Mothclan [Warrior Cat RP]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello there, I am Mothstar, founder and current leader of Mothclan. I am sure the other clans told you about us…. They call us foolish,cowards,mousebrains,and worms. We may be not as good at fighting and we tend to pick fights and then retreat or lose quickly……We like to hide from dangers and other clans by digging. It is our way of life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leader: Mothstar @Duskbird Deputy: Hazelfoot @Duskbird Medicine Cat(s): Mooncry @Snowyheart2210 Medicine cat Apprentice: Goldenpaw @ntho4957 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warriors: Ivycloud @Duskbird Moonfang @Duskbird Willowwhisker @Duskbird Echosong @sodafish Sorrelheart @TikiTiki555 Iceheart @Cakeforlife Coalflame @LadyLiberty13 Snakeeyes @bluestar4ever Apprentices: Lilypaw (Mentor:Hazelfoot) @Duskbird Rainpaw (Mentor: Mothstar) @Vivantwolf Lynxpaw (Mentor:Coalflame) @TheGreninjaCoder Kits: Underkit @lexigirl92006 Queens: Elders: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Territory: Open Field with a few trees and bushes Skill: Digging Prey Status: Plentiful Time: Green-Leaf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gathering Place: Featherclan: Duskclan: Adderclan: