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73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

Weekly 1 for SRC
Part 1
- My object was a paper chain hanging from my bulletin board, so I read 51 pages of a book called Paper Chains by Elaine Vickers. It's about two friends who are becoming more and more distant. Between secrets and fears, they split apart and it's up to the main character's brother to help solve some of their family problems to patch up the friendship.
Part 2
- My object was an origami tank I made a few days ago. I read 32 pages of Resistance by Jennifer Nielsen and 30 pages of Refugee by Alan Gratz. Refugee has three different stories that connect about children refugees. One boy, Mahmoud is fleeing Syria. On his way out, he runs into tanks and soldiers fighting in the Syrian Civil War. In Resistance, a girl named Chaya is a courier in the resistance that runs against Nazis. There are a few tanks present in that book, especially at one point when she and her group spend a night in a tank. Both books are similar because one of Refugee's stories is about a boy fleeing from Nazi Germany while Resistance as a girl fighting in Nazi Germany. However, Refugee has two other stories, about a boy fleeing Syria and a girl fleeing Cuba, while Resistance focuses on one main character.
Part 3
- I read 44 pages of Wonder by R. J. Palacio to a girl I was babysitting last night. We made it to the part where Julian brought up Star Wars to the class and asked Auggie, a kid with facial disfigurements if he liked the character Darth Sidious, whose face gets burnt by lighting and deformed. He was making fun of Auggie even if it wasn't obvious to the rest of the class. The girl I was babysitting enjoyed the book, especially the character Summer, who befriended Auggie when no one else did. She thought “it was not nice when Summer spoke to Auggie” and “mean when Julian made fun of Auggie.”

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

A ‘prologue’ of a story I'm writing. It's also a stand-alone story

⁕Colors of the World⁕

“What will you tell me about today?” I asked my mom, as she pulled the newest batch of cookies out of the oven. I couldn’t see them, but I could certainly smell the chocolaty delight wafting around the room. She handed me two cookies and a cup of milk, and we walked outside, onto the balcony to eat them.
“Well,” Mom began, putting her elbows on the table. I felt the weight of it shift to the side she was leaning on. “After a mighty storm, a rainbow lights up across the sky. It happens because light is reflecting on water. A rainbow is made up of a few colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Many people know those as Roy G. Biv.”
I rested my head on the balcony railing, letting the sunshine warm my face. I started humming. It was a simple thing, but it was one of my ways to let my parents know I was happy, or at least okay. “Could you tell me about the sky?” I asked her. Thoughts were twirling through my brain, unknown to her. My brain never stopped thinking. Even if I couldn’t see, I had other powerful senses to make up for it. And those senses helped my brain ponder any question I had.
“The sky today is cloudless, letting the sun shine down on us.”
I wished so hard that I could see. I’ve been told that I would learn to live with it, but it was so hard having people constantly stare at me. Even worse than that, I’ve been told that my eyes were a beautiful vibrant blue. But they were so emotionless and dull. I wished I could see, but imagining would have to make up for it.
Less than a year later, my mother died in an accident. The same accident that summoned my ability to time travel.

Last edited by TokoWrites (Jan. 3, 2024 01:59:26)

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

The Villain
I knew, long before my story actually started, that I was the villain. And I know, that when the hero defeats me, they’ll have a grand ceremony celebrating my defeat. A celebration for the hero. But still, I’ll be famous, though most likely dead. And that hero will be some sort of royalty, while I’m just a girl from a little town. It’s not fair. I didn’t ask to be the villain. To be honest, no one really asked for their roles. Because on this planet, every person’s DNA is genetically designed for them to fit into a role. And everyone is supposed to like their role because it is designed to help their community. But not me. I’m not everyone. Because I’m the villain. And, more often than not, life is not fair.
Anyway, I’m Francine Tréboth, Francis to everyone who can’t pronounce my name the French way, and Frenchie to my friends. My story is supposed to start in exactly four days, three hours, and fifty-nine minutes. On my sixteenth birthday. On everyone on this Earth’s sixteenth birthday, they receive a letter at exactly nine in the morning, giving them the details of their role, if they didn’t already know, and their quest.
I found out when I was seven that I was the villain. And since then, I’ve been trying to figure out how that role contributes to society. Unless the ‘Gamemakers,’ what some people call the government, just want to kill me off, my role doesn’t have much meaning. All I have to do until my sixteenth birthday, is lie low, and try to figure out who the hero is, to figure out to let them vanquish me, while seeming to put up some of a fight.
“Hey, Frankenstein, watch where you’re going.” Some loser from school shouted in my face, disrupting me from my thoughts. They purposely ran into me and declaring it my fault. It was probably Callie, but I didn’t dare look up. “I never knew villains were the type to get scared.”
I flushed with anger but picked up my pace. I would never risk confronting someone. No one would. It was never done. Because the bullies were given their roles for some reason, just like I was given mine. They had to live up to those standards, and I had to live up to mine. You’d think the bullies would be the villain with all the emotional pain they caused me. But I guess being a bully would have to suffice for reasoning behind their meanness.
My body immediately started aching, a throbbing pain blasting through my brain. Why could she just leave me alone, I thought. Why did she have to shove me into a locker? I hefted my backpack onto my shoulder, and continued walking in the direction of my class, leaving Callie behind me, but something in me snapped.
“I’m not scared,” I shouted in Callie’s face, shocking both her and me, “I was just avoiding you.” I smirk at her.
“Oh, avoiding me, I see. So, I wouldn’t bully you? Hah, like that’s imaginable.” She laughs like the idea of that is amusing.
“No,” I retort, “I’m trying to protect you. I-”
“Sure. That is so believable.” she cut me off, still laughing.
“I’m serious. If you spend too much time around me, then you could be made into the hero. And I’d have to defeat you.”
“You know, we already all have our roles.”
“Yes, but they could get changed at any moment. Anything to help our community.” I said sarcastically. Hearing the bell ring, I called back, “Bye loser,” running down the hall. Surprisingly, that didn’t go too badly I thought. Now, just three more classes for today to survive, and four each day until Friday at nine in the morning. How bad could it be?
“Francine, lève toi!” my mom called up the stairs.
“Okay, Maman, I’m getting up!” I shouted back, hurrying get ready for school. I quickly shoved my laptop and other supplies into my backpack, pulled my frizzy hair into a somewhat manageable ponytail, and threw on a pull. Or as Americans called it, a sweater.
I ran down the stairs, jumping over the last one, and I headed for the door, shoving my feet into the rain boots.
Today was the day. Friday the thirteenth. My sixteenth birthday. In less than three hours, I would get my task. The reason for my role. The reason I was assigned villain.
My morning was pretty simple. My friend, Rose brought me birthday donuts that we ate in advisory. After that, I only had to go to my advanced chemistry class for ten minutes. At eight fifty-five, the intercom crackled in our lab, asking the teacher to send me to the office. It was time.
Making my way to the office, I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths, and counting the tiles on the floor. I was almost at forty when the all too familiar cherry wood door came into view. Before I could knock, the door creaked open, with the headmaster’s fake cheery voice welcoming me in.
I sat down on the plush brown chair as he handed me an envelope. “Perhaps I’d better leave.” He told me. “I’ll be back in a few minutes after you’ve received the news. Oh, and you’re welcome to call your mother if you please.”
I took a deep breath preparing myself for the news. I carefully peeled back off the seal, and opened the envelope, taking out a piece of printer paper. There were six words printed in the exact center, in a typewriter font. Come find me at that tree. I blinked, once, twice, trying to comprehend the situation. What was happening? This wasn’t a quest. I decided I had to go find out. I was pretty sure I knew what tree it was. The was only one it could be after all.
I tucked the letter into my pocket and pulled my bag over my shoulder. Walking out of the headmaster’s office, I asked the administrator for a note to leave school early. She nodded at me knowingly, and handed me a piece of paper, which I gave to the head of security as I left the parking lot.
Just then, my phone rang with a call from my mom. I didn’t pick it up, and instead texted her that my quest had started, and I couldn’t communicate with anyone for help. I had to do this on my own. I believed I could.
I made my way into the forest, making my way over to the tree house I had built a few years ago. Stuck amidst its leafy branches was a note. Disappointed by another note, I reached up, standing on my tiptoes. The note was stuck, I realized, so I tried pulling it forward, little by little. Just when it was almost free, I shifted my weight to my other foot, and I heard a crack. The branch I was standing on had snapped, sending me face down into the leafy forest floor.
Getting up, I spat dirt out of my mouth, and dusted my clothes clean. I once again reached up for the note and opened the envelope. It was written in the same typewriter font, with another cryptic message: I know your secret, now guess mine. I’m where you would expect, if you know who I am.
I sighed, knowing that this message would be a lot harder to unscramble than the last. Grabbing the rope ladder attached to the tree, I made my way up, and collapsed into my beanbag, ready to think.
Okay, who would be leaving me these messages other than the game masters? I knew it couldn’t be them because I knew nothing about them, so how would I know where to find them? They rarely left their fortress anyway.
My mind drifted away from the riddle for a bit. How common was it to have a sort of treasure hunt as your quest? I was the villain, so how was solving a puzzle being villainy?
Once again, my phone beeped, disrupting me from my thoughts. However, instead of checking my texts, its alert helped me get back on trach and focus.
Who would send me these notes? Maybe the hero? Maybe that was part of their quest. But who would that be? I started looking into that possibility. Both Callie and another girl at my school, Amelia had their sixteenth birthdays last week, so it could have been them. But what a coincidence it would be if it was Callie. Well, maybe not so much. She could have known Monday morning.
I realized, with a gasp, that it was probably her, but where would she be? I had no idea. Pulling out my phone, I looked at the map of the neighborhood, unsure of what to look for. My phone also reminded me that I had an unread text. Sighing, I let my phone win this time, and clicked on the notification. The text was sent by an unknown number, and it read, ‘If you’re reading this, it’s too late, loser.’ That must have been Callie.
I quickly clicked on the contact button, and hacked into the system the way my brother showed me years ago. It was a way to track someone’s location even when they didn’t share it with you. I let out a quick shout of joy in my head, when it worked, and then I got back on track. She was at the library. Why would she be there, though? She hated reading. Well, that’s where she was, so I decided to follow her there.
I jogged through the woods as fast as I could, to get to the library before she left. It didn’t take me long, a little over ten minutes, but when I walked inside the shaded room, and tracked Callie to the back, only her phone remained, not her. Sighing, I wondered where she would be now. She couldn’t be far; she never went anywhere without her phone. Or, maybe she was hiding in the library, planning to jump out and scare me. (1702)

Last edited by TokoWrites (Jan. 28, 2024 15:43:53)

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

100+ posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

it's a book ?

Im a coder and I know several languages

Be moist

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

it's a book ?

nah, just a poem i wrote

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

100+ posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

TokoWrites wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

oh very nice !!

Im a coder and I know several languages

Be moist

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

oh very nice !!
thank you!!!

100+ posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

TokoWrites wrote:

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

oh very nice !!
thank you!!!
you're welcomeee !^^

Im a coder and I know several languages

Be moist

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

oh very nice !!
thank you!!!
you're welcomeee !^^

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 1 ~ 1030 words ~ 0 points

Hi, I’m Toko, though I also go by Bean. I’m an ambivert, book lover, musical lover, and writer. I use any pronouns with no preference, and I’m in Script this session. This is my first time participating in SWC though I have done JWC before, last January. I really like writing so I’m excited to be a part of SWC to improve some of my writing techniques and to learn new writing styles.
I’m excited to meet other SWC-ers because, although I’m sort of shy, I’m trying to come out of my shell and socialize more. I’m also trying to be more active on Scratch, so I hope that meeting new people will help with that. I have a few IRL friends on Scratch, but I don’t really have online friends so I’m hoping to do something about that.
Some of my goals for this session are to write more, especially longer stories, and to read more. One of my favorite authors is Rick Riordan. It’s such a hard decision to pick my favorite author or book, but Rick Riordan has written so many books I like, so I can’t not pick him as one of my favorite authors. I read books really quickly – when I enjoy them and I have time, which happens to be on the thirty minute bus ride to school. However, reading on a bus can be difficult because most of the time, it’s noisy and bumpy, and sometimes I have to do my homework that I procrastinated until the last minute instead.
As I mentioned, I love reading, and some of my favorite characters from some series are Inej from Six of Crows, and Nico Di Angelo and Alex Fierro from the Riordanverse. Some of my other favorite books are Fable by Adrienne Young, The Left Handed Booksellers of London by Gareth Nix, and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
I love Broadway, both the music and the onstage dancing. I’ve started learning some of the choreography for a few musicals too! My favorite musical songs are Satisfied from Hamilton and Don’t Lose Ur Head from Six. I’ve memorized both of those, as well as a lot of other songs! I am a very big Broadway fan, as you can see!
I’m also a theater kid, and I just got a role in my school play. I’ve lost count of how many plays I’ve been in, but I especially like this one because of its plot. I got cast as the knight, a background character who is a woman dressing up as a guy to be in the Royal Army. Rehearsals start soon, after the track season though.
I run track and field, though I do the mile. I’m not a sprinter and I’d rather run a 5k (3 miles) for cross country than do track, but I can’t do cross country until next year. I have my first track meet of the season today, but there are only two more. One next week and one the week after. I also have to train every day which can be tiring, though it’s exhilarating as well.
I’m currently working on a novel, though I have a lot of other ideas, and I want to start something new. However, I don’t really want to give up on my novel, so I’ve been turning those other ideas into incomplete short stories. I have a problem though, that whenever I get an idea for a story, I go on a writing spree and get so excited about it, but later that day, or the next, my energy will fizzle out, and it’s unlikely I will finish that story any time soon.
I’m an avid baker, and instead of gifting my friends things like books or gift cards, I like to bake them desserts. This weekend, actually, I’m going to bake banana chocolate chip muffins and lemon cookies for my friend’s birthday. I also like to bake banana bread every Sunday to eat as breakfast during the week because I barely have time to eat on weekdays before school.
I’m Jewish, American, and Canadian, though I live in the US. I speak English, French, and I’m learning Hebrew, Spanish and Latin. Latin is one of my favorite classes at school, even though it is the most work. My other favorite class, Theatre, doesn’t have any homework, but it’s my other favorite because of what I’m learning, the really nice teacher, and because most of my friends are in that class.
As I mentioned, way above at the beginning of this rant about myself, I’m an ambivert, and that plays a big role in my life. I like analyzing people and that makes me sort of quiet, because I just sit in random places thinking about people. However, being so quiet is part of why I’m so sensitive and I cry easily, though I’ve been growing out of those habits. The other part of an ambivert is extrovert. The extrovert in me likes socializing with my friends and talking to people, though because of my two contrasting sides, I’m most likely to talk in person with only people I know, though I will talk a lot.
I also have a weird with the sky and stars. Most of the time, my mood correlates to the weather, though it’s not what you would think. It seems obvious that pouring rain or snow would leave you in a bad mood, but it’s the opposite for me. When the weather is bright and sunny, I feel gloomy both inside and out. The stars as well decide for me how to feel. When I see a lot of them at night, while trying to fall asleep, I know that the next day will be pretty good, and vice versa.
I have another obsession, Greek mythology. If you name any Greek God or a story, I can tell you something about that. Part of my obsession is why I chose Latin as a class to take so I can learn more about mythology, both Greek and Roman.
I’m sorry for this really long rant, and if you read all of this, I’m highly impressed!

Last edited by TokoWrites (March 2, 2024 22:05:10)

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 2 ~ 272 words ~ 400 points

My compliment was “I love the way your hair flows” from @1lmam

Letting my breath flow through my body, I take one last quick inhale and prepare myself for the last jump. Squeezing my legs together, I urge Moonlight on, and we gallop forward, headed straight for the last jump. The water jump, Moonlight’s least favorite. I try to calm myself as we hurl over the jump, and as we land, perfectly, I let out a final exhale, as we slowly trot to the gate.
As I dismount Moonlight, my friend, Jessie runs over to me, squealing about how I aced that last jump.
“Oh, Kiki, that jump was just perfect! You looked like an angel, and I love the way your hair flows in the wind!”
I repeatedly thank her as she joins me walking Moonlight back to her stable. However, just when I make it to stable, another friend compliments me with the same thing. “I love the way your hair flows,” and again with another friend.
“What is with the same compliments?” I exclaim.
“Well, it’s true,” I get as a response.
“Your hair is like the breeze tickling tree branches, it’s so majestic and wonderous.”
“Thank you-?” I reply confused by what’s going on.
“You are so welcome! You deserve so much, so much more than we can give.”
As the six of us, Jessie, some other friends, and I walk back to the arena to watch other people and their horses jump, I finally figure out that they were playing a prank on me. But I don’t mind; at least I got some nice compliments out of it, though I have to figure out later if they were true.

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

Letter to future self for pfp ~ 206 words
Dear Future Toko,
I want you to know that I’m very excited to finally be taking part in SWC. I’ve wanted to be a part of this since I first saw the closed camper signups last December. I’m looking forward to having a great time because I think it will be a cool experience where I’ll get to meet new people, write more, and write interesting things based on prompts like this one. However, I’m mostly excited to see where my cabin (script)’s plot goes because it sounds so interesting. A few of my session goals are mentioned above, meeting new people, and writing more, as well as making friends that I stay in touch with after SWC ends. Another goal is to try and continue writing dailies and weeklies while staying on top of all of my schoolwork, track practices, and theatre rehearsals. I also hope to do all of those things and go to bed at a reasonable time, which means going to bed when I know I should, falling asleep within the half hour, and not walking up early to get things done. I hope that by the time you get this letter, I will have accomplished those goals.
Me (Past Toko)

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 3 ~ 426 words ~ 400 points

Note: I wrote all of these as if I were in those cabins.

Script - 103 words
Step onto the stage,
Read your script and turn the page,
Time to perform,
Don’t stick to the norm,
Your turn, your turn,
It’s time to learn.

Don’t be nervous, no time to waste,
Got to keep moving, this play is fast-paced,
One step forward, stage right,
Onward, onward, we’ve got to fight,
Script will win March 2024,
Hear our mighty, loud roar!

Wait to bow during applause,
And remember not to break any laws,
Rules obeyed, we’ll win for sure,
All of our talent, completely pure,
We’ll write like the wind, day, and night,
To complete the dailies and bring the light!

Myth – 114 words
I’m sure you’ve heard stories about us,
Stories that we’ve told, like ones about Perseus,
Stories, great and powerful,
Like Arachne, and her wool.
These were thought of, written as lessons,
To teach people during camp sessions.
Written about heroes, large and small,
I’m sure we’ve written about them all.
As you know most stories start with quests,
The Oracle’s the one who assigns the tests,
Sends out people to prove themselves,
Anyone from groups of one to those of twelves.
Brandish your sword, shield at ready,
Feet planted, bent, and steady,
Prepared for battle, fighting to win,
And on your face, plaster that grin,
Mythology, fierce and strong,
We’re telling stories, come along.

Fairy Tales - 103 words

Remember when you were young,
Was told lots of stories, made up, in bed,
That’s who we are today,
We’ve come to seize the day.
With knights slaying dragons,
Ugly ducklings, and swans.
Before the clocks strike twelve,
Into books, we will delve,
Lost glass slippers, and bean stalks, and roses,
We will write from poetries to proses,
Seven dwarfs, and glass coffins’ sparkling gems,
Rows of roses, thorns speckling stems,
The power of true love, coming through in the end,
Fairy tales: fantasy and magic, a perfect blend.
A happily ever after for everyone,
And with that power, we will have won!

Tragedy - 106 words
The cabin of grief and despair,
Don’t underestimate us; beware.
Oh, it’s a calamity!
But their cabin is so pretty.
Once you’ve been picked for The Taking,
Don’t be nervous, no more shaking,
Believe in yourself, and you will survive,
With all that confidence, you will thrive.
Growing and growing, head into the woods,
Writing your words, you’ll get some goods.
There’s no way home, but you’ll still be all right.
Cause the sun shining down it’s blinding bright.
The ending here is always the beginning,
With some much hope, thoughts constantly spinning.
Never is over, never is over, will it ever be over?
Tragedy takeover!

Last edited by TokoWrites (March 3, 2024 04:24:49)

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 4 ~ 375 words ~ 350 points
Note: My dice roles were 3 (past tense) and 6 (omniscient 3rd person POV). There are also two characters, alternating in every paragraph. Yes, it’s supposed to be vague
Zoe slipped out of her tent under the cover of darkness, flashlight in hand. Her thoughts were spiraling, jumping all over the place. She knew she had to get out of there. But she didn’t know where she was, or even where to go.
Katherine awoke with the smallest of noises, the little crinkle of the tent being zipped open. Slowly sitting up, she looked around, noticing Zoe was missing from her sleeping bag in the corner of the tent. Wondering if Zoe went out to just use the bathroom, or to run away like they had been discussing, Katherine pulled a small lantern out of her backpack and scurried after Zoe.
Zoe turned, hearing the snap of a branch behind her. She turned her flashlight on, to its highest setting, and shone the light, pointing it at what she thought was a wild animal. But boy was she surprised when it turned out to be Katherine.
“What are you doing out here?” Katherine asked Zoe. The response given was, “I could ask you the same.” Katherine found out that, like she had thought, Zoe was running away. After some convincing, they both returned to their tent, with a plan in mind that would be set into action the next day. A proper running away plan.
Zoe spent the next day as normal, awaking with the sun and making breakfast for the little ones. However, when the time came, she was ready. As she was flipping the last pancake off the griddle and onto a plate, she saw Katherine’s signal out of the corner of her eye. Leaving the rest of her breakfast duties behind, she took off, jogging back to her tent, determined that nothing would go wrong with their plan.
Katherine was ready. She was born ready; it was in her blood. She didn’t know exactly what she was supposed to be ready to do, but when the time came, she would know. And she did. A quarter after seven, measured by the sun, she climbed to the top of the rock face, perched like a bird. And, like a bird she became. Almost as solid and whole as one, it seemed like Katherine was a bird. A Desert Sparrow to be exact.

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 5 ~ 213 words ~ 150 points
Note: This is based on Cinder, the first book in the Lunar Chronicles Series.
Cinder had been sitting at her booth for over an hour before anyone came by, and when someone finally stopped at her stand, she managed to lose the customer. She knew how made Adri would be, but there was nothing she could do about it.
“Cinder, why do you look so glum?” asked her android, Iko.
“You are not going to believe this, but Prince Kai just came to our stand!”
“Really! Why didn’t he make any purchases?” exclaimed Iko with a dreamy look on her face.
“So… I accidentally scared him away by telling him I’m a cyborg. But before that, he was going to ask me to fix his android. Nainsi was her name I think.”
“Oh wow, I wonder what happened to Nainsi… Wait! Do you think I could get him to come back?”
“You can try. We don’t have any other options, and he was my only possible customer today.”
“Okay. I got this! Which direction did he go?”
“That way,” Cinder pointed to the left, “He appeared as though he was heading back to the palace.”
“Great! I’ll hopefully be back soon!” Iko took off the in direction that Prince Kai was headed, as Cinder remained behind at the stand, hopeful that things would turn out all fine.

100+ posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

TokoWrites wrote:

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

dark_day1c wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

TokoWrites wrote:

They will never ever understand,
Why all those tears come tumbling down,
What all those times I spent hiding were for.

Why do they think I’m not broken,
Why do they think I’m perfect.
Why do they never ever care about anyone but themselves.

It’s like they think,
They are the only people alive.
The only ones there.
Like I’m invisible.
Like I’m just hidden from view.
But I’m sick of hiding,
I won’t do it no more.

Soon enough I’ll just fade,
Into the thick, heavy fog,
Shrouding me from their view,
Like I’ll cease to exist.

That’s what I used to want,
No attention on me.
But all times change, and maybe,
Finally, it’s time to take a step out of this fog,
No matter how hard it is.

Part 2 of the poem above

Seen At Last
Deep breaths, one two three.
It’s okay, just keep going.
Don’t you fret anymore,
And all the pain will fade,
Your worries, disappearing.

It’s okay that they will never understand.
You live in your head,
Them in their own.
Don’t you fret anymore,
No need to hide,
Time to be seen.

Your whole life was spent,
Hidden away in the in-between,
But it’s time to change.
Time to be seen.

I know it’s not what you wanted,
But sometimes it’s better that way,
To grow.
Time to be seen, at last.

oh very nice !!
thank you!!!
you're welcomeee !^^

Im a coder and I know several languages

Be moist

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

Word War Proof!
It was my first day at this magical school. I’d read about something like it in those Harry Potter books. Some aspects of the school were like this, moving staircases, potion classes, but there were also doors that didn’t lead to where they were supposed to go.
This morning, I woke up extra early to try and make it to class on time since I knew the moving staircases, hidden passageways, and trickster doors would make it hard to find my way. Finally, I got to door 189, well, that’s what it was labeled, but when I opened it and entered into a dark, gloomy passageway, I ended up on the other side of campus. After sprinting back to door 189, though it was the one next door, the magical numbers having moved around, I was late to class, even though I tried so hard not to be.

73 posts

✮ ~ Toko's Writing Thread ~ ✮

March 6 ~ 255 words ~ 250 points
A quick round of applause circles around the room as the lights dim, the curtains part, and the audience’s murmuring quiets as the show begins.
Ladies and gentlemen, you could have been anywhere in the world tonight, but you’re here with us in New York City. Are you ready for an amazing performance? This means, we better blow you all away. There is no day but today so now is the time to seize the day! Even though every sun doesn’t rise, the sun’ll come out tomorrow, because even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise. But enough about the rising sun, because tonight, tonight, the world is full of light. Once glance upwards, and I see stars, so many stars tonight. Now, I have a question for all of you. How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnight, there are so many different things to choose from. How about, simply with one day more? Another day, another destiny, because at the end of the day, you’re another day older. At the end of the day, there’s another day dawning, and the sun in the morning is ready to rise, like the waves crash on the sand, like a storm that’ll break any second. But it is quiet, and I am warm like I’ve sailed into the eye of a storm. Now, we’ll reconvene after a brief recess. I will hopefully see everyone later, and while you are gone, follow every rainbow ‘till you find your dream.”

Last edited by TokoWrites (March 6, 2024 03:31:40)

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