Welcome to RainClan! I'm Rainstar, but I'm in StarClan. I'm here to tell you, this clan is being rebuilt. Our forest was burnt down, but a young kit named Icekit escaped the fire, and rebuilt the warrior code. Now, she will gather more cats, and rebuild RainClan BIO name// rank// gender// pelt color// eye color// StarClan or Dark Forest when dead personality// --------------NEWS----------------- ---------- MAIN RANKS---------- Leader: Icestar (icestar01) 9 lives Deputy:Maplepool (Jordan_Draws) Med Cat: Wolfpelt (cs101100) MC app: Froststrike (Icestar01) -------------RANKS--------------- Warriors 1. Aprentices 1. Mentors 1. Queens 1. Kits 1. Hazelkit (swiftfire19) 2. Elders 1.