Discuss Scratch

12 posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu? Is there a way to do that like maybe using a #(text) or something?
when green flag clicked
ask [How??] and wait
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play sound [Happy]
1000+ posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

It should be automatic, but right now the indexer is broken, so any project with an id > ~970000000* will not show up
*exact number changes day by day depending on number of projects shared

please use Questions about Scratch for non-scripting questions, reported to be moved.

trouble with clones? view my clone id toolbox! I also have built the bases of a tower defense game link here.
If someone on help with scripts is saying that something can't be done, they should be suspected of being a team limit grunt.
Wanna be the very best? Here's your chance!
63 posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

Sometimes there are so many projects like yours you can’t always find the one that you made.
1000+ posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

This Scratch Wiki article explains possible reasons why well.

Highlight any part of this signature and press ctrl+shift+down arrow to see the rest of it.
For information on a signiture, including how to make one, visit here.
Please read the list of Officially Rejected Suggestions before posting a suggestion for Scratch!
View all of the topics you've posted in:
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Lesser-known Scratch URLs:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/PROJECT ID HERE/remixtree (replace “PROJECT ID HERE” with project id number. Shows all the remixes of the project, and the remixes of those projects, and the remixes of those projects, and so on, as a chart. Link currently redirects to one of my projects). There was a button on the project page linking to this in 2.0, but it was removed.
View a larger list at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
1000th post

The devs really need to update the scratch-gui repo- I'm getting at least 19 “npm warn deprecated” warnings whenever I try to install its dependencies, and yes, I'm using the latest version of node.js and npm. Then again, the dev page on this website and the wiki in the repo still refer to Scratch 3.0 in beta, and link the current website as an example of 2.0.
100+ posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

From what ive heard and as others probably said the scratch indexer the thing that finds the projects for what you searched is broken and slow probably because there are over a billion projects on scratch and newer projects wont show

12 posts

Can someone tell me how to make your project show up in the search menu?

Thank you everyone for your help. It means a lot

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