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2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi i'm interested in joining the studio! I can make sure people are not submitting their own projects, I will be kind, patient and trustworthy. I will make sure their game follows the community guide lines and make sure it is suitable to be featured. I will also make sure the person who created the game is a scratcher.
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'd love to join, I'll do all the things you said!

100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi! I would like to help again , I'll try my best

1 post

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I please join? I promise I will always try hard to ensure that the projects requested respect the community's guide lines. I also won't add projects that were to be requested, if made by the original creator. I will also try my very hardest to be active in the studio.

Please consider me as a curator.

With best wishes,

15 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi @ceebee, Good Morning/Afternoon.

I hope you are doing well. I am interested in being in part of the “Propose Projects to be featured) and would be really appreciated if you could put me in part of the studio. I will do as said above and will follow the community guidelines.

1000+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I am interested. Thanks for considering!

Last edited by han614698 (March 28, 2024 00:48:50)

<Scratch Wikian | Forum Helper | 6000+ Posts>

Credit to -gge for the icons in my signature | I condensed all this code into five lines using [p] tags, idk why

2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hello ceebee!
I'd love to be a curator! I'll follow all the community guidelines and only add the projects if they meet the requirements! I would be super happy to be able to help out the ST!
Thank you!

5 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

No offence but this forum thread is for people that want to be a curator of PPTBF, not a place to advertise
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Thanks for volunteering, everyone! I'm going to go ahead and close this now, curator invitations will be sent out on April 2nd ^.^

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