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fantasy knighthood march '24

The camper list is out! It'll probably be best to finish up the cabin guide and have that done before we notify the campers. Once we're ready with that, then I'll notify all the campers and you guys can comment underneath it introducing yourselves We also have 7 new campers, out of 20, so be mindful of that as the session starts <3

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

OOH those are so cool Eevee ! :0

Whirlygig wrote:

those are both so cute!!! mine are on my ipad and i hatehatehate using forums on my ipad so it might take me a bit to get them in the forums, if it ends up being too long i'll just hide them inside a project.
also i totally forgot i was doing banners; thanks for reminding me! ^^

could i have directionless? i think i have a cool idea for it.

not me only using my iPad lol

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I've got a bit more schoolwork I want to finish up, but after that, I should be able to work on the cabin guide
Also, here's how the forum signature is looking! Thoughts?

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

I've got a bit more schoolwork I want to finish up, but after that, I should be able to work on the cabin guide
Also, here's how the forum signature is looking! Thoughts?
sounds good! also THAT LOOKS AMAZING :0 (my only change is maybe make it more of a desaturated, less yellow green? more like the color of the thumbnail? totally not a necessary change but just a thought!)
edit: this was a question about notifying campers, i didn’t see your previous message, sorry!
another edit: i added the final monster to the project! do we want to design the queen and have a slide of her in the guide? (i can do that if necessary)

Last edited by criminal-intent (Feb. 28, 2024 21:11:57)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

sounds good! also THAT LOOKS AMAZING :0 (my only change is maybe make it more of a desaturated, less yellow green? more like the color of the thumbnail? totally not a necessary change but just a thought!)
another edit: i added the final monster to the project! do we want to design the queen and have a slide of her in the guide? (i can do that if necessary)
Okay, I edited the colors a little bit. Is that better?

I felt like that one was too warm, so here's this one too.

And the monster looks cool :00 and I was also thinking about that, but I'm not sure whether the queen would be humanoid or a like monster form? I mean, probably humanoid tbh. I don't think it's necessary and if we want to, we could probably do that later in like early March? I'm just worried that we won't be able to finish what we need before the session starts ^^;;
edit:i have family worship and piano tonight, so i'm not sure if i'll be able to get on in the evening ^^" there isn't too much left for the cabin guide, but if you guys choose one of your monsters with a transparent background in there, that would be helpful!!

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Feb. 28, 2024 22:04:50)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I think the final signature is my favorite :0

about the queen, that sounds good! yeah we’re getting to be a bit short on time LJSDFSDKJ

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

The cabin guide is almost set up, so we can probably finish it up and post it in the morning or smth?? Idk time crunching akjfha- I guess the main thing is Stingray's monster, because there isn't too much else we need. I'll send her a comment just in case and if we need to, we can post it without it and then add it in later?
I do have to head to bed soon, so yeah :]

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

awesome, thank you so much Eevee! also, you’ve been doing a lot lately, if you’d like me to do the job of notifying the campers tomorrow, i can totally do that ^^ if you don’t need a break that’s totally fine too, just wanted to offer
btw, when were we planning on posting the first monster? (and does it matter which one it is?)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

awesome, thank you so much Eevee! also, you’ve been doing a lot lately, if you’d like me to do the job of notifying the campers tomorrow, i can totally do that ^^ if you don’t need a break that’s totally fine too, just wanted to offer
btw, when were we planning on posting the first monster? (and does it matter which one it is?)
once the guide is out, if you could, that would be nice <33 starting with a small monster would probably be better to get the campers settled in and on sunday? i guess whose monster it will be will depend on who has their monsters ready.

and here are all of the finalized monster assignments, plus some of the ideas for on the parameters, just as a reference.
  • sleep deprivation (small, setting times that work for when you need to get up, getting 8 hours of sleep, maybe include naps?)
  • creative block (big, try one of x resources to spark new ideas. so like revisiting your characters in a new way, writing prompts, switching genres, experimenting, brain dumping, etc?)
  • no time (small, get x minutes of writing on a busy day by find small pockets of time, scheduling it in, etc)

  • lack of confidence/insecurity (small, share works and positive comments about others + noting things you like about your writing)
  • directionless (small?, list options for could be next, look at similar genres, what do you not what to do, etc)
  • procrastination (big?, try one of x strategies. 3 small things, change it up/making it interesting, make it personally relevant ,etc)

  • dehydration (small, making sure to drink x amount of water in x amount of time?)
  • burnout (big, taking a break after x amount of work)
  • creative overload (big, brain dumping, combining ideas together, spinning a wheel to see how you feel about what was chosen, etc.)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I've got the guide ready to post soon! I also have all of the campers listed in the wc studio, so you can use that to notify the campers, Crim ^^ (the only thing is it looks like lcvetart has moved accounts?) I could probably also invite the campers to the studios, once they're notified.
I'll reshare the fantasy aesthetic, so it's easier to find, though idk how that'll affect ours-
I think that's everything we need done now. The only thing would be to work on your monster + requirements and order projects for your cabin graphic!
And yeah! How's everyone doing? Feeling ready for March? <3

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

I've got the guide ready to post soon! I also have all of the campers listed in the wc studio, so you can use that to notify the campers, Crim ^^ (the only thing is it looks like lcvetart has moved accounts?) I could probably also invite the campers to the studios, once they're notified.
I'll reshare the fantasy aesthetic, so it's easier to find, though idk how that'll affect ours-
I think that's everything we need done now. The only thing would be to work on your monster + requirements and order projects for your cabin graphic!
And yeah! How's everyone doing? Feeling ready for March? <3
I’m feeling *mostly* ready haha. Gonna finish up my monster requirements today and set to work on beautifying the PFP project.
Wait, can I invite them now or should I wait? (just not clear on what “ready to post soon” means /nm /genq)
edit: how does this sound for the invitation? “Hello there (nn)! I’m here to inform you that you have been sorted into the Fantasy Knighthood for this session of SWC! I’m Crim, and I’ll be one of your co-leaders this session. Eevee, our leader, and Stingray, my fellow co, will be along to introduce themselves shortly. Please pop on over to our cabin and introduce yourself! https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34550583/ You will be invited to our studios soon. For more details on what Fantasy is going to be about this session, check out the cabin guide: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/974211506/ We’re all delighted to have you in Fantasy

Last edited by criminal-intent (Feb. 29, 2024 18:11:09)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

That sounds good! Inviting them sooner than later would be better, as we are getting closer to the start of SWC :]

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Okay, I believe everyone’s been invited to all the things and notified, other than Rae, who moved accs. I’ll introduce myself later, after I work on a couple of things Thanks for helping out with that, Crim!

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Okay, I believe everyone’s been invited to all the things and notified, other than Rae, who moved accs. I’ll introduce myself later, after I work on a couple of things Thanks for helping out with that, Crim!
Yes, ofc! Sounds perfect<3

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Awesome!! I have all state orchestra (I forgot to tell yall I’m sorry) so I’m not going to be online for the start of camp, sorry for the lack of notice

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

okay i tried to make these a little more clear and specific~~ thoughts?

dehydration ; small ; fill a water bottle and drink it all as you write 200 words (of anything!)

burnout ; big ; take a 30 minute break and go on a walk outside, have a snack, etc. anything that doesn’t use up your creative juices! then spend 30 minutes and replenish them by reading, watching a show, or a movie! (1 hour total)

creative overload ; big ; if you don’t know where to take a project, write down all your ideas, try and combine them, organize them into what you’ll use for this project. (you don’t have to delete unused ideas, just put them in another place so they’re not distracting but can still be used later!) if you still can’t find a direction or specific idea, number each idea and use a random number generator to select which one you will use!

(the main problem that i just realized with creative overload is they have to have ideas already)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Doodled_Poodle is going to be on her alt for about the first week or so of camp, so I invited her alt @ Poodled_Storage to the studios for now

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

okay i tried to make these a little more clear and specific~~ thoughts?
(the main problem that i just realized with creative overload is they have to have ideas already)
Ooh those look great!! We’ll have to put numbers on how many times (or campers) the activity has to be completed. I think the first few will hone trial and error seeing how active the campers are and figuring out the numbers. Like with dehydration, we can have x amount of times with a max on how many times a camper can do it for credit, but for creative overload, it’ll probably have to be campers.
And like what you said for creative overload, I think that’ll be the same with creative block- Maybe we could have creative block go first, so that they have some ways to get ideas and then a small monsters, and then creative overload, so that they know how to manage having too many ideas?

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

okay here are my monster requirements!! thoughts?

sleep deprivation // small // figure out what times you need to get out of bed and how late you have to stay up and work your sleep schedule around that. if you aren't able to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night, try to fit in a nap during the day <3 this activity must be completed 7(?) times to defeat the sleep deprivation monster. (maximum of twice per camper)

creative block // big // think about your favorite stories. what are some tropes, plot points, character arcs, settings, and vibes that you love? what do you want to incorporate into your own works? then brain dump your ideas for 10 minutes. this activity must be completed 10(?) times to defeat the creative block monster. (maximum of once per day per camper)

no time // small // spend at least 30 minutes writing throughout the day by scheduling in time or finding pockets of time. waiting for the bus, waiting for class to start, finishing an extracurricular a few minutes early, etc! each minute builds up, so take the most of it! this activity must be completed 7(?) times to defeat the no time monster. (maximum of once per day per camper) (idk do we have a better name for the monster than ‘no time’ x])

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