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25 posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

In my top down shooter, whenever you get hit by a zombie, you lose a life. Lose a life enough times and you'll reach zero (obvi) which is supposed to trigger a game over screen. However, I got around to fixing some bugs and I caused another one – the game over screen just doesn't trigger.

Here's the link to my project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/689579905/

I've tried using a system where while GamePlaying = true, then if Lives = 0 or Lives < 0 then broadcast GameOver, but it just doesn't seem to work.
Does anybody have any ideas?

Most of the code in this system is found under the game objects “Player” and “GameOver”. Should be pretty simple and work easily but just doesn't.

Thank you so much!

Hey! You, reading this! Wanna kill some zombies like a super-freakin'-cool action hero (insert cool emoji)? Well, you're in luck, because I've got just the game for you!


You're welcome!
1000+ posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

I know that this might not directly help you, but you should group all of the scripts under your hat blocks under ONE hat block- rather than:
when I receive [some message v]
Do something

when I receive [the same message v]
Do something else
when I receive [some message v]
Do something
Do something else
That way, you know what order things happen in- because everything happens in an order when it comes to computer programming, you just can't always see that.

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View a larger list at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
1000th post

The devs really need to update the scratch-gui repo- I'm getting at least 19 “npm warn deprecated” warnings whenever I try to install its dependencies, and yes, I'm using the latest version of node.js and npm. Then again, the dev page on this website and the wiki in the repo still refer to Scratch 3.0 in beta, and link the current website as an example of 2.0.
1000+ posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

Also, the answer to your question: put the repeat loop that checks the number of lives the player has under a
when I receive [Game Start v]
Rather than a
when green flag clicked

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View a larger list at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
1000th post

The devs really need to update the scratch-gui repo- I'm getting at least 19 “npm warn deprecated” warnings whenever I try to install its dependencies, and yes, I'm using the latest version of node.js and npm. Then again, the dev page on this website and the wiki in the repo still refer to Scratch 3.0 in beta, and link the current website as an example of 2.0.
26 posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

All you need to do is add a forever loop around the code in player sprite that broadcasts game over. what its doing is when the flag is clicked is it checking if the game is playing one time so all you need is a forever loop and that Should fix it.

when green flag clicked
if <(Game Playing) = [True]> then
repeat until <(Game Playing) = [Flase]>
if <<[(Lives)] < [0]> or <[(Lives)] = [0]>> then
broadcast [GAME OVER v]
hide variable [Lives v]
set [Game Playing v] to [False]
That should be the code

ask [Are you subscribed to Nolswit on Youtube?] and wait
if <(answer) = [Yes]> then
say [Thank you!]

Redirect to [www.youtube.com/@Nolswit]
Currently working on: Nuclear Platformer
1000+ posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

eefie_gang wrote:

All you need to do is add a forever loop around the code in player sprite that broadcasts game over. what its doing is when the flag is clicked is it checking if the game is playing one time so all you need is a forever loop and that Should fix it.

when green flag clicked
if <(Game Playing) = [True]> then
repeat until <(Game Playing) = [Flase]>
if <<[(Lives)] < [0]> or <[(Lives)] = [0]>> then
broadcast [GAME OVER v]
hide variable [Lives v]
set [Game Playing v] to [False]
That should be the code
The issue with that is that it would be endlessly running when it does not need to be. Attaching it to the message block that runs on the game start makes more sense, because that way you don't have another laggy forever loop running when it doesn't need to be.

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Lesser-known Scratch URLs:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/PROJECT ID HERE/remixtree (replace “PROJECT ID HERE” with project id number. Shows all the remixes of the project, and the remixes of those projects, and the remixes of those projects, and so on, as a chart. Link currently redirects to one of my projects). There was a button on the project page linking to this in 2.0, but it was removed.
View a larger list at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/542480/
Why @Paddle2See's responses are so often identical: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/762351/
1000th post

The devs really need to update the scratch-gui repo- I'm getting at least 19 “npm warn deprecated” warnings whenever I try to install its dependencies, and yes, I'm using the latest version of node.js and npm. Then again, the dev page on this website and the wiki in the repo still refer to Scratch 3.0 in beta, and link the current website as an example of 2.0.
25 posts

Game Over isn't working, would like some help

Thank you guys! I had it on Game Start before but I tried changing it over to “when flag is clicked” to see if that fixed anything. This advice was great, thank you!

Hey! You, reading this! Wanna kill some zombies like a super-freakin'-cool action hero (insert cool emoji)? Well, you're in luck, because I've got just the game for you!


You're welcome!

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