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Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

the ST go out of their way to make announcements for Pi Day, Black History Month, and Pride Month, but doesn't make one for other months like Women's History Month or Hispanic History Month. Why is Pi Day more important than Women's History Month? It's not that I don't think Pi Day should be acknowledged, especially since this is a coding based website, but it just seems strange and inconsistent which holidays and months the ST acknowledges through announcements.

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

1000+ posts

Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

Well I mean there's lots of honorary months. Pi Day relates strongly to coding, and the ST can't pick them all.

One could argue that Pride and BLM is much, much, more argued and debated in the USA than women's rights etc. (Not to say it's not important - it is - it's just not a huge topic of discussion, at least in my region of the US, which makes sense based off of this after second thought)

<Scratch Wikian // 2000+ Edits | Forum Helper // 7000+ Posts | Scratcher // 530+ Followers>

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Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

This was answered on your suggestion from a month ago:

cheddargirl wrote:

I'm gonna run under the assumption that the way the thread is titled is unintentional bad wording instead of a means to be deceptive about the true nature of the suggestion - which is to have the Scratch Team post more forum threads and do less project/studio features, as the ST has done stuff for some of the other months mentioned.

Cat-out-of-the-bag: We sometimes use threads for certain holidays/events after finding that users with less than ideal values were harassing projects and studios we feature for that holiday/event. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment. Not all threads are for this purpose, but overall, a forum post shouldn't be thought of as more superior than a project/studio feature. It isn't, especially for a creative community where there is greater value is presenting stuff made by others.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

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1000+ posts

Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

Za-Chary wrote:

This was answered on your suggestion from a month ago:

cheddargirl wrote:

I'm gonna run under the assumption that the way the thread is titled is unintentional bad wording instead of a means to be deceptive about the true nature of the suggestion - which is to have the Scratch Team post more forum threads and do less project/studio features, as the ST has done stuff for some of the other months mentioned.

Cat-out-of-the-bag: We sometimes use threads for certain holidays/events after finding that users with less than ideal values were harassing projects and studios we feature for that holiday/event. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment. Not all threads are for this purpose, but overall, a forum post shouldn't be thought of as more superior than a project/studio feature. It isn't, especially for a creative community where there is greater value is presenting stuff made by others.
not really clear though, why would they make announcements for those events but not these ones? It's a strange inconsistency that she didn't explain

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

1000+ posts

Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

M1mikyu wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

This was answered on your suggestion from a month ago:

cheddargirl wrote:

I'm gonna run under the assumption that the way the thread is titled is unintentional bad wording instead of a means to be deceptive about the true nature of the suggestion - which is to have the Scratch Team post more forum threads and do less project/studio features, as the ST has done stuff for some of the other months mentioned.

Cat-out-of-the-bag: We sometimes use threads for certain holidays/events after finding that users with less than ideal values were harassing projects and studios we feature for that holiday/event. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment. Not all threads are for this purpose, but overall, a forum post shouldn't be thought of as more superior than a project/studio feature. It isn't, especially for a creative community where there is greater value is presenting stuff made by others.
not really clear though, why would they make announcements for those events but not these ones? It's a strange inconsistency that she didn't explain
Maybe people on the Scratch website are being racist and homophobic/transphobic more than misogynistic?

<Scratch Wikian // 2000+ Edits | Forum Helper // 7000+ Posts | Scratcher // 530+ Followers>

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Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

M1mikyu wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

This was answered on your suggestion from a month ago:
not really clear though, why would they make announcements for those events but not these ones? It's a strange inconsistency that she didn't explain
Sure she did. Here @cheddargirl implies that there was lots of harassment for certain types of events, presumably Pride Month and BLM specifically — and, presumably, this level of harassment was not present in female communities on Scratch:

cheddargirl wrote:

We sometimes use threads for certain holidays/events after finding that users with less than ideal values were harassing projects and studios we feature for that holiday/event. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment.
As for your specific question of “Why is Pi Day more important than Women's History Month?” — @cheddargirl also answers this, explaining that the existence of forum announcements does not correlate with the importance of an event:

cheddargirl wrote:

a forum post shouldn't be thought of as more superior than a project/studio feature. It isn't, especially for a creative community where there is greater value is presenting stuff made by others.

Last edited by Za-Chary (April 1, 2024 00:25:09)

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

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1000+ posts

Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

Za-Chary wrote:

M1mikyu wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

This was answered on your suggestion from a month ago:
not really clear though, why would they make announcements for those events but not these ones? It's a strange inconsistency that she didn't explain
Sure she did. Here @cheddargirl implies that there was lots of harassment for certain types of events, presumably Pride Month and BLM specifically — and, presumably, this level of harassment was not present in female communities on Scratch:

cheddargirl wrote:

We sometimes use threads for certain holidays/events after finding that users with less than ideal values were harassing projects and studios we feature for that holiday/event. Using a thread promoting project/studio creation around that topic deflects that harassment.
As for your specific question of “Why is Pi Day more important than Women's History Month?” — @cheddargirl also answers this, explaining that the existence of forum announcements does not correlate with the importance of an event:

cheddargirl wrote:

a forum post shouldn't be thought of as more superior than a project/studio feature. It isn't, especially for a creative community where there is greater value is presenting stuff made by others.
1- So this is implying that there’s harassment for Pi Day? Why do they announce Pi Day but not other holidays?

Additionally, I’ve seen lots of harassment towards disabled people, especially autistic folk (like myself), yet he ST hasn’t made an announcement for autism acceptance month. It really seems like their priorities are extremely biased. They claim to care about disabled people, yet they haven’t acknowledged autism acceptance month outside of featuring ONE project. If they want to deflect harassment towards oppressed people, they should do so for autistic people (not trying to be rude, it’s just as an autistic person I’ve experienced harassment and bullying my whole life and the fact that the ST has done very little to acknowledge autistic people is incredibly hurtful when they do a lot for black and LGBTQ people. I’m not against doing things for black and LGBTQ people, I’m a lesbian myself, but they should make posts for autistic people too. Especially since there are a LOT of autistic people on this site)

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

1000+ posts

Why does Scratch have an announcement for Pi Day but not Women's History Month?

M1mikyu wrote:

1- So this is implying that there’s harassment for Pi Day?
Nope. That part of the description only referred to Pride Month and BLM. Pi Day was announced to help spark an interest in mathematics.

M1mikyu wrote:

Why do they announce Pi Day but not other holidays?
Pi Day isn't really a “holiday.” One reason why they may make an announcement for Pi Day as opposed to something like Christmas is because it is directly related to Scratch's goals as inspiring education, and unlike Christmas, Pi Day can be accepted by people of all cultures. (That is, not everybody celebrates Christmas, but as far as I am aware, there are not many cultural oppositions to Pi Day.)

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

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