Pinewood city (Pyrrihia) RPG
A alternate world for pyrrhia Dragons practically human version of WOF Dragons and this studio is based off of @_Wings-of-Fire_ go follow her this was her idea not mine i just loved the idea of dragons being humans!!!!!! If I forgot any characters to me in the comments when not rpging use parentheses oh and add wings of fire projects and art of your character **************************************** BREAKDOWN OF RPG Takes place in Pinewood city Main setting is Jadepoint Preparatory Highschool, which is a school with dorms AKA a boarding school. --------------------------------------- RULES ·No extreme gore (no weapons practically no blood unless the character gets a paper cut or something like that) ·You may not bully unless it is part of the RPG No swear words (u can say like shut up or stupid but not say your stupid unless part of the RPG) ·You may change the name of your person , or the person you will choose for the rp if you wish. Just tell us in the comments Instructions for managers 1. INVITE PEOPLE THAT ASK TO BE INVITED 2. DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!!! UNLESS I SPELLED SOMETHING WRONG!!!!!!!!OR DONT ADD ANYTHING BUT WOF PROJECTS! ************************************* UPDATES: 9/18/15 ·Spencer and Katherine become dorm mates ·Genevive (Glory) is open ************************************* CHARACTERS Dragonets Tsunami= Tahlia-@Wings_of_Fire Sunny= Savannah-@Agpegusister36596 Starflight= Spencer- @kmflippo Clay= Caleb @Tankdestroyer6 Glory= Genevieve Alternate dragonets Fatespeaker- Francheska Flame= Fred Squid= Sylus Viper= Valerie-@Jjaguar11 Ocre= Oscar New Dragonets Moonwatcher= Mackenzie-@Lightingspark Quibli= Quin- @Dragonclaw16 Pike= Prince Pierre Kinkajou= Katherine-@jettiebean Winter= William (Will) Queens: Queen coral= Queen Charlotte Queen scarlet= Queen Scarlet(clever right XD) Queen Moorhen= Queen Marie Queen glacier= Queen Grendeline Queen Thorn= Queen Tara (Queen of night wings is glory) Oh and King gill= King Gerald Princesses and princes Princess anemone= Princess Alicia Princess auklet= princess Annabelle Princess Ruby= Princess ruby XD clever right!! Prince Pike= Prince Pierre Princess Orca= Princess Olivia Princess Brightness= Princess Brianna The three rival sisters Blister= Brianne Blaze= Bella Burn= Belinda The Guardians of the Dragonets Webs= Wainer Kestrel= Krystal Dune= Daniel Other night wings Morrosweer- Mark Queen Battlewinner-Queen Brittany Mastermind= Marco Darkstalker= Derrick Clearsight= Clarrissa Feirceteeth= Filamena Strong wings= Steve Stonemover= Steven Deathbinger= Darrius Other Rainwings Jambu= Josh Tamerine= Talia Queen Magnificent= Queen Margerite The Queen that's related to Glory= Queen Gerry Queen fruit bat= Queen Frannie Coconut= Conner Lenrie ( PLZ tell me her name I forgot)= Lilly Other Skywings Peril- Patricia= @Dragongirl59 Osprey= Ollie Careline= Caroline Other sandwings Somber= Soren Six-claws= Seth Quibli= Quinlan Other sea wings Monray= Maleah Shark= Sorrae Guard #1= Brad Guard #2= Bob Riptide= Raynold (Ray) Other ice wings Icicle= Ileana Fjord= Fredrick Other Mudwings Reed= Randy Umber= Urahia Sora= Sarah Crane= Chloe Asha= Adrianna Pheasant=Paige