~Chef Boyardee/Ravioli Cult~
This studio has been transformed into one that is made for ravioli/Chef Boyardee lovers. this group is a cult for Chef Boyardee people,, and will be happy to introduce new folks to the wonders of Chef Boyardee We’re cannibals here ;))) its all in good fun this is NOT intended to be offensive —————- Members: @mehcaron @-onism- @reemcgee @XYZeeba @-tokyoshiine- @ShinyRowlet_23 @CookiCream @nanobites @cookicream @iceberg-the-icewing @WolfFang2003001 @0o-An_Eraser-o0 @-heartart- @Elephant7307 @I_Stole_Oumas_Panta @bellaburped ——————- Manager chat: Yeeet I made a flag imma share it Y. E. S Ikr I shall be eating ravioli 24 hours of my day Same It’s beef ravioli and meatballs Hoping to eat some chef boyardee today like beef ravioli and meatballs! Me too!! Yay cannibalism!! :D Ya!! I L i k e T o E a t T h e R a v i o l i S k i n s O h w o w p a r d n e r Guys shuichi is Part of the CB cult!1!!11 :DD I’m coming out to my friends when school starts- w i s h me luck Will do, raviolen Same imma try hopefully they’ll understand what cb cult is good luck to yall Ty I appreciate it, it’s hard no problem brovioli ;u; :> Yeet we should spread the word of CB cult and make sure it’s well known so people know the right way to address us Yes yes you’re completely right Ho hum how tho Hey man that area 51 raids bout happen how about then Sksksksk i’ve made some cb cult bracelets! they taste a bit like ravioli but don’t worry abt it - who wants one? can i have one? ME Buy one get another for the same price amiright best deal ever Ikr war time This has got to be the most delicious war ever I do say,, ravioli +100 Choose your weapon:: breadstick I choose you fiGHT FEEL THE WRATH OF THE P A S T A S A U C E * flimsy spaghetti has joined the battle * What is this becomes the new AC :0 ok so like sans undertale is in smash surely chef boyardee has a chance True true *uncooked spaghetti has joined the battle* This should become the new ac ngl That’s what I said :< i feel like we should change the thumbnail cuz it was made as an lgbtq+ flag and thats not what this studio is about anymore :/ Agreed Should i (@ShinyRowlet_23) make a new thumb? Kk sure !! Btw I searched it up and the church of Spaghetti and meatballs is a legit thing No way i want chef boyardee to join the avengers Nah he should join the justice league, His noodles are godly hi gamers Alright. I'll make it asaic! Oi on a scale of one to ten, how much do you want my mom to let me watch game of thrones? i rate 420 I rate 177568965577/ravioli ok guys im gonna actually stop procrastinating on the thumb lmbo Mmk