Believe in Jesus Christ the Lord

Anyone can curate especially the scratch team members
I will only promote a few people..
not everyone can manage... but if you want to manage just ask and then answer a few questions but remember only a few people will be manager..
~ If I promote you... please DO NOT, I REPEAT.. DO NOT delete people. If you want someone deleted, tell me, then tell me why you want them deleted. Then I will delete them if there is actually a correct reason.
Also if you are a manager do not promote people without asking me then I will ask them a few questions.
~ Please do not change the description/picture/title without asking me.
~ Please be nice
~ Please DON'T be rude. Any rude comments will be reported.
~ ask if you want to curate
~ No changing the title.
~DON'T change the description without asking me first.
~ ask if you want to curate
Owner : @onedirectionrocks88 / @ilovedogsandpuppies / @choirroxs { which are all me }
Managers { besides me } , @christlives123 , @cherrypop888,
Scratch team managers: