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Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

One of the things Scratch will use your data for is to enhance your learning experience. But what separates a learning experience from a normal Scratch experience? If I'm just using Scratch to talk to my friend, could I sue Scratch Team for using my data since my learning experience wasn't improved (because I never had one). Actually, I don't see any visible changes to my learning experience even after all the data I gave Scratch. Could I write an email to help@scratch.mit.edu telling them if that they don't tell me what positive changes they made to my learning experience, I can and will sue them? If anything, Scratch isn't improving my learning experience at all, with all the mutes, warnings, and temporary bans they are giving me. And why does Scratch even need my personal information to do that, can't they just listen to the community?

also i just realised whenever i wrote “scratch” i actually meant the scratch team

Also, what “rights” do I have regarding personal information? The Privacy Policy says that I can request for every single shred of data from Scratch servers to be removed, but what if somebody makes a project about me? Could I still request for that to be removed? Would that be allowed? If Scratch Team doesn't do that, can I sue them? Will that Scratcher be banned? What if I manipulate the system in such a way that the Scratcher gets banned? Every shred of data regarding me has already been wiped of Scratch servers, so are they going to ban my email address? But legally, they can't ignore me or I can sue them. What if I spam them with over hundreds of emails and one of those emails contain a genuine request? If the Scratch Team doesn't fulfill my request, could I sue them?

Last edited by TheUltimateHoodie (April 19, 2024 11:38:40)

can somebody give me something to put in my signature
1000+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

No, because Scratch isn't selling your data.
1000+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Could I Sue Scratch Team?
Not again…

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

One of the things Scratch will use your data for is to enhance your learning experience.
Don't forget about the other thing: “to provide you with the services that we offer through the Scratch Website.” I have a hard time believing you'll be able to argue that you were not provided with the services that the Scratch website offers.

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Actually, I don't see any visible changes to my learning experience even after all the data I gave Scratch.
Who says they need to be visible?

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Could I write an email to help@scratch.mit.edu telling them if that they don't tell me what positive changes they made to my learning experience, I can and will sue them?
Why not just ask for more detail without threatening the Scratch Team?

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

If anything, Scratch isn't improving my learning experience at all, with all the mutes, warnings, and temporary bans they are giving me.
Why are you using Scratch in the first place, then?

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

And why does Scratch even need my personal information to do that, can't they just listen to the community?
Review the Privacy Policy to check what your information is used for.

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Also, what “rights” do I have regarding personal information? The Privacy Policy says that I can request for every single shred of data from Scratch servers to be removed, but what if somebody makes a project about me? Could I still request for that to be removed? Would that be allowed?
You could probably ask, as long as you ask the Scratch Team nicely and refrain from spamming or threatening them.

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Will that Scratcher be banned?
In this hypothetical situation, the Scratcher who made the project would probably just have their project taken down, without getting their account banned. No further action would be taken unless they attempt to continue to share/reshare the project about you.

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

What if I manipulate the system in such a way that the Scratcher gets banned?
…Such as…?

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

Every shred of data regarding me has already been wiped of Scratch servers, so are they going to ban my email address?
Why would they do that? Your email can be removed from the Scratch website without it getting “banned.”

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

But legally, they can't ignore me or I can sue them. What if I spam them with over hundreds of emails and one of those emails contain a genuine request? If the Scratch Team doesn't fulfill my request, could I sue them?
Again, you can sue anybody for any reason, but that doesn't mean it will work. If you cause problems with the Scratch Team, for example, by spamming them, then I imagine you would have less of a case. Don't be the boy that cried wolf.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
1000+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

If anything, Scratch isn't improving my learning experience at all, with all the mutes, warnings, and temporary bans they are giving me.
Mutes are (often) made automatically, by a program, often when you try to spam something in comments. Warnings are made when you continue bad behavior. Temporary bans are made after that. Almost all of the time, this is because you have broken the rules, as stated in the Community Guidelines and Terms Of Use (and anything that the ST has laid down in the forums or FAQ). Most often, it is because you have not been following those rules. Mutes are there primarily to prevent spam. In other words, don't break the rules, don't get banned.

Highlight any part of this signature and press ctrl+shift+down arrow to see the rest of it.
For information on a signature, including how to make one, visit here.
Please read the list of Officially Rejected Suggestions before posting a suggestion for Scratch!
Try out a very fast list sorting algorithm!
View all of the topics you've posted in:
View all of your posts:
Lesser-known Scratch URLs: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
1000+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

Remember, you violated the Terms of Use. It is ridiculous to spend money on a lawyer for such a ridiculous case which you brought upon yourself. Maybe in the future you should take a look at the Community Guidelines so you won't be muted. It also appears that your question was answered two months ago and you said you got your answer. Why are you remaking this topic?

I'd like to add - This is like suing your parents because you we're punished for breaking the rules in their place of residence. You see how that is ridiculous?

Last edited by 9cjames1 (April 19, 2024 15:04:16)

500+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

“My happy meal didn't taste good! I'm suing them!”
It's you breaking the guidelines, Falsely suing the Scratch Team is stupid. If you think what you said that got you muted/temporarily banned was a misfire, go to Contact Us. It really easy.


1. SpongeBob
2. SpongeBob
3. SpongeBob
4. SpongeBob
5. Mr. Clean

most recent or not quotes I find funny:

bittensboy wrote:

horizontal_shading wrote:

say [I've been here since part 6, no way it's part 8 now]
there was a part seven.
play note (you forgot. v) for (0.5) beats::pen


pikachuLuke5 wrote:

MagicCoder330 wrote:

Yeah, and we should also celebrate Annoy Squidward day on February 15th! /hj

Still, good idea. Even if it wouldn't be that big an addition, it would be a fun thing to see. I'm sure a majority of users would enjoy it, or at least not hate it.source

couldn't find anything else

100+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

TheUltimateHoodie wrote:

could I sue Scratch Team
Ah —-. Here we go again.. Also not over a ban.. just follow the community guidelines.
If you are being muted then use a website that will actually accept your foul mouth. You asked this question.. TWICE. within this year.

(Removed by Moderator - Just get the cool shoeshine)

Play Catch the Ball! (Legacy!)

Play Catch the Ball! (Remake!)

100th post i made!

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Could I Sue Scratch Team? - Question about the Scratch Privacy Policy

This is not a question for this forum. It's a question for your lawyer.

Please remember that “Questions About Scratch” is here to help Scratchers learn Scratch - the website and the language. Let's please not take up space with other topics, such as polls and hypothetical questions. A studio might be a good place for those discussions.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)


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