⭐️~Warriors RP~⭐️ The Magic Clans!
To join, please fill out the line-art, here's the link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/92557000/. If you are not active within 30 days, we will have to delete your character from play, unless you tell us and have a reason, like going away on vacation, and not being able to get one, so if something like that happens, please notify us. There are 4 clans, FlameClan, StreamClan, BreezeClan, and DarkClan. Each Clan has their separate magical properties, and they are explained and described below. If you would like to have a different kind of power that still connects with your element (oh yeah, we forgot to mention the elements!), feel free to tell us and we'll see if we can include it. These cats have wings, big wings like feathery angel wings, but only the Senior warriors's wings can create enough wind and power to push things around and fly really high. Kits have no power yet, while apprentices are developing their first power; once you are a warrior, your power will be complete. Once you are a senior warrior, you get another power, if you are deputy, you have 3 powers, and if you are leader, you have ultimate power. These Clans believe in MoonClan, and must sacrifice at least one piece of prey each day to them, or else MoonClan will punish them and make them suffer. ************************************** RULES * Again, if you have not played for 30 days, your characters will be removed if you do not notify us. * You have a limit to 12 characters. * Medicine cats ARE allowed to have kits, and are allowed to tell them, but they must give them to a different queen to nurse. * Your characters must not be marysue-ish, garystue-ish, or OP. * Your characters cannot have unnatural colors, unless it is only tinted, like clouds. * You must be playing appropriately, politely, and DO NOT SWEAR! * To join you must type "#warriors" in your bio, so we know you read the rules. * Romance IS allowed. * You are demanded to have fun. If you have any more questions, please ask. ************************************** ~@awesomewarrior2005 + @milo5002, the owners. ======================= NEWS ~none yet~ ======================= CLANS FlameClan~ thin forest with the camp in the high treetops. Leaders always change their suffix to "blaze". The powers that these cats have are: fire immunity, ability to control a fire, ability to create fire, and others Leader- Flameblaze, @awesomewarrior2005 Deputy- Deerflight, @milo5002 Medicine cat- Senior warrior- Honeyblossom, @awesomewarrior2005 Warriors- Apprentices- Maplewhisker, @Emmryn Queens- Elders- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ StreamClan~ large pond with streams everywhere, camp in the center of pond. Leaders always change their suffix to "water". The powers these cats have are: ability to breathe underwater, control liquid, create liquid, and others. Leader- Deputy- Mistfeather, @awesomewarrior2005 Medicine cat- Senior warriors- Warriors- Honeyglaze Apprentices- Queens- Elders- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BreezeClan- windy moors and plains, camp in a dip in the ground filled with bushes. Leaders always switch their suffix to "wind". The powers these cats have are: stability in wind, power to control wind, ability to create wind, and others. Leader- Deputy- Medicine cat- Spottednose, @kelch1000 Senior warriors- Warriors- Moonsong, @clickchatkitty Apprentices- Queens- Elders- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DarkClan- wet, dark marshes, camp in tunnel under bush on a tree root. Leaders always change their suffix to "shadow". The powers these cats have are: ability to see extra well in the dark, ability to control the lack of light and darkness, ability to banish light (to create darkness), and others. Leader- Silvershadow, @letsblowitup Deputy- Medicine cat- Senior warriors- Warriors- Apprentices- Queens- Elders- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other cats: Maplewhisker, @Emmryn, now a Flame lan apprentice. ========================= Thank you, and happy roleplaying!