Discuss Scratch

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fantasy knighthood march '24

1) my week was really good!
2) i think we’re doing pretty good, one thing to consider is to make sure we have challenges ready for whichever monsters we do first for March because the month is going to sneak up on us very quickly
3) my irl life has been good but I’ve been less motivated to be online; I think now that swim season is over I’ll have more time but if it’s not too much trouble, I’d love reminders when I forget to do cabin planning things I’ve said I’ll do
4) none that I can think of
5) the most memorable things have been cabin wars obviously but also cabin planning because I love getting to know my team better (since I’ve been less active I feel like I’ve fallen down on the job on that this session ^^”)

I think the checkins are helpful but if they are a lot of work for you, it’s ok if you’d rather focus on other things <3

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

I think it could be either! For both of mine I’m going to make up monsters, but if there’s an already existing monster you think would fit your monsters personality I’d say go for it

And the cabin guide/promo is also good with me!

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Crim wrote:

i’d like to claim burnout and creative overload if that works! (tho i’m wondering, were you thinking they looked like traditional monsters (i.e. vampire, were-wolves, etc.) or just whatever sort of creature we could come up with?)
as for the check-in questions, i’d say they’re helpful to think about, but idk if it’s quite worth the time you probably put into them, so i wouldn’t mind if we stopped /gen

Stingray wrote:

I think it could be either! For both of mine I’m going to make up monsters, but if there’s an already existing monster you think would fit your monsters personality I’d say go for it
And the cabin guide/promo is also good with me!
Yep. I was going to personify the struggles as monsters and if you think there's a monster that could work for yours with some creative liberties made, then that works too!

For current monster assignments:
Eevee: No Time and Sleep Deprivation
Stingray: Procrastination and Lack of Confidence
Crim: Burnout and Creative Overload

We also have the three left, so we can go and claim those as we finish up, or if you want to claim one now, then go ahead!
  • Dehydration
  • Creative Block
  • Directionless

Cabin promo link and Cabin Guide

Also, wc thumbnail update, Stingray?

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

We also have the three left, so we can go and claim those as we finish up, or if you want to claim one now, then go ahead!
  • Dehydration
  • Creative Block
  • Directionless

Could I take dehydration? Ty! I’ll try and get my monster design prototypes within the next few days ^^

Also, I did some quick art for my cabin promo project. (You can see the thumb i’m planning on using in the Canva). Is there anything specific I need to say? I’m just going to give a quick description and give a link to sign-ups and FAQ, is that good enough?

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

criminal-intent wrote:

Could I take dehydration? Ty! I’ll try and get my monster design prototypes within the next few days ^^
Also, I did some quick art for my cabin promo project. (You can see the thumb i’m planning on using in the Canva). Is there anything specific I need to say? I’m just going to give a quick description and give a link to sign-ups and FAQ, is that good enough?
Sounds good And I think that that's good enough for the promo, unless you want to add extra details about SWC. I'll try to get mine done soon, but the next few days are crammed with events, so it may have to be over the weekend?? I'll have to see what time I can make to get art done
(also, hope you guys enjoy watching tbb <33)

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Feb. 22, 2024 01:10:02)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Sounds good And I think that that's good enough for the promo, unless you want to add extra details about SWC. I'll try to get mine done soon, but the next few days are crammed with events, so it may have to be over the weekend?? I'll have to see what time I can make to get art done
(also, hope you guys enjoy watching tbb <33)
Okay cool! I’ve just posted mine (edit: HAHA not me only just now remembering that I wear glasses?? SLKDJjdsf oh well, maybe cartoon me doesn’t need them) Awe, thank you, Eevee <3
I’ve got a traditional sketch of my first two monsters done, and I’ll try to get a digital sketch for each of them to share today ^^

Last edited by criminal-intent (Feb. 22, 2024 21:02:38)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Does anyone want to do the icebreakers questions tomorrow?

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Feb. 22, 2024 22:06:37)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

i finished my monster sketches for the first two, they’re in the promo project i posted. what do you guys think? :0

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Ahh I love them!! The no pen pressure goes crazy lol
I’ll get to work on mine; I have nothing to do tomorrow so hopefully I can knock them both out!

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Same!! I love how both of them look and visually represent the monsters :00
I’m working on promo art and I’m done with line art, so the rest shouldn’t take too long. Tomorrow is a regular Saturday, so I should be able to get everything done, as long as nothing extra comes up

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Tysm guys!! I’m going to try and finish my designs today
Also, what sorts of things do we want to do for the cabin guide? I’d like to try to work on it, but I’m not sure what to do *thinking face*

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

accidental double post, my wi-fi is being wonky :p

Last edited by criminal-intent (Feb. 25, 2024 17:39:56)

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Unfortunately, I was busier than anticipated yesterday and when I had time to draw, my brother had taken the iPad with him. I should be able to get some of the art done today.
As for the guide, I have the pages titled with the different things we can put in. I believe someone said that we should do it like Queen Este is talking to the campers, so the intro could be changed to better fit that. I’m going to a musical, and I’ll probably be back around 7pmish?? I’ll get on there and work on it some tonight though

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Unfortunately, I was busier than anticipated yesterday and when I had time to draw, my brother had taken the iPad with him. I should be able to get some of the art done today.
As for the guide, I have the pages titled with the different things we can put in. I believe someone said that we should do it like Queen Este is talking to the campers, so the intro could be changed to better fit that. I’m going to a musical, and I’ll probably be back around 7pmish?? I’ll get on there and work on it some tonight though
Okay! that sounds good

And I finished the two i’d sketched & they’re in the project now ^^

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

That sounds good Eevee!
I finished my monsters; do you want me to put them in a project or in the cabin guide or somewhere else?

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Whirlygig wrote:

That sounds good Eevee!
I finished my monsters; do you want me to put them in a project or in the cabin guide or somewhere else?
I was thinking we could all put one of ours in the guide, because it’s kind of a preview. As for sharing them with us, it could be in a project or just on here. And as for how we’re going to share the monsters, because we’re having art, I guess we should share them in a project right?
I’ve finished my monsters and I’ll get those shared with you guys when I’m able to be on a computer.
I think the only things we have to do before the session is finalize at least a few, if not all, monster requirements and the guide.

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Feb. 27, 2024 22:44:39)

100+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

AmazaEevee wrote:

Whirlygig wrote:

That sounds good Eevee!
I finished my monsters; do you want me to put them in a project or in the cabin guide or somewhere else?
I was thinking we could all put one of ours in the guide, because it’s kind of a preview. As for sharing them with us, it could be in a project or just on here. And as for how we’re going to share the monsters, because we’re having art, I guess we should share them in a project right?
I’ve finished my monsters and I’ll get those shared with you guys when I’m able to be on a computer.
I think the only things we have to do before the session is finalize at least a few, if not all, monster requirements and the guide.
That sounds good! Yeah, I was thinking that we’d share each monster in a project when it comes around and describe the requirements to defeat it in that project. Those things (to finish before the session) sound good! Could we each refine the parameters for defeating our specific monsters, just to keep things simple?

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

That's what I was thinking too and having each of refine the parameters sounds good to me
I also realized that we haven't shared anything about profile banners (Stingray) and forum signatures- I've been working on it, but LiFe- I just need to find a good background for it, but I should have it done by the time March comes around ^^"
For your third monster, Stingray, do you want creative block or directionless? I'm good with either
And here are my finished monsters <3 (they uploaded so big adkfjas-)
Sleep deprivation

No time

Last edited by AmazaEevee (Feb. 28, 2024 01:03:59)

500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

those are both so cute!!! mine are on my ipad and i hatehatehate using forums on my ipad so it might take me a bit to get them in the forums, if it ends up being too long i'll just hide them inside a project.
also i totally forgot i was doing banners; thanks for reminding me! ^^

could i have directionless? i think i have a cool idea for it.

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

fantasy knighthood march '24

Whirlygig wrote:

those are both so cute!!! mine are on my ipad and i hatehatehate using forums on my ipad so it might take me a bit to get them in the forums, if it ends up being too long i'll just hide them inside a project.
also i totally forgot i was doing banners; thanks for reminding me! ^^
could i have directionless? i think i have a cool idea for it.
thanks <3 and okay!

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