lord of the rings and hobbit RP

Hi this lord of the rings rp
pick a character from the movies and be him/her you cant be a character someone else is.You can make up a tribe or be apart of a tribe or be a loner. You can make up a son or daughter of the characters from the movies but then you will have to make a bio.If you make a bio it must involve name/age/rank only if you are in a tribe/appearance/personality/son or daughter of/skill
so far there is
Gollum: @Scourgewins
Reyna: Flowerheart/me)
Selene (f and Arwen's Daughter)@keroppi
Erica (sister of tauriel) @catnip
The ent: @platypus333
Shelob: @toadmasterfunk
Smaug: @toadmasterfunk
Sith lord: @Zanex5calibur
Legolas: @DreamGirl37
Gandalf: @mrsadamcartwright
Frodo: @gollumhobbit
Acamadad: @SkyrimRules (Tauriel's daughter born from death and destruction)
Balrog: @AceFlame
Ungoliant: toadmasterfunk
Capnalt: toadmasterfunk
Rahik:@flowerheart:Legolass"s made up brother:
Hivnd: toadmasterfunk