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8 posts

Projects aren't loading on My Stuff

I went to school and logged in a computer, I signed in Scratch and pressed My Stuff , to my surprise, the projects weren't there!
I tried different computers and it still happened. I searched up the project and it popped up, I thought I fixed it, but no it's still happening. I'm not sure if this is happening to some people but please try to fix this.

Proof of it to.
The bug that is happening right now.

Last edited by JimmyToo (April 23, 2024 19:43:31)

100+ posts

Projects aren't loading on My Stuff

There is already thread for discussing this: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/727967/
There's also a lot of info on it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/756184/
8 posts

Projects aren't loading on My Stuff

BobTheBananu wrote:

There is already thread for discussing this: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/727967/
There's also a lot of info on it here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/756184/
Oh thank you.

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