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ScratchService Forums


What is ScratchService?
ScratchService is an off-platform server that uses some npm packages in combination with node.js to create a powerful command system heavily extending the capabilities of scratch, letting us to do a lot of things previously considered impossible.

Is it free?
ScratchService is currently in its beta version and can be obtained for free by requesting access using a form, unfortunately, even after development, as it is brand new and I'm alone working on it, it may not remain free, but your support can prevent that.

Applying for beta access
Applying for beta access doesn't explicitly guarantee you will get access to ScratchService, your request will need to get reviewed and the chance of you getting accepted will vary based on current demand and server state, because Scratch didn't allow a Google Form, you can just post one in there, just make sure to state you are posting a form, not a suggestion.

Using ScratchService
Using ScratchService is pretty simple, here is a step-by-step guide on how:
1. Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/856530695/
2. Remix the project or save it as a file and load it into another project, the reason you can't directly copy the client scripts is because Scratch will make the cloud variables invalid, breaking the whole client
3. You're done, all ScratchService features can now be used within your project!


I strongly encourage anybody to suggest changes or new commands to ScratchService, all contributions to the client or server development are greatly appreciated and your help might keep this project free forever, you can post suggestions for new commands in this topic, they may be added if deemed useful.


weather <location> <degreeType> - returns weather data at location with degreeType

get_temp <id> - gets a temporary storage unit from memory with format <temp…..>, temporary storage units expire after 1800000 milliseconds (30 minutes)

get_chunk <id> - gets a chunk from memory with format <chunk…..>, chunks don't expire unlike temporary storage units

math_deriv <expr> <respect> - gets the derivative of expr with respect to respect (symbolic)

math_eval <expr> … - evaluates the mathematical expression expr, unlimited arguments can be passed representing the mathematical context, in format of variable=value

math_evalat <expr> <iter> <range> … - evaluates the mathematical expression expr in range with the iterator iter, context works the same as math_eval

idk what to put here
check out ScratchService btw

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