but nothing personnel or anything, i just hate studio notifications. i am removing myself from at least 82 other studios avocado [] lol hi.


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