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- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
Padmé Amidala has been living the last five years in a melancholic yet hopeful state as she struggles to help build the foundations of a slowly growing Rebellion against the tyrannical and iron-fisted Empire.
After finding out about a desperate planet in the Inner Rim that has been forced into harsh mandatory labor, she decides to plan a scouting misson to find a way to help. Unfortunately the force has it's own sense of humor, with someone else also paying a visit to the planet's surface at the same time.
As Padmé and the infamous Darth Vader cross paths yet again in life they find themselves realizing that despite their differing loyalties and vastly different morals perhaps they will always be bound by the love that ties them across the stars.
Last edited by basilbread-- (July 3, 2024 21:17:53)
- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
﹙☆﹚﹙ chapter 1 ﹚ - in which rebels plan
Bail's chair had made more noise in the last five minutes than words Mon had spoken in the last hour they had been sitting there. Padmé gazed blankly as it let out yet another high-pitched squawk as he shifted slightly. “So, what do you both think?” Bail asked. It took her a moment to focus on his face as she glanced up, world blurred slightly. To her surprise he was staring directly at her. She quickly glanced to Mon who had the expression of someone who just ate a particularly rotten piece of fruit. “Pardon?” She asked a long moment later, after it was clear Bail was not about to elaborate on what he was asking about. Bail's mouth twitched slightly, with amusement or disapproval she didn’t know. “Wobani? The plan?” He questioned, as though testing if the words rang any bells. Padmé's eyes lit up, “Ah! Yes- of course!” She replied quickly, sitting up straighter as she gripped one or the arm’s of her chair. “Who are you sending?” Mon raised a sharp eyebrow, raising her voice. "You should not be sending anyone.” She stated in alarm. “I did not approve nor agree to this plan. It is far too reckless for my liking. It's rare for me to be able to join you two in person and I did not come here just to discuss a rash suicide mission.” She announced, standing up. “Those people need help and we-” Padmé began, moving from her chair to follow Mon as the senator walked swiftly across the room towards the door as though fully prepared to leave. The other woman cut her off. “We will not interfere.” Bail, noticing he was the only one that had remained sitting- stood, much to the relief of his chair which gave one final weak creak.
Mon moved to slide open the door before glancing back to Padmé and Bail. Apparently Padmé's expression said it all and suddenly her eyes softened slightly and she glanced away for a long moment. The redhead seemed to be in deep thought as moments passed. ”I'm sorry if I seem rather disagreeable. Things have just been so chaotic lately.“ She finally glanced up, pale blue eyes the colour of a Nabooian lake. Her voice grew soft and faint. ”I know you want to do great things for the galaxy- to help people Padmé as you've always have. But these are different times. You must remember that. I know you are not out in the galaxy seeing the same things me and Bail are in the Imperial Senate. If you did . . .“ She seemed at a loss for words. ”If you've heard some of the atrocities and cruelties taking place . . . you would understand. Mon inhaled sharply, shaking her head distractedly as she glanced to Bail. "You both must focus on the present. And the reasonable things we can accomplish.“ They all remained silent for a long moment before Bail finally nodded quietly. ”I agree.“ Padmé however did not reply and instead chose to merely nodded. She knew what Mon was saying, she wanted them to lie low and be careful. The Allience wasn't exactly . . . flourishing in such dreadful times. People either didn't see the reason of a rebellion yet or did and simply were too afraid. But she hated the thought of standing back and doing nothing. Luke and Leia deserved a free galaxy. And so far nothing was getting better- in fact it was getting worse. Far worse. She understood the art of handling situations with delicacy but this? This wasn't delicacy in her eyes it was just doing nothing. It was letting people die. Good people- innocent people.
Mon seemed to be satisfied with her nod as she gave one final bow of her head before leaving the room. Bail stepped past Padmé and put a hand kindly on her shoulder. ”We'll get our chance one day.“ He said in a low voice before leaving the room as well. She was about to leave when something caught her eye on Bail's side of the table. Tiredly she walked over to eye the datapads laying there. She flicked through all of them, nothing grabbing her interest until the second to last tablet. Padmé's dark eyes narrowed, it was a planet. She clicked, making the image bigger. Padmé watched as the screen loaded a vague map of the planet Riosa. She recognized the name, it was a planet in the Inner Rim. Other then that the only things she knew about it was that it was annexed and it's citizens forced into mandatory labor. Information that came up in a meeting once but was of no use to the Rebel Alliance.
”Why does the Empire need so many factories anyway?“ She mumbled aloud to herself. It was strange, of course the Empire needed new ships and weapons and all but this- going as far as practically enslaving an entire planet? Not that she was surprised but something was off about it.
Padmé stood there for only a second longer before moving quickly to the door and walking down the hallway. She couldn't take her eyes off the datapad. Ahead of her around the corner she heard Bail and Mon's muffled voices. ”She's been so distant lately.“ Bail's low voice murmured. Padmé froze, glancing up and taking in a sharp breath. Were they talking about her? Mon's voice replied with a small ”I noticed. . .“ She paused before adding, ”Children can drain the energy out of you. I honestly don't know how she manages two, I can hardly keep up with Leida. Perrin hardly does a- . . . “ She must have moved farther away this time, to the point that Padmé could no longer hear her. She heard Bail's low steady voice reply but couldn't make it out. Her heart had always ached for him knowing him and Breha had always wanted a child, they never did end up adopting.
Padmé felt oddly hurt. There was worse things to be called then ‘distant’ but she had wished they had just spoken her face-to-face and not felt the need to talk behind her back. ‘How long have they been worried about me?’ she wouldn't help but wonder. Padmé was hurt by the past of course, everyday Luke and Leia only reminded her more and more of Anakin . . . But she still tried to remain focus, and strive towards the goal of taking down the Empire, to free the people from the iron grip of the Emperor. ‘That’s what Anakin would have wanted after all, right?' She tried to convince herself he would but she couldn't help but remember their heart shattering last few moments together. The last time they saw each other- would ever see each other. ‘Don’t you see? We don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic.' Padmé tried to stop the words from echoing in her mind. They sounded so clear, so real. The voice sounded like Anakin's but it wasn't . . . he wasn't himself. It was something else saying them- some evil cold creature of the Dark Side. Anakin would have never said those words to her. ‘I am more powerful than the Chancellor; I- I can overthrow him. And together, you and I can rule the galaxy. . . make things the way we want them to be.’ He would have never done the horrible things Obi-Wan had told her he did, he would have never hurt her. Yes he was flawed, no one was perfect- perhaps a little more flawed then most but that wasn't his fault. He was flawed not . . . a Sith. ‘Love won’t save you Padmé.'
”Padmé?“ She heard someone asked and she almost jumped. Bail had walked around the corner. She felt embarrassed, as though a child caught sticking their hand in a cookie jar. However, she straightened her shoulders. ”Ah! Bail- Mon! Just the people I was looking for.“ She exclaimed as though she had just been walking to find them and hadn't been standing in the hallway for force-knows how long. ”What is it?“ Mon asked, tilting her head. Padmé held out the datapad. ”I was looking at this, it's the planet Riosa and I noticed how many factories they have and I found it odd. The planet was forced into manual labor, I would assume almost everyone. I can't help but wonder why they need all of- . . . whatever is being produced. I mean, we don't even know what is being made. “ Her words quickened as she gained momentum while speaking, ”We assume ships but there are plenty of other planets that produce Imperial Starfighters and Star Destroyers. Something just doesn't seem to quite add up.“ Bail rubbed his chin with interest. ”What are you saying?“ Padmé let the datapad fall to her side as she gripped it tightly. ”I'm saying, that this planet has not just regular ship building factories.“ Bail shook his head ”They could always be building weapons. It's not that unusual for the Empire.“ Padmé shook her head however, not convinced. ”There is something else going on and we need to find out what it is."
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey. The character Ransolm Casterfo ( BRO WHY IS EVERYONE ONLINE FANCASTING TOM HIDDLESTON AS HIM?? LOOK UP “Ransolm Casterfo” AND GO TO IMAGES T0T ) had childhood trauma from living on the planet with the world being forced into manual labor for the Empire for the Death Star. The planet's progress was oversaw by Darth Vader . . . so of course things weren't the best . .
Wobani - Wobani appeared in Rogue One and is the site of Imperial Detention Center/Labor Camp LEG-817. Jyn got imprisoned there so there are more details in the book Rebel Rising by Beth Revis. It's a very awful place- IT'S ALSO AN ANAGRAM OF OBI-WAN . . . I wonder which Obi-Wan obsessed person named it . . .
Bail's chair had made more noise in the last five minutes than words Mon had spoken in the last hour they had been sitting there. Padmé gazed blankly as it let out yet another high-pitched squawk as he shifted slightly. “So, what do you both think?” Bail asked. It took her a moment to focus on his face as she glanced up, world blurred slightly. To her surprise he was staring directly at her. She quickly glanced to Mon who had the expression of someone who just ate a particularly rotten piece of fruit. “Pardon?” She asked a long moment later, after it was clear Bail was not about to elaborate on what he was asking about. Bail's mouth twitched slightly, with amusement or disapproval she didn’t know. “Wobani? The plan?” He questioned, as though testing if the words rang any bells. Padmé's eyes lit up, “Ah! Yes- of course!” She replied quickly, sitting up straighter as she gripped one or the arm’s of her chair. “Who are you sending?” Mon raised a sharp eyebrow, raising her voice. "You should not be sending anyone.” She stated in alarm. “I did not approve nor agree to this plan. It is far too reckless for my liking. It's rare for me to be able to join you two in person and I did not come here just to discuss a rash suicide mission.” She announced, standing up. “Those people need help and we-” Padmé began, moving from her chair to follow Mon as the senator walked swiftly across the room towards the door as though fully prepared to leave. The other woman cut her off. “We will not interfere.” Bail, noticing he was the only one that had remained sitting- stood, much to the relief of his chair which gave one final weak creak.
Mon moved to slide open the door before glancing back to Padmé and Bail. Apparently Padmé's expression said it all and suddenly her eyes softened slightly and she glanced away for a long moment. The redhead seemed to be in deep thought as moments passed. ”I'm sorry if I seem rather disagreeable. Things have just been so chaotic lately.“ She finally glanced up, pale blue eyes the colour of a Nabooian lake. Her voice grew soft and faint. ”I know you want to do great things for the galaxy- to help people Padmé as you've always have. But these are different times. You must remember that. I know you are not out in the galaxy seeing the same things me and Bail are in the Imperial Senate. If you did . . .“ She seemed at a loss for words. ”If you've heard some of the atrocities and cruelties taking place . . . you would understand. Mon inhaled sharply, shaking her head distractedly as she glanced to Bail. "You both must focus on the present. And the reasonable things we can accomplish.“ They all remained silent for a long moment before Bail finally nodded quietly. ”I agree.“ Padmé however did not reply and instead chose to merely nodded. She knew what Mon was saying, she wanted them to lie low and be careful. The Allience wasn't exactly . . . flourishing in such dreadful times. People either didn't see the reason of a rebellion yet or did and simply were too afraid. But she hated the thought of standing back and doing nothing. Luke and Leia deserved a free galaxy. And so far nothing was getting better- in fact it was getting worse. Far worse. She understood the art of handling situations with delicacy but this? This wasn't delicacy in her eyes it was just doing nothing. It was letting people die. Good people- innocent people.
Mon seemed to be satisfied with her nod as she gave one final bow of her head before leaving the room. Bail stepped past Padmé and put a hand kindly on her shoulder. ”We'll get our chance one day.“ He said in a low voice before leaving the room as well. She was about to leave when something caught her eye on Bail's side of the table. Tiredly she walked over to eye the datapads laying there. She flicked through all of them, nothing grabbing her interest until the second to last tablet. Padmé's dark eyes narrowed, it was a planet. She clicked, making the image bigger. Padmé watched as the screen loaded a vague map of the planet Riosa. She recognized the name, it was a planet in the Inner Rim. Other then that the only things she knew about it was that it was annexed and it's citizens forced into mandatory labor. Information that came up in a meeting once but was of no use to the Rebel Alliance.
”Why does the Empire need so many factories anyway?“ She mumbled aloud to herself. It was strange, of course the Empire needed new ships and weapons and all but this- going as far as practically enslaving an entire planet? Not that she was surprised but something was off about it.
Padmé stood there for only a second longer before moving quickly to the door and walking down the hallway. She couldn't take her eyes off the datapad. Ahead of her around the corner she heard Bail and Mon's muffled voices. ”She's been so distant lately.“ Bail's low voice murmured. Padmé froze, glancing up and taking in a sharp breath. Were they talking about her? Mon's voice replied with a small ”I noticed. . .“ She paused before adding, ”Children can drain the energy out of you. I honestly don't know how she manages two, I can hardly keep up with Leida. Perrin hardly does a- . . . “ She must have moved farther away this time, to the point that Padmé could no longer hear her. She heard Bail's low steady voice reply but couldn't make it out. Her heart had always ached for him knowing him and Breha had always wanted a child, they never did end up adopting.
Padmé felt oddly hurt. There was worse things to be called then ‘distant’ but she had wished they had just spoken her face-to-face and not felt the need to talk behind her back. ‘How long have they been worried about me?’ she wouldn't help but wonder. Padmé was hurt by the past of course, everyday Luke and Leia only reminded her more and more of Anakin . . . But she still tried to remain focus, and strive towards the goal of taking down the Empire, to free the people from the iron grip of the Emperor. ‘That’s what Anakin would have wanted after all, right?' She tried to convince herself he would but she couldn't help but remember their heart shattering last few moments together. The last time they saw each other- would ever see each other. ‘Don’t you see? We don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic.' Padmé tried to stop the words from echoing in her mind. They sounded so clear, so real. The voice sounded like Anakin's but it wasn't . . . he wasn't himself. It was something else saying them- some evil cold creature of the Dark Side. Anakin would have never said those words to her. ‘I am more powerful than the Chancellor; I- I can overthrow him. And together, you and I can rule the galaxy. . . make things the way we want them to be.’ He would have never done the horrible things Obi-Wan had told her he did, he would have never hurt her. Yes he was flawed, no one was perfect- perhaps a little more flawed then most but that wasn't his fault. He was flawed not . . . a Sith. ‘Love won’t save you Padmé.'
”Padmé?“ She heard someone asked and she almost jumped. Bail had walked around the corner. She felt embarrassed, as though a child caught sticking their hand in a cookie jar. However, she straightened her shoulders. ”Ah! Bail- Mon! Just the people I was looking for.“ She exclaimed as though she had just been walking to find them and hadn't been standing in the hallway for force-knows how long. ”What is it?“ Mon asked, tilting her head. Padmé held out the datapad. ”I was looking at this, it's the planet Riosa and I noticed how many factories they have and I found it odd. The planet was forced into manual labor, I would assume almost everyone. I can't help but wonder why they need all of- . . . whatever is being produced. I mean, we don't even know what is being made. “ Her words quickened as she gained momentum while speaking, ”We assume ships but there are plenty of other planets that produce Imperial Starfighters and Star Destroyers. Something just doesn't seem to quite add up.“ Bail rubbed his chin with interest. ”What are you saying?“ Padmé let the datapad fall to her side as she gripped it tightly. ”I'm saying, that this planet has not just regular ship building factories.“ Bail shook his head ”They could always be building weapons. It's not that unusual for the Empire.“ Padmé shook her head however, not convinced. ”There is something else going on and we need to find out what it is."
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey. The character Ransolm Casterfo ( BRO WHY IS EVERYONE ONLINE FANCASTING TOM HIDDLESTON AS HIM?? LOOK UP “Ransolm Casterfo” AND GO TO IMAGES T0T ) had childhood trauma from living on the planet with the world being forced into manual labor for the Empire for the Death Star. The planet's progress was oversaw by Darth Vader . . . so of course things weren't the best . .
Wobani - Wobani appeared in Rogue One and is the site of Imperial Detention Center/Labor Camp LEG-817. Jyn got imprisoned there so there are more details in the book Rebel Rising by Beth Revis. It's a very awful place- IT'S ALSO AN ANAGRAM OF OBI-WAN . . . I wonder which Obi-Wan obsessed person named it . . .
Last edited by basilbread-- (July 3, 2024 21:25:28)
- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
﹙☆﹚﹙ chapter 2 ﹚ - A queen's farewell
“Why is the Empire so worried about keeping this place secure?” Padmé asked sternly as she glanced between the two of them. Bail however shook his head already brushing aside her question, “They are most likely building weapons. It's not that unusual for the Empire. We know that they are by no means afraid of using force to get what they want.” She shook her head flatly, not convinced at the reasoning. “Did you not recently tell me that the Emperor has already proclaimed that his Empire is stable and has no worries of rebels, there would be no use for this many weapons if that was true. And even if he was concerned- three Empires wouldn't know what to do with the amount of weapons they could be making on Riosa.” Bail and Mon both glanced at each other, holding each others gaze for a long moment which gave her hope that they were considering her words. “You want us to send someone to pilots attack?” Mon finally asked, voice tight. “We don't even have enough people apart of the cause as it is . . . we can't possibly-” Padmé quickly cut her off before she could finish. “No- no! Not an attack. That would be impossible. It would be a stealth mission. We would need someone inconspicuous who could plan a scouting misson of sorts.” She stated. “We need to know what we are dealing with . . . ”
Bail's mouth twisted slightly as though amused. “I see . . . and I suppose you know just the person for the mission?” Padmé blinked in suprise, “Oh- well . . . I mean I only thought of this moments ago. Why, do you know of someone?” Mon sighed loudly, apparently already knowing what Bail was going to say. “I suppose you believe you are fit for the job?” She asked raising an eyebrow at Padmé who had to do a double take with shock. “You would actually approve of the mission?” She asked skeptically. It had only been ten minutes or so earlier when the women had protested so strongly agaisnt Bail's idea, she hadn't truly expected for the senetor to take a liking to hers. Mon pursed her lips in deep thought as she watched Padmé carefully for a long moment. Her hands twitched slightly before she finally leaned closer. "Are you sure you'd even want to do this? Even with Luke and Leia?“ The women finally asked quietly. Padmé hesitated as she took the moment to think of what she was suggesting. The Empire may be secure but she had been on hundreds of missions in her life. She was confident in being able to handle one simple scouting misson. Perhaps she wouldn't even have to get out of the ship! Besides she already worried for the twin's safety daily it didn't matter if she was there or not. Obi-Wan always spoke of strange people on the hunt for remaining Jedi and force sensitives. Those he had spoken to described them as frightening servants of the Dark Side. Who knows what would happen if someone were to find out the truth about the twins- words spread like fire even out on their mostly desolate little inner rim planet. Who knew that such horrible creatures of Empire would do if they caught wind?
She knew Bail was more than capable of handling the children. Besides she was doing this for them. ”Especially with Luke and Leia.“ She finally replied with a soft smile. Mon must understand being a mother herself. ”And . . . Bail and Breha have already proved to be excellent babysitters!“ She added in a praiseful smile. Bail shook his head glancing to the ground but she saw a smile on his face along with another- slightly wistful expression. Mon let out yet another long sigh. ”We'll need to plan things out over the next few days.“ She reminded them both. ”I have to get back to Chandrila but please update me.“ Padmé nodded quickly. ”Of course.“ She promised. The sentor nodded solemnly, continuing on her way down the hall. Bail glanced to Padmé. ”You really aren't going to let this one go are you?“ He asked in a slightly tired yet gentle tone. Padmé turned to look at him returning the same tone of voice. ”It's time to take a leap of faith for once.“
Padmé was already regretting her decision. She sat back on the heels of her boots, hugging Luke as she had been for the last five minutes and still the boy refused to let go. She had made sure to change into one of her least ornate jackets which was a pale grey-blue matching the blue ribbon weaving through her single braid that remained flung over one shoulder. Luke let out one single pitiful whimper as he reached up trying to tug on the braid but was unsucessful as she flipped it to the other shoulder. It had taken only a couple days of planning, to find a pilot and the right day to go but they had done it.
”Bu- . . .but your coming back right?“ He asked as Padmé stroked his golden-blonde hair. She nodded quickly, ”Of course! I'll always come back.“ Luke's bottom lip began to tremble. ”Tomorrow?“ Padmé paused searching for the right words. ”Hopefully tomorrow . . .“ She finally settled on. Leia crossed her arms, eyes shiny and filled to the brim with tears. ”I don't know why you have to leave!“ She exclaimed flopping onto the ground, arms still crossed. Padmé let go of Luke to kneel down to his twin sister. ”I'll be back so fast you won't even realize I was gone. I'm just going with some people to look at a planet and then we'll be right back.“ She explained. Of course that was a highly simplified version but the five year olds didn't need to know that.
Leia didn't reply and just watched as Luke wiped his dripping nose, smearing the tears that were rolling down his face with the snot beginning to drip out of his nose. Padmé stood up, taking a step only for the boy to instantly run over gripping her pristine white pants and most likely getting more snot and tears on them. ”I love you!“ He shouted abruptly as Leia cautiously walked over to hug her beside him. She stared up at her mother with dark brown eyes that looked black in the dim light of the rebel base. The gleam of tears made them both look like a galaxy of stars. ”I'll be back.“ Padmé told them both, patting the girl's head and brushing back her dark brown hair. The five year old's face scrunched up as she snapped back. ”You better!"
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey. The planet's progress was oversaw by Darth Vader, with unreasonable production quotas that were impossible to meet and grim punishments.
Oh noooooo I hope Padmé's plan doesn't go horribly wrong . . .
“Why is the Empire so worried about keeping this place secure?” Padmé asked sternly as she glanced between the two of them. Bail however shook his head already brushing aside her question, “They are most likely building weapons. It's not that unusual for the Empire. We know that they are by no means afraid of using force to get what they want.” She shook her head flatly, not convinced at the reasoning. “Did you not recently tell me that the Emperor has already proclaimed that his Empire is stable and has no worries of rebels, there would be no use for this many weapons if that was true. And even if he was concerned- three Empires wouldn't know what to do with the amount of weapons they could be making on Riosa.” Bail and Mon both glanced at each other, holding each others gaze for a long moment which gave her hope that they were considering her words. “You want us to send someone to pilots attack?” Mon finally asked, voice tight. “We don't even have enough people apart of the cause as it is . . . we can't possibly-” Padmé quickly cut her off before she could finish. “No- no! Not an attack. That would be impossible. It would be a stealth mission. We would need someone inconspicuous who could plan a scouting misson of sorts.” She stated. “We need to know what we are dealing with . . . ”
Bail's mouth twisted slightly as though amused. “I see . . . and I suppose you know just the person for the mission?” Padmé blinked in suprise, “Oh- well . . . I mean I only thought of this moments ago. Why, do you know of someone?” Mon sighed loudly, apparently already knowing what Bail was going to say. “I suppose you believe you are fit for the job?” She asked raising an eyebrow at Padmé who had to do a double take with shock. “You would actually approve of the mission?” She asked skeptically. It had only been ten minutes or so earlier when the women had protested so strongly agaisnt Bail's idea, she hadn't truly expected for the senetor to take a liking to hers. Mon pursed her lips in deep thought as she watched Padmé carefully for a long moment. Her hands twitched slightly before she finally leaned closer. "Are you sure you'd even want to do this? Even with Luke and Leia?“ The women finally asked quietly. Padmé hesitated as she took the moment to think of what she was suggesting. The Empire may be secure but she had been on hundreds of missions in her life. She was confident in being able to handle one simple scouting misson. Perhaps she wouldn't even have to get out of the ship! Besides she already worried for the twin's safety daily it didn't matter if she was there or not. Obi-Wan always spoke of strange people on the hunt for remaining Jedi and force sensitives. Those he had spoken to described them as frightening servants of the Dark Side. Who knows what would happen if someone were to find out the truth about the twins- words spread like fire even out on their mostly desolate little inner rim planet. Who knew that such horrible creatures of Empire would do if they caught wind?
She knew Bail was more than capable of handling the children. Besides she was doing this for them. ”Especially with Luke and Leia.“ She finally replied with a soft smile. Mon must understand being a mother herself. ”And . . . Bail and Breha have already proved to be excellent babysitters!“ She added in a praiseful smile. Bail shook his head glancing to the ground but she saw a smile on his face along with another- slightly wistful expression. Mon let out yet another long sigh. ”We'll need to plan things out over the next few days.“ She reminded them both. ”I have to get back to Chandrila but please update me.“ Padmé nodded quickly. ”Of course.“ She promised. The sentor nodded solemnly, continuing on her way down the hall. Bail glanced to Padmé. ”You really aren't going to let this one go are you?“ He asked in a slightly tired yet gentle tone. Padmé turned to look at him returning the same tone of voice. ”It's time to take a leap of faith for once.“
Padmé was already regretting her decision. She sat back on the heels of her boots, hugging Luke as she had been for the last five minutes and still the boy refused to let go. She had made sure to change into one of her least ornate jackets which was a pale grey-blue matching the blue ribbon weaving through her single braid that remained flung over one shoulder. Luke let out one single pitiful whimper as he reached up trying to tug on the braid but was unsucessful as she flipped it to the other shoulder. It had taken only a couple days of planning, to find a pilot and the right day to go but they had done it.
”Bu- . . .but your coming back right?“ He asked as Padmé stroked his golden-blonde hair. She nodded quickly, ”Of course! I'll always come back.“ Luke's bottom lip began to tremble. ”Tomorrow?“ Padmé paused searching for the right words. ”Hopefully tomorrow . . .“ She finally settled on. Leia crossed her arms, eyes shiny and filled to the brim with tears. ”I don't know why you have to leave!“ She exclaimed flopping onto the ground, arms still crossed. Padmé let go of Luke to kneel down to his twin sister. ”I'll be back so fast you won't even realize I was gone. I'm just going with some people to look at a planet and then we'll be right back.“ She explained. Of course that was a highly simplified version but the five year olds didn't need to know that.
Leia didn't reply and just watched as Luke wiped his dripping nose, smearing the tears that were rolling down his face with the snot beginning to drip out of his nose. Padmé stood up, taking a step only for the boy to instantly run over gripping her pristine white pants and most likely getting more snot and tears on them. ”I love you!“ He shouted abruptly as Leia cautiously walked over to hug her beside him. She stared up at her mother with dark brown eyes that looked black in the dim light of the rebel base. The gleam of tears made them both look like a galaxy of stars. ”I'll be back.“ Padmé told them both, patting the girl's head and brushing back her dark brown hair. The five year old's face scrunched up as she snapped back. ”You better!"
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey. The planet's progress was oversaw by Darth Vader, with unreasonable production quotas that were impossible to meet and grim punishments.
Oh noooooo I hope Padmé's plan doesn't go horribly wrong . . .

Last edited by basilbread-- (April 12, 2024 22:46:30)
- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
﹙☆﹚﹙ chapter 3 ﹚- in which riosa prepares for a visitor as an unexpected one arrives
Riosa had been annexed soon after the birth of the Empire. The Empire moved swiftly- like a great snake, slithering in with it's darkness and destruction. And, like a snake it was slowly strangling Riosa of everything. It's people, it's resources, it's hope. However, today was more dreadful then most days because Riosa was preparing for a visitor. His visits always seemed abrupt and sudden with neither rhyme nor reason to them. This time shockingly enough they had been told by Ellison Casterfo the news of the Dark Lord's visit. The blonde-haired man had been rushing around with a tense nervousness to his movements. His already pale skin looked even paler than usual, completely devoid of any colour. It was common knowledge that the so called ‘visits’ were more or else long drawn out threats rather than true ‘visits.’ The Empire didn't care what it took only that they got what they wanted in the time they wanted. And the time they wanted it was nothing less of impossible.
These factors made it all the while more surprising to still see Ellison the next morning, acting as though nothing had happened. Some could still remember the days before they realized what was truly afoot. “Although these first three meetings have not gone . . . as anticipated-” Ellison had admitted to his associates back during that first year, “I am naturally a businessman as you know. So there is no reason to worry, I will gain control of the situation.” Everyone at the time had been satisfied with that answer. That was until suddenly things started to change. Stormtroopers swarmed the planet, and unknown ships imperial ships docked in their bays. Working shifts suddenly became ceaseless, breaks slowly forbidden, and the sense of overbearingness had soon grown into inescapable oppression. Riosa was no longer their home it was their prison.
'Gain control of situation?' Were those not Ellison's words. Despite them being full of such conviction and the people full of such hope that hope faded away quickly. The people of Riosa now laughed at the statement that was a distent memory of almost over four years ago. Why did Ellison Casterfo twiddle his thumb's with anxiety if he had control? Why could Ellison Casterfo be seen dragging on his farewells to his wife as though they might be his last if he was as confident as he stated he was? Why did things always seem to be getting worse? No, Ellison Casterfo had lied and they were all liars for lying to themselves back when they believed him.
“Lord Vader has arrived.” The trooper at the door told the blonde haired man who stood overlooking the progress of his people below. The people who he had promised to protect. The people he had failed. Ellison nodded vacantly, “I shall be down in a moment.”
Padmé watched as they left hyperspace. She sat legs crossed and hands fidgeting slightly as she picked at one of her nails. All she had wanted to do was help the alliance and the last five years had been such a change- she had been so used to taking action during the Clone Wars and now they had no such luxury. Running a hand over the blue fabric of her ribbon she frowned slightly as she eyed the planet they had arrived at. It seemed small and dull, even the stars surrounding it seemed to refuse to shine. “It seems we have company!” She told them squinting out at the ship looming over the planet. “Is that . . . ” The man beside Padmé began, leaning forward to try to get a better look.
“A- . . . Star Destroyer?” Padmé mummbled, more to herself than anyone else as her brow furrowed. “Not just any- an SSD.” The pilot replied, hands tightly clasping the ship's controls as though prepared to bolt. “But I thought those were warships, why would one be here?” She asked. The women shrugged, “I don't know but I don't want to stay to find out. Either one of you goes down there and checks things out or we leave.” The four rebels turned to Padmé with prying eyes. The man beside her scowled, “Naomi! You can't honestly think that's a good idea to stay?” He asked the pilot. “We have no idea what's going on here. For all we know, the ship could always be here for some reason. Maybe they are loading it with something?” She replied giving a small shrug despite her sharp eyes quickly glancing back outside. The man shook his head. “No. We are going back to tell Bail.” He snapped, glancing at the other two rebels for help but Padmé couldn't take her eyes of the planet. “I think we should all go.” Mumbled the quiet man in the back of the ship, his low voice made everyone strain to hear his suggestion. “We are not all going!” The first man shot back raising his voice. Naomi twisted around to look at Padmé face to face. “It's your choice.” She told her softly, “But we need to decide quickly before they pick up on our ship.” Her voice was steady and dark brown eyes bore into Padmé's lighter ones.
Padmé had made some very hard decisions in her life, she had made difficult choices as queen and grueling ones as senetor. She should have thought it over more. She should have thought of the pros and cons. She should have thought about Luke and Leia. She should have thought about Bail and Mon. And yet something came over her that told her she had to go, that it was meant to be. They had came all the way here and they would not report back to Bail with nothing. Padmé suprised everyone including herself when she found her mouth opening and heard the words “I'll go down” confidently exit them. Her mind was made up, her fate was now written in the stars- in the hands of the force.
Ellison Casterfo - the father of Ransolm Casterfo and was in charge of reporting to Vader. His first name was not stated in the book “Bloodlines” so I just gave him one :'3
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey.
There is very little information on the planet of Riosa and stuff so I'm just doing the best ok T0T
Riosa had been annexed soon after the birth of the Empire. The Empire moved swiftly- like a great snake, slithering in with it's darkness and destruction. And, like a snake it was slowly strangling Riosa of everything. It's people, it's resources, it's hope. However, today was more dreadful then most days because Riosa was preparing for a visitor. His visits always seemed abrupt and sudden with neither rhyme nor reason to them. This time shockingly enough they had been told by Ellison Casterfo the news of the Dark Lord's visit. The blonde-haired man had been rushing around with a tense nervousness to his movements. His already pale skin looked even paler than usual, completely devoid of any colour. It was common knowledge that the so called ‘visits’ were more or else long drawn out threats rather than true ‘visits.’ The Empire didn't care what it took only that they got what they wanted in the time they wanted. And the time they wanted it was nothing less of impossible.
These factors made it all the while more surprising to still see Ellison the next morning, acting as though nothing had happened. Some could still remember the days before they realized what was truly afoot. “Although these first three meetings have not gone . . . as anticipated-” Ellison had admitted to his associates back during that first year, “I am naturally a businessman as you know. So there is no reason to worry, I will gain control of the situation.” Everyone at the time had been satisfied with that answer. That was until suddenly things started to change. Stormtroopers swarmed the planet, and unknown ships imperial ships docked in their bays. Working shifts suddenly became ceaseless, breaks slowly forbidden, and the sense of overbearingness had soon grown into inescapable oppression. Riosa was no longer their home it was their prison.
'Gain control of situation?' Were those not Ellison's words. Despite them being full of such conviction and the people full of such hope that hope faded away quickly. The people of Riosa now laughed at the statement that was a distent memory of almost over four years ago. Why did Ellison Casterfo twiddle his thumb's with anxiety if he had control? Why could Ellison Casterfo be seen dragging on his farewells to his wife as though they might be his last if he was as confident as he stated he was? Why did things always seem to be getting worse? No, Ellison Casterfo had lied and they were all liars for lying to themselves back when they believed him.
“Lord Vader has arrived.” The trooper at the door told the blonde haired man who stood overlooking the progress of his people below. The people who he had promised to protect. The people he had failed. Ellison nodded vacantly, “I shall be down in a moment.”
Padmé watched as they left hyperspace. She sat legs crossed and hands fidgeting slightly as she picked at one of her nails. All she had wanted to do was help the alliance and the last five years had been such a change- she had been so used to taking action during the Clone Wars and now they had no such luxury. Running a hand over the blue fabric of her ribbon she frowned slightly as she eyed the planet they had arrived at. It seemed small and dull, even the stars surrounding it seemed to refuse to shine. “It seems we have company!” She told them squinting out at the ship looming over the planet. “Is that . . . ” The man beside Padmé began, leaning forward to try to get a better look.
“A- . . . Star Destroyer?” Padmé mummbled, more to herself than anyone else as her brow furrowed. “Not just any- an SSD.” The pilot replied, hands tightly clasping the ship's controls as though prepared to bolt. “But I thought those were warships, why would one be here?” She asked. The women shrugged, “I don't know but I don't want to stay to find out. Either one of you goes down there and checks things out or we leave.” The four rebels turned to Padmé with prying eyes. The man beside her scowled, “Naomi! You can't honestly think that's a good idea to stay?” He asked the pilot. “We have no idea what's going on here. For all we know, the ship could always be here for some reason. Maybe they are loading it with something?” She replied giving a small shrug despite her sharp eyes quickly glancing back outside. The man shook his head. “No. We are going back to tell Bail.” He snapped, glancing at the other two rebels for help but Padmé couldn't take her eyes of the planet. “I think we should all go.” Mumbled the quiet man in the back of the ship, his low voice made everyone strain to hear his suggestion. “We are not all going!” The first man shot back raising his voice. Naomi twisted around to look at Padmé face to face. “It's your choice.” She told her softly, “But we need to decide quickly before they pick up on our ship.” Her voice was steady and dark brown eyes bore into Padmé's lighter ones.
Padmé had made some very hard decisions in her life, she had made difficult choices as queen and grueling ones as senetor. She should have thought it over more. She should have thought of the pros and cons. She should have thought about Luke and Leia. She should have thought about Bail and Mon. And yet something came over her that told her she had to go, that it was meant to be. They had came all the way here and they would not report back to Bail with nothing. Padmé suprised everyone including herself when she found her mouth opening and heard the words “I'll go down” confidently exit them. Her mind was made up, her fate was now written in the stars- in the hands of the force.
Ellison Casterfo - the father of Ransolm Casterfo and was in charge of reporting to Vader. His first name was not stated in the book “Bloodlines” so I just gave him one :'3
Riosa - The planet Riosa is a reference to the book “Bloodlines” by Claudia Grey.
There is very little information on the planet of Riosa and stuff so I'm just doing the best ok T0T
- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
﹙☆﹚﹙ chapter 4 ﹚- Across the ̶s̶̶t̶̶a̶̶r̶̶s̶ glass
As soon as she dropped down from one of the vents, entering the building a chill went down her spine. Padmé glanced around quickly, the hallways remained empty. ‘Where is everyone?’ She wondered. She had seen a few stormtroopers but it was nothing she couldn't solve by going down a different hall. It almost seemed as though- ‘They aren’t trying to keep people off the planet' . . . She walked to a window, peering outside. All of the troopers were surrounding the building thickly yet few remained inside. ‘They are trying to keep people . . . in.’ The realization only added the eerie mood of the planet. It seemed as though they were trying to keep the people off ‘Imperial’ ground. That- or trying to appear more impressive to someone, looking as though they had more troopers than they truly did perhaps? But who would they be impressing? She had so many questions and was gaining more by the second. It was also strange- yet a relief, that no one had spotted their ship. It was lucky. Too lucky in fact . . . Naomi was a wonderful pilot but the whole situation rubbed Padmé the wrong way. Either it was a trap or they were too busy with the Super Star Destroyer. She could only pray to the Force that it was the second one.
She walked through another hallway only to find nothing. As she turned through another winding stretch of grey walls and even plainer floors she finally heard footsteps. ‘So much for empty.’ Her heart quickened it's pace but she had been on enough missions as queen and senator to be able to react quickly. She wouldn't be able to make it down the hallway in time before the figure turned the corner to see her and there was no doors or closer connecting hallways. No way to go- ‘Other then up.’ She thought to herself, eyeing the ceiling panels above her. Grabbing her elegant ELG-3A blaster pistol from her boot she quickly shot each of the four edges of the panel. She held out her hands as it fell, awkwardly catching it to avoid causing even more noise. Shifting her grip as to not drop her blaster, she carefully set the panel down when- “Hey! What are you doing?” A stormtrooper called out. Her first instinct was to run but that was an easy way to get shot, the hallway was too narrow and they were too close for him to not miss. The stormtrooper quickly began to move closer, blaster rifle in hand. “Set your weapon down.” He barked frantically. Padmé watched him carefully as she slowly lowered her arm, setting her blaster on the floor. As soon as it touched the floor he motioned to her with his blaster, now only a foot away. “On the ground.” He snapped. She slowly sank to her knees remaining silent, placing her hands up and then behind her head. The stormtrooper waited a moment before moving away slightly, he seemed like he was pacing as he moved back and forth from one side of the hallway to the other. He seemed to be very hesitant to report. ‘How odd. One would think every trooper would know the protocol for a trespasser here.’ She thought. Eventually he reported over his helmet. “A trespasser has been found at my current location. Level 9, hallway 032.”
Afterward he turned to her, stomping over moodily. “Of course this had to happen today.” He grumbled shaking his head. Padmé tilted her head. “What's today?” She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. “That's none your business rebel scum.” The trooper spat threateningly lifting his blaster in her direction. "I'm not going to get in trouble because of you. I was told everything was supposed to be perfect for Lord Vader's visit. And here you are trying to mess things up! That's what you want isn't it?!“ He shouted, sounding more like a madman every moment. Padmé shook her head instantly. ”I wasn't trying to do anything.“ She protested calmly, eyeing her blaster still on the ground- he still hadn't picked it up. ‘Wait- hold on a second- who was visiting?’ She paused, distracted from her thoughts of escape. That couldn't possibly be true. Wasn't Vader, if that's even who the man said- the Emperor's leading military man? Padmé tried to rack her brain on the information Bail had told her a year or two ago. All she knew is that the man- if he was man at all and not the so called monstrous machine that Bail had describe- was that he was a mystery. Bail hadn't even seen him, he had just heard from others in the Imperial Senate. If the Emperor's right hand man is here . . . ‘I was right!’ She exclaimed to herself, allowing herself a small amount of pride. ‘There is really something big going on here.’ The excitement was short-lived however as stress swelled again. ‘Oh my stars . . . If Emperor’s right hand man I've got to get out of here. . . We all do.'
With a burst of adrenaline she snatched her blaster, shot and stood up in the same motion. She hit the edge of the man's helmet, as he stumbled backwards she set the blaster to stun and shot twice, hitting him squarely in the chest. With that- she ran. ‘But first I’ve got to find out what's going on.'
Padmé sprinted down the halls glancing around to try to differentiate them but found herself feeling more and more lost by the second. Everything looked the same. Grey with more grey with more grey. She turned down the next hall and breathed out a wheezing breath she let herself have a small pause. ‘Oh look- it’s more grey.' She thought humorously brushing her hair back away from her face. ‘They could really use a-’ Glancing up she realized with shock that the grey walls next to her has faded away to glass or possibly transparisteel. Her next words came out in a hushed shocked whisper aloud. ”Oh my- . . ."
Below her through the glass, was hundreds of people upon people working in an assembly line of sorts. ‘Well I guess I found where everyone is.’ She stood mesmerized. The sounds of scrapping and clanking could be heard even through the thick glass. She realized the building was circular and connected to observe the happenings below with ease from all sides, she was standing in a large ring that was above the circular work area below. From so far above the people below looked like tiny little ants. Some moved hurriedly around their station with a youthful energy only stopping to rub at a tired wrist or wipe their hair from their eyes while others moved slower. The slow ones moved on shaky tired legs that seemed to be fully prepared to give out on them at a moment's notice. Their backs were hunched down and they seemed far more weary and weak, more beaten down by the galaxy than the others. In the very far left corner of the circle below a man abruptly collapsed. Padmé inched forward, desperately wanting to help but unable to. A stormtrooper wasted no time in hustling over, waving his blaster and kicking harshly at the man. Despite this the man remained unmoving. ‘Was he . . .?’ The trooper finally grabbed him in annoyance, the deathly thin worker looked as though he weighed nothing as he was dragged away out of her sight. Padmé's breath steamed the glass as she stared watching shaikly. The shaking didn't quite reach her bones but it remained in her heart. She stood only an inch away from the glass as she peered down watching black steam leak into the air, poisoning it.
As her eyes lifted to follow the black smoke something else caught her eye. Her heart stopped when she looked directly across from her. It felt like something out of a nightmare. She looked across to the other side of their circular watching place, to where another figure was watching the action below from. He stood out like a gaping wound against the light grey and white of the building, wearing jet black armor the same colour as the drifting smoke. Despite being around 200 feet away, she still could tell when the black helmet lifted up. She could still tell when it tilted from below- to her.
As soon as she dropped down from one of the vents, entering the building a chill went down her spine. Padmé glanced around quickly, the hallways remained empty. ‘Where is everyone?’ She wondered. She had seen a few stormtroopers but it was nothing she couldn't solve by going down a different hall. It almost seemed as though- ‘They aren’t trying to keep people off the planet' . . . She walked to a window, peering outside. All of the troopers were surrounding the building thickly yet few remained inside. ‘They are trying to keep people . . . in.’ The realization only added the eerie mood of the planet. It seemed as though they were trying to keep the people off ‘Imperial’ ground. That- or trying to appear more impressive to someone, looking as though they had more troopers than they truly did perhaps? But who would they be impressing? She had so many questions and was gaining more by the second. It was also strange- yet a relief, that no one had spotted their ship. It was lucky. Too lucky in fact . . . Naomi was a wonderful pilot but the whole situation rubbed Padmé the wrong way. Either it was a trap or they were too busy with the Super Star Destroyer. She could only pray to the Force that it was the second one.
She walked through another hallway only to find nothing. As she turned through another winding stretch of grey walls and even plainer floors she finally heard footsteps. ‘So much for empty.’ Her heart quickened it's pace but she had been on enough missions as queen and senator to be able to react quickly. She wouldn't be able to make it down the hallway in time before the figure turned the corner to see her and there was no doors or closer connecting hallways. No way to go- ‘Other then up.’ She thought to herself, eyeing the ceiling panels above her. Grabbing her elegant ELG-3A blaster pistol from her boot she quickly shot each of the four edges of the panel. She held out her hands as it fell, awkwardly catching it to avoid causing even more noise. Shifting her grip as to not drop her blaster, she carefully set the panel down when- “Hey! What are you doing?” A stormtrooper called out. Her first instinct was to run but that was an easy way to get shot, the hallway was too narrow and they were too close for him to not miss. The stormtrooper quickly began to move closer, blaster rifle in hand. “Set your weapon down.” He barked frantically. Padmé watched him carefully as she slowly lowered her arm, setting her blaster on the floor. As soon as it touched the floor he motioned to her with his blaster, now only a foot away. “On the ground.” He snapped. She slowly sank to her knees remaining silent, placing her hands up and then behind her head. The stormtrooper waited a moment before moving away slightly, he seemed like he was pacing as he moved back and forth from one side of the hallway to the other. He seemed to be very hesitant to report. ‘How odd. One would think every trooper would know the protocol for a trespasser here.’ She thought. Eventually he reported over his helmet. “A trespasser has been found at my current location. Level 9, hallway 032.”
Afterward he turned to her, stomping over moodily. “Of course this had to happen today.” He grumbled shaking his head. Padmé tilted her head. “What's today?” She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. “That's none your business rebel scum.” The trooper spat threateningly lifting his blaster in her direction. "I'm not going to get in trouble because of you. I was told everything was supposed to be perfect for Lord Vader's visit. And here you are trying to mess things up! That's what you want isn't it?!“ He shouted, sounding more like a madman every moment. Padmé shook her head instantly. ”I wasn't trying to do anything.“ She protested calmly, eyeing her blaster still on the ground- he still hadn't picked it up. ‘Wait- hold on a second- who was visiting?’ She paused, distracted from her thoughts of escape. That couldn't possibly be true. Wasn't Vader, if that's even who the man said- the Emperor's leading military man? Padmé tried to rack her brain on the information Bail had told her a year or two ago. All she knew is that the man- if he was man at all and not the so called monstrous machine that Bail had describe- was that he was a mystery. Bail hadn't even seen him, he had just heard from others in the Imperial Senate. If the Emperor's right hand man is here . . . ‘I was right!’ She exclaimed to herself, allowing herself a small amount of pride. ‘There is really something big going on here.’ The excitement was short-lived however as stress swelled again. ‘Oh my stars . . . If Emperor’s right hand man I've got to get out of here. . . We all do.'
With a burst of adrenaline she snatched her blaster, shot and stood up in the same motion. She hit the edge of the man's helmet, as he stumbled backwards she set the blaster to stun and shot twice, hitting him squarely in the chest. With that- she ran. ‘But first I’ve got to find out what's going on.'
Padmé sprinted down the halls glancing around to try to differentiate them but found herself feeling more and more lost by the second. Everything looked the same. Grey with more grey with more grey. She turned down the next hall and breathed out a wheezing breath she let herself have a small pause. ‘Oh look- it’s more grey.' She thought humorously brushing her hair back away from her face. ‘They could really use a-’ Glancing up she realized with shock that the grey walls next to her has faded away to glass or possibly transparisteel. Her next words came out in a hushed shocked whisper aloud. ”Oh my- . . ."
Below her through the glass, was hundreds of people upon people working in an assembly line of sorts. ‘Well I guess I found where everyone is.’ She stood mesmerized. The sounds of scrapping and clanking could be heard even through the thick glass. She realized the building was circular and connected to observe the happenings below with ease from all sides, she was standing in a large ring that was above the circular work area below. From so far above the people below looked like tiny little ants. Some moved hurriedly around their station with a youthful energy only stopping to rub at a tired wrist or wipe their hair from their eyes while others moved slower. The slow ones moved on shaky tired legs that seemed to be fully prepared to give out on them at a moment's notice. Their backs were hunched down and they seemed far more weary and weak, more beaten down by the galaxy than the others. In the very far left corner of the circle below a man abruptly collapsed. Padmé inched forward, desperately wanting to help but unable to. A stormtrooper wasted no time in hustling over, waving his blaster and kicking harshly at the man. Despite this the man remained unmoving. ‘Was he . . .?’ The trooper finally grabbed him in annoyance, the deathly thin worker looked as though he weighed nothing as he was dragged away out of her sight. Padmé's breath steamed the glass as she stared watching shaikly. The shaking didn't quite reach her bones but it remained in her heart. She stood only an inch away from the glass as she peered down watching black steam leak into the air, poisoning it.
As her eyes lifted to follow the black smoke something else caught her eye. Her heart stopped when she looked directly across from her. It felt like something out of a nightmare. She looked across to the other side of their circular watching place, to where another figure was watching the action below from. He stood out like a gaping wound against the light grey and white of the building, wearing jet black armor the same colour as the drifting smoke. Despite being around 200 feet away, she still could tell when the black helmet lifted up. She could still tell when it tilted from below- to her.
- basilbread--
8 posts
❛❛Delicate❜❜ || Star Wars fanfic AU
﹙ chapter 5 ﹚- Pursued
Padmé wondered if she was imagining it. If perhaps she was jumping to conclusions. If perhaps it wasn't who she thought it was. If perhaps he hadn't noticed her. She inched away, taking a step away from the glass. The dark figure didn't move, remaining as still as a statue. Was she going insane? Was adrenaline blurring her thoughts and scattering them, preventing coherence? Padmé inhaled sharply, once- twice. ‘Move.’ Some part of her urged. She took a larger step away from the glass. She crept to the backwards and towards the left slightly, the way back to where she had came from. There may be a stunned stormtrooper still in those halls but she'd rather be found by a trooper than the thing across the glass- Emperor's attack dog or not.
She watched the figure, waiting for something. Some kind of response to her but she got none. And that was far more eerie than anything she could have imagined. An entire army would have been less frightening. She found herself dragging a hand through her hair, pushing the hair out of her eyes. It felt like some sort of social experiment or psychotic test. A test of what she didn't know. It felt like she was going mad. ‘Had he even moved in the first place? Was he even looking at her at all?’ It had only been a few seconds and yet it felt like she had been standing there for hours. And an even better question yet- 'Why am I still standing here?' Padmé rushed backwards, the rush the leave catching up with her. Keeping her eyes trained on the shadow.
No movement.
No reaction.
Padmé finally exhaled the breath she realized she had been holding. She turned her back away from the glass. Moving towards the hall she told herself to not look back. ‘Don’t look back.' She kept walking. ‘Don’t look back.' Her eyes strayed to behind her. ‘Don’t look-' Why was he so much closer? She couldn't be imagining it- could she? He was closer. He had moved when she had turned away. She looked up- to in front of her. The hall was about ten steps away. Apparently it had been a mistake to look away. This time he hadn't bothered to keep up the act of playing statue. He was moving alright- right towards her, the dark mask not leaving her face. Her pulse started to rise as she felt frozen, feet nailed to the ground. Her eyes felt slightly blurry as she watched frantically. The black cape seemed to spread out across the floor like seeping oil- like the smoke from below. It seemed impossible. Impossible to be on the same floor. Impossible to come into contact. But as she watched him walk around the circular building, seeing every step he made through the glass. Those steps that would eventually lead him to her- it finally settled into her mind . . . it was.
Padmé turned away from the glass and broke into a sprint, trance finally broken.
She raced down the hallway forgotten thoughts resurfaced in her mind, ‘what about the getaway ship?’ Was the pilot still waiting for her? Or had they realized the danger they were in and leave? Padmé knew they had to leave if she was right- if what the stormtrooper had said was true. If it was the man Bail had called Vader. ‘But . . . I’ve made it this far and if they left, I could find a ship and use it.' Even to her she knew her thoughts were distracted and unfocused. Not her most logical state of mind. ‘Not my best plan either,’ she thought but she had too much adrenaline rushing through her to care. She circled around to the outer hallways, hoping one would led back to where she had began. It seemed absurd to think that she could have been followed. The building was a maze of corridors, more scattered then her thoughts.
Padmé slowed her sprint to just a slight jog at some point trying to listen. She couldn't hear anything. Feeling suspicious of the possible false sense of security she finally slowed her jog to a stop. She stood there for a long moment listening. She reached into her boot and pulled out her blaster and wandered through the hall now at a walking pace. A small screeching noise sounded and she flinched. Whirling around she fired her blaster. A mark was left on the wall. There was . . . nothing there. Her cheeks flushed slightly. Here she was standing here in an empty hallway with not a person in sight, not sound to be heard. ‘What am even doing at this point?’
Now in the bright, empty hallways it felt impossible for such darkness to be around. It felt like walking up from a bad dream to the safe comfort of your bed. She walked over to the nearest door trying to open it and frowning when seeing that you needed a passcode to get in. She tried to open it a second time before caving in and shooting the control panel opening the door. As she began to take a step inside the room she heard something faint. Padmé glanced backwards to the way she had came. It almost sounded like breathing but also somehow . . . didn't. It was far too automatic sounding with each breath the same distance from the last. She shook her head sharply to scold herself- she was becoming far too jumpy. Closing her eyes for a moment, she paused taking a steading breath before opening the door.
The room was all but empty. The only things in it was a large holomap and cabinets along the walls that needed passcodes to get in. With a sigh she leaned back on her heels. Some misson this had been- she couldn't return back to base with more questions then answers. Bail and Mon were already worried about her, clearly they didn't fully trust her perception. Padmé walked over to eye the holomap that sat on the table, illuminating that side of the room. It seemed to show a geography of the planet. She glanced with annoyence to the ceiling light that despite not even being on made a small noise. She didn't hear footsteps approaching the room, she didn't hear the mechanical breathing along with it. She didn't see the shadow fall upon her and only looked up when suddenly the floor creaked.
Padmé wondered if she was imagining it. If perhaps she was jumping to conclusions. If perhaps it wasn't who she thought it was. If perhaps he hadn't noticed her. She inched away, taking a step away from the glass. The dark figure didn't move, remaining as still as a statue. Was she going insane? Was adrenaline blurring her thoughts and scattering them, preventing coherence? Padmé inhaled sharply, once- twice. ‘Move.’ Some part of her urged. She took a larger step away from the glass. She crept to the backwards and towards the left slightly, the way back to where she had came from. There may be a stunned stormtrooper still in those halls but she'd rather be found by a trooper than the thing across the glass- Emperor's attack dog or not.
She watched the figure, waiting for something. Some kind of response to her but she got none. And that was far more eerie than anything she could have imagined. An entire army would have been less frightening. She found herself dragging a hand through her hair, pushing the hair out of her eyes. It felt like some sort of social experiment or psychotic test. A test of what she didn't know. It felt like she was going mad. ‘Had he even moved in the first place? Was he even looking at her at all?’ It had only been a few seconds and yet it felt like she had been standing there for hours. And an even better question yet- 'Why am I still standing here?' Padmé rushed backwards, the rush the leave catching up with her. Keeping her eyes trained on the shadow.
No movement.
No reaction.
Padmé finally exhaled the breath she realized she had been holding. She turned her back away from the glass. Moving towards the hall she told herself to not look back. ‘Don’t look back.' She kept walking. ‘Don’t look back.' Her eyes strayed to behind her. ‘Don’t look-' Why was he so much closer? She couldn't be imagining it- could she? He was closer. He had moved when she had turned away. She looked up- to in front of her. The hall was about ten steps away. Apparently it had been a mistake to look away. This time he hadn't bothered to keep up the act of playing statue. He was moving alright- right towards her, the dark mask not leaving her face. Her pulse started to rise as she felt frozen, feet nailed to the ground. Her eyes felt slightly blurry as she watched frantically. The black cape seemed to spread out across the floor like seeping oil- like the smoke from below. It seemed impossible. Impossible to be on the same floor. Impossible to come into contact. But as she watched him walk around the circular building, seeing every step he made through the glass. Those steps that would eventually lead him to her- it finally settled into her mind . . . it was.
Padmé turned away from the glass and broke into a sprint, trance finally broken.
She raced down the hallway forgotten thoughts resurfaced in her mind, ‘what about the getaway ship?’ Was the pilot still waiting for her? Or had they realized the danger they were in and leave? Padmé knew they had to leave if she was right- if what the stormtrooper had said was true. If it was the man Bail had called Vader. ‘But . . . I’ve made it this far and if they left, I could find a ship and use it.' Even to her she knew her thoughts were distracted and unfocused. Not her most logical state of mind. ‘Not my best plan either,’ she thought but she had too much adrenaline rushing through her to care. She circled around to the outer hallways, hoping one would led back to where she had began. It seemed absurd to think that she could have been followed. The building was a maze of corridors, more scattered then her thoughts.
Padmé slowed her sprint to just a slight jog at some point trying to listen. She couldn't hear anything. Feeling suspicious of the possible false sense of security she finally slowed her jog to a stop. She stood there for a long moment listening. She reached into her boot and pulled out her blaster and wandered through the hall now at a walking pace. A small screeching noise sounded and she flinched. Whirling around she fired her blaster. A mark was left on the wall. There was . . . nothing there. Her cheeks flushed slightly. Here she was standing here in an empty hallway with not a person in sight, not sound to be heard. ‘What am even doing at this point?’
Now in the bright, empty hallways it felt impossible for such darkness to be around. It felt like walking up from a bad dream to the safe comfort of your bed. She walked over to the nearest door trying to open it and frowning when seeing that you needed a passcode to get in. She tried to open it a second time before caving in and shooting the control panel opening the door. As she began to take a step inside the room she heard something faint. Padmé glanced backwards to the way she had came. It almost sounded like breathing but also somehow . . . didn't. It was far too automatic sounding with each breath the same distance from the last. She shook her head sharply to scold herself- she was becoming far too jumpy. Closing her eyes for a moment, she paused taking a steading breath before opening the door.
The room was all but empty. The only things in it was a large holomap and cabinets along the walls that needed passcodes to get in. With a sigh she leaned back on her heels. Some misson this had been- she couldn't return back to base with more questions then answers. Bail and Mon were already worried about her, clearly they didn't fully trust her perception. Padmé walked over to eye the holomap that sat on the table, illuminating that side of the room. It seemed to show a geography of the planet. She glanced with annoyence to the ceiling light that despite not even being on made a small noise. She didn't hear footsteps approaching the room, she didn't hear the mechanical breathing along with it. She didn't see the shadow fall upon her and only looked up when suddenly the floor creaked.
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