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2 posts

does anyone know how to make a Platform code?

Hello, I am making a platform puzzle game and I need some help with the code because I don't know how to make it so my sprite can jump on another sprite because at the moment my sprite just walks/ jumps straight through the sprite, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to make it so my sprite can jump on top of the cube like a platformer game.

Thanks, Snapped

Last edited by snapped_1354 (May 15, 2024 01:16:43)

1000+ posts

does anyone know how to make a Platform code?

Check out griffpatch's platformer tutorial: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/67727504/

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

2 posts

does anyone know how to make a Platform code?

Thank you!!!
10 posts

does anyone know how to make a Platform code?

snapped_1354 wrote:

Hello, I am making a platform puzzle game and I need some help with the code because I don't know how to make it so my sprite can jump on another sprite because at the moment my sprite just walks/ jumps straight through the sprite, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to make it so my sprite can jump on top of the cube like a platformer game.

Thanks, Snapped
this is my game engine: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1018367281/ it makes it easier to make a plaformer

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