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500+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hello, I would like to be a curator! I will make sure to:
  • Follow the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service
  • Be respectful to all Scratchers
  • Check that projects being posted in the comments aren't their own
  • Make sure that no projects break the guidelines
I will also be sure to be as active as I can–I do understand that this is a LOT of work.

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Name: Meep
Adopt one yourself! @ Pokémon Orphanage
“Angel Gabby? Angel Gabby!” ~ Francis, the best boye

Hello! My name is XCartooonX, but please call me Low-Key. I'm super into Pokemon, My Singing Monsters, and more. Feel free to follow me!

6 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

14 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'll promise to follow all guidelines just pls add me?

5 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I be a Curator? I can assure you, with both Truth and Honesty, From the Bottom of my Heart, that I am an Active and Rule-Abiding Scratcher. Methinks that I would make a GREAT Curator, If I must say so myself. Just food for thought. - Corchini
6 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ceebee wrote:

The Propose Projects to Be Featured studio is looking for curators for the next term, April 2, 2024 - June 3, 2024.

The Proposed Projects to Be Featured studio is one place the Scratch Team looks to find projects to feature on the homepage. All Scratchers can propose projects. The curators help by adding those projects to the studio.

If you become a curator, you will:
  • Look at the studio comments for projects that Scratchers would like to add
  • Check that the person proposing the project is…
    - A Scratcher
    - Not the person who made the project
  • Check that the project…
    - Doesn’t obviously break the community guidelines (if it does, report it instead!)
  • If all those things are true, add it!
  • Respond to the comment to let them know you added it

We are looking for curators who are Scratchers, and who are friendly and helpful in the community. You can serve as many terms as you would like; if you have already been a curator and would like to continue helping, just ask again.

If you’re interested, respond to this thread!

Many thanks to the PPTBF Curators who helped the last two months!
I am interested!
14 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hey, I’m interested and I promise to follow all guidelines

when green flag clicked
if <[curator] = [true]> then
say [Thanks ceebee ]
63 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

ds424 wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/984268429/ please add this it was so hard to code
You can propose it to the studio, not here.

12 y/o biracial and autistic boy.
5 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'm autistic as well!
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

hey, i would love to curate PPTBF! its been my dream to help out the ST for a while, ive been reporting comments, projects and studios that break the guidelines, helping on forums, and helping out smaller scratchers! yes ive broken the guidelines a good few times, most of said times i didn’t actually know i was breaking guidelines. ive been working on a FPCA too, looking forward to that! if i see anything that breaks guidelines or ToS that gets requested, ill take the appropriate action(s) needed. i know it looks like ive only been on scratch for a few months, but i got locked out of my first account (4 years old) and decided to make a new account. if i get accepted, please comment on my profile or send me an alert. thanks!

please note that i minimod A LOT. let me know if i am incorrect about something and i will change it. | she/they | im gay, deal with it. | trauma | come check out my regretevator and phighting topics!
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I will follow all the rules, and constantly check the studio to see if there are any projects waiting to be featured. I will make sure that the projects needed to be featured are not created by the person trying to feature the project. I will make sure the person trying to feature a project is a Scratcher, and I will definitely make sure that the project follows the community guidelines. If a project doesn’t follow the community guidelines I will not add it and report it instead. Thanks

I’m SpaghettiAG852097-! Here is my Wiki page. Check out my profile here! Also, check out my waffle project which can be found here
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Can I join I will follow all of the community guidelines and make sure all of the game’s proposed follow the guidelines as well!
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Platformer_guy_11 wrote:

Can I join I will follow all of the community guidelines and make sure all of the game’s proposed follow the guidelines as well!
not to be rude, but im pretty sure new scratchers can’t join.

please note that i minimod A LOT. let me know if i am incorrect about something and i will change it. | she/they | im gay, deal with it. | trauma | come check out my regretevator and phighting topics!
5 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

My new project that I just finished today!


when green flag clicked
say [TYSM] for (2) secs

Last edited by ScratchWritter (March 27, 2024 18:46:24)

2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I had alot of fun curating last term and I would love to again. I will be more active and make sure people follow community guidelines. I will test projects to see if they follow the rules. I hope I get invited back.

17 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I will obey all rules and report people if being toxic in any way. I'm trying new things and I figured this might be a good start since I'm bored of everything else lol. Anyway ig accept me if u can.

when green flag clicked
say [MikroKat is now a curator!]
play sound [Hooray! v]
say [MikroKat is now happy :)]
9 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I swear I will follow all of the scratch community guidelines and I will make sure whoever proposes a project, that it isn’t their project but somebody else’s and I will test their project out to make sure that it follows the community guidelines and how good of a quality game it is and if I add it, I will respond to them with a friendly response to let them know!
9 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I promise to follow the community guidelines and the Curator rules!
say [Thank you so much] for (2) secs
3 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

May I join?
2 posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

Hi i'm interested in joining the studio! I can make sure people are not submitting their own projects, I will be kind, patient and trustworthy. I will make sure their game follows the community guide lines and make sure it is suitable to be featured. I will also make sure the person who created the game is a scratcher.
100+ posts

April - May: Curate Propose Projects to be Featured

I'd love to join, I'll do all the things you said!


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