SuPriZe UpDaTe
I guess you’re shocked or not at all caring but imma give a quick update on life! (I secretly missed u herherher) Life update: I have been promoted to eight grade and am getting into another acting play! Our teacher had a surgery but she has recovered but sadly couldn’t be with us for the final days but she was there on the last day! MY SCHOOL WENT INSANE ON THE FINAL DAY AND BASICALLY IM FREAKING OUT SO HARD ON HOW EVERYONE FLIPPED OUT! WE WERE SCREAMING AND RUNNING LIKE BOI! So I also really want to say that yes I do plan on vacationing this summer and I do plan on animating more as well and being active a lot for you guys! nwn I also passed all my EOGs and went out of school on A B honor roll! I am so proud and this summer has been fun so far! I’m doing cheer again this summer and also plan to go to a drawing camp or school soon! On insta gram I’ve met (and talked to): @Magpie @Chewzerz @Chocilly @Ninjikai @RavenStariia @Yunnie2005 I’ll be chatting here for a bit today and then go inactive again! ILYASM! -Stashcat