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96 posts

Python Program that you can program with

I made a program in python where you can program (in python). It was a test to see what is possible. I am working on it to where it can edit itself.
here is the code:
response = 0
import datetime
from datetime import date

print "This program requires you to type by surronding your responses with ' s. The only time you don't have to is when you are inputing code."
while True:
response = input("What do you want to do?: ")
if response == 'code':
response = input("New file, or existing file?")
if response == 'new' or response == 'new file':
print "Your file is called 'NewFile'."
print "Input 'code' again to write it."
myfile = open('NewFile.py', 'w')
myfile = open('NewFile.py', 'a')
while True:
response = raw_input("What is the code you want to add?")
myfile.write(response + "\n")
myfile = open('NewFile.py', 'a')

#That allows you to program OTHER files, it will soon be able to program itself...

Broken pencils are pointless…
75 posts

Python Program that you can program with

Cool! I know a little programming, myself Java, just learned some c, and Java is what I know best. Keep up the good work!
57 posts

Python Program that you can program with

now we just have to wait for an programming program with the programming language phyton made in an programming program with the programming language phyton made on an programming program with the programming language phyton!

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