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67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

Hi!!! this is my writing for the bi-DAILYYYYY
Carlos: Hey, Olivia! Loving the beach vibes tonight. How's the party going for you?

Olivia: Thanks, Carlos! The party's been a blast so far. I'm having a great time with everyone. How about you?

Carlos: Yeah, it's been awesome. But you know, sometimes I struggle with opening up to people. It's hard for me to reveal my true self.

Olivia: Really? I would have never guessed. You always seem so confident and outgoing.

Carlos: Thanks, Olivia. It's just something I've been working on. I want to let people in and show them who I really am.

Olivia: Well, I'm glad you shared that with me. It takes courage to be vulnerable. Just remember, we're all here to support each other.

Carlos: I appreciate that, Olivia. It means a lot. You're a great friend, and I'm lucky to have you here tonight.

Olivia: The feeling is mutual, Carlos. Let's keep enjoying this party and creating more amazing memories together.

Carlos: Absolutely! Cheers to that, Olivia!

As the night goes on, Carlos and Olivia continue to enjoy the beach party. They dance, laugh, and have deep conversations. The atmosphere is filled with joy and excitement. Carlos can't help but feel grateful for Olivia's presence in his life.

Carlos: You know, Olivia, I've been working a lot of extra hours lately. It's been taking a toll on me.

Olivia: I can imagine. It's important to take breaks and have fun too. You deserve some time to relax and unwind.

Carlos: Yeah, you're right. I've been feeling burnt out, and this party is exactly what I needed. Thanks for reminding me to take a break.

Olivia: Of course, Carlos. We all need a break from the non-stop work sometimes. It's all about finding that balance.

Carlos: Absolutely. And speaking of breaks, I'm planning a party for my best friend, Jake. He's been going through a tough time lately, and I want to show him some love and support.

Olivia: That's such a thoughtful gesture, Carlos. I'm sure Jake will appreciate it. What kind of party are you thinking of?

Carlos: I'm hosting a party with a beach theme for Jake. He loves the ocean, so I thought it would be perfect.

Olivia: That sounds amazing! I'm sure Jake will appreciate the effort you put into it. What are your plans for the party?

Carlos: Well, I've set up a mini tiki bar with different tropical drinks. I've also arranged some beach games like volleyball and limbo. And, of course, there's a bonfire for everyone to gather around and share stories.

Olivia: Wow, you've thought of everything! It's going to be a blast. I'm sure Jake will have an unforgettable time.

Carlos: I hope so. He's been feeling down lately, and I want to lift his spirits. It means a lot to me that you're here to support us.

Olivia: Carlos, you're such a caring friend. I'm grateful to be a part of this celebration. Let's make it a night to remember.

Carlos: Absolutely, Olivia. Thank you for being here and for always being such a positive presence in my life. It means the world to me.

Olivia: The feeling is mutual, Carlos. We're here for each other through thick and thin. Let's continue enjoying this beach party and creating beautiful memories together.

Carlos and Olivia continue to enjoy the beach party, dancing, laughing, and cherishing their friendship. The night is filled with laughter, good vibes, and a sense of camaraderie. They both know that no matter what challenges life throws their way, they have each other's backs.

p.s this is gonna be part of a play im writing!!!



Last edited by stvrriii (Feb. 5, 2024 03:02:54)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D


Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 6, 2023 03:28:11)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

WEEKLYYY nov 5th

part 1

Carlos, a charismatic and adventurous man, stood tall by the crackling bonfire on the sandy beach. With his dark, tousled hair and olive skin, he exuded a rugged charm. His mischievous glimmering eyes revealed his playful nature, while his lean physique hinted at an active lifestyle.

As the flames danced in the fading light, Carlos gathered his friends around him. Jake, his loyal companion, chuckled at the memories they shared. Emma, a warm-hearted and compassionate soul, admired Carlos for his ability to bring people together.

“Carlos,” Emma spoke softly, “you have this incredible talent for making everyone feel included. It's one of the things I love most about you.”

Carlos flashed a grateful smile at Emma, his appreciation shining in his eyes. “Thanks, Em. I just want to see everyone having a good time and creating unforgettable moments.”

Raine, an adventurous spirit like Carlos, leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Hey, Carlos, what's our next daring escapade? I'm ready for some adrenaline!”

Carlos chuckled, his voice filled with anticipation. “Oh, Raine, you know me too well. We'll conquer the world, one thrilling adventure at a time!”

Amidst laughter and shared stories, Carlos and his friends continued to build a bond that would withstand the test of time. Their adventures were just beginning, and they couldn't wait to create more unforgettable memories together.

part 2
131 words

Name: Carlos
Age: 15
Physical Appearance: Carlos has dark, wavy hair and a charming smile. He's always dressed stylishly.
Personality: Carlos is outgoing and charismatic. He's the life of the party and loves making people laugh.
Values and Beliefs: Carlos believes in the power of friendship and always being there for his loved ones.
Hobbies: Carlos enjoys playing soccer, dancing, and exploring new places.
Background: Carlos grew up in a tight-knit community and has a strong bond with his family and friends.
Goals: Carlos wants to make a positive impact on the world and inspire others to chase their dreams.
Strengths: Carlos is a great storyteller and has a natural ability to connect with people.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Carlos can be a bit impulsive and jump into things without thinking them through.

part 3
556 words
1. Scenario: Carlos discovers a hidden talent for painting.
Motive: Carlos's motive for discovering a hidden talent for painting was driven by a deep desire to express himself creatively and find a new passion outside of his usual hobbies. He felt a yearning to explore different forms of self-expression and tap into his artistic side. By picking up a paintbrush and immersing himself in the world of painting, Carlos found a new way to unleash his imagination and bring his inner visions to life on canvas.

Painting became a source of solace and joy for Carlos, allowing him to escape from the pressures and demands of everyday life. It provided him with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as he experimented with colors, techniques, and subject matters. Carlos discovered that through painting, he could communicate his emotions, thoughts, and unique perspective to the world.

This newfound passion for painting opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Carlos. It became a form of self-discovery, allowing him to explore his own creativity and push the boundaries of his artistic abilities. With each brushstroke, Carlos not only found a way to express himself but also discovered a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

2. Scenario: Carlos witnesses a friend being treated unfairly.
Motive: Carlos's motive in this scenario is driven by his strong sense of justice and unwavering loyalty towards his friends. When he witnesses a friend being treated unfairly, it ignites a fire within him to take a stand and fight for what's right.

Carlos firmly believes that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and he cannot bear to see his friends subjected to injustice. His moral compass guides him to confront bullies, challenge unfair rules, and advocate for equality. He understands that loyalty means standing up for those you care about, even if it means facing difficult circumstances.

Carlos's motive is deeply rooted in his belief that no one should be mistreated or discriminated against. He believes in the power of unity and fairness, and he is willing to go against the grain to protect and support his friends.His actions serve as an inspiration for all of us to stand up for what we believe in and to support those in need.

3. Scenario: Carlos is invited to compete in a dance competition.
Motive: Carlos's motivation for participating in the dance competition is driven by his fierce ambition and burning desire to be recognized for his incredible dancing skills. He has been working tirelessly to perfect his moves and this competition presents him with the perfect opportunity to showcase his talent and prove that he's got what it takes to shine in a competitive environment.

Carlos is beyond excited to hit the dance floor and mesmerize the crowd with his mind-blowing moves. He sees this competition as his chance to make a name for himself in the dancing world and finally get the recognition he truly deserves. The adrenaline rush of the competition fuels his determination to push his limits and deliver a performance that will leave a lasting impact on the judges and the audience.
I can only imagine the mix of emotions Carlos must be experiencing as he prepares for this dance competition. The anticipation, the butterflies in his stomach, and the sheer joy of doing what he loves most.

777 words

Carlos had always been known for his outgoing personality and his love for soccer and dancing. But one day, while strolling through an art exhibition with his friends, something caught his eye. It was a vibrant painting that seemed to speak to his soul. Carlos couldn't tear his gaze away from it. He felt an inexplicable connection, as if the colors and strokes were whispering secrets only he could hear.

Intrigued, Carlos approached the artist, a wise and experienced painter named Sofia. She saw the spark of curiosity in Carlos's eyes and invited him to try painting for himself. With a mix of excitement and uncertainty, Carlos accepted the challenge.

As Carlos stood in front of the blank canvas, he hesitated. He had never held a paintbrush before, let alone tried to create something meaningful with it. But deep down, he knew he had to give it a shot. With Sofia's guidance, Carlos dipped the brush into vibrant hues and began to let his emotions flow onto the canvas.

Time seemed to stand still as Carlos lost himself in the act of painting. He discovered a newfound sense of peace and self-expression with every stroke. The colors danced and blended, creating a masterpiece that reflected his innermost thoughts and emotions.

Carlos's hidden talent for painting soon became the talk of the town. People were amazed by the depth and beauty of his artwork. His friends, who had always seen him as the life of the party, were astonished by this hidden side of him. They realized that Carlos's motives went beyond seeking attention or recognition. Painting became his sanctuary, a way to explore his emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

With each painting, Carlos found himself delving deeper into his own motives. He discovered that his desire to express himself creatively stemmed from a longing to break free from societal expectations and find his own unique voice. Through art, he could convey his thoughts and feelings in a way that words alone couldn't capture.

Carlos's newfound passion for painting also strengthened his bond with his friends. They began to see him not just as the funny and outgoing guy, but as someone with depth and complexity. They admired his courage to pursue something outside of his comfort zone and supported him wholeheartedly.

As Carlos's artwork gained recognition, he started using his talent to make a difference in the community making paintings for the buidlings on the walls for the school everywhere it helps make a big groth in the comunity which unleashed a wave of inspiration in his life. He started incorporating his artwork into his parties, creating a unique and immersive experience for his friends. Carlos transformed his backyard into a vibrant gallery, where his paintings adorned the walls, and guests could immerse themselves in his creative world.

His friends, Jake, Emma, River, Max, Raine, and Olivia, were in awe of Carlos's artistic talent and the way he infused his beach-themed party with his paintings. The atmosphere was electric as everyone danced, laughed, and marveled at the artwork surrounding them.

Carlos's beach-themed party became a celebration of creativity and self-expression. Each friend brought their unique talents to the event, whether it was Jake's DJ skills, Emma's delicious beach-inspired treats, River's stunning photography, Max's intricate sand sculptures, Raine's energetic dance moves, or Olivia's soulful singing.

As the night went on, the party took on a life of its own. The music was pumping, the bonfire crackled, and the laughter filled the air. Carlos decided to take his artistic journey to the next level by surprising his friends with a live painting performance.

With a canvas set up in the center of the party, Carlos picked up his paintbrush and began to create a masterpiece right before everyone's eyes. The crowd gathered around, mesmerized by the strokes of his brush and the colors that danced across the canvas.

As Carlos painted, his friends couldn't help but be inspired. They joined in, grabbing paintbrushes and adding their own artistic touches to the canvas. It became a collaborative artwork, a symbol of the bond they shared and the power of creativity. soon they all made a giant work peicecall the
friendship star“ it was a huge star with everything about them.

The night was filled with joy, laughter, giggling, and a sense of unity. Carlos's beach-themed party had transformed into a celebration of friendship, art, and the beauty of self-expression. It was a night with all of his friends emma, rose, river, raine,jake,max even his whole entire neighborhood was there for sometihing that would be remembered to the end of time never ever forgotten EVER!.

part 1

Carlos, a charismatic and adventurous man, stood tall by the crackling bonfire on the sandy beach. With his dark, tousled hair and olive skin, he exuded a rugged charm. His mischievous glimmering eyes revealed his playful nature, while his lean physique hinted at an active lifestyle.

As the flames danced in the fading light, Carlos gathered his friends around him. Jake, his loyal companion, chuckled at the memories they shared. Emma, a warm-hearted and compassionate soul, admired Carlos for his ability to bring people together.

”Carlos,“ Emma spoke softly, ”you have this incredible talent for making everyone feel included. It's one of the things I love most about you.“

Carlos flashed a grateful smile at Emma, his appreciation shining in his eyes. ”Thanks, Em. I just want to see everyone having a good time and creating unforgettable moments.“

Raine, an adventurous spirit like Carlos, leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement. ”Hey, Carlos, what's our next daring escapade? I'm ready for some adrenaline!“

Carlos chuckled, his voice filled with anticipation. ”Oh, Raine, you know me too well. We'll conquer the world, one thrilling adventure at a time!“

Amidst laughter and shared stories, Carlos and his friends continued to build a bond that would withstand the test of time. Their adventures were just beginning, and they couldn't wait to create more unforgettable memories together.

part 2
131 words

Name: Carlos
Age: 15
Physical Appearance: Carlos has dark, wavy hair and a charming smile. He's always dressed stylishly.
Personality: Carlos is outgoing and charismatic. He's the life of the party and loves making people laugh.
Values and Beliefs: Carlos believes in the power of friendship and always being there for his loved ones.
Hobbies: Carlos enjoys playing soccer, dancing, and exploring new places.
Background: Carlos grew up in a tight-knit community and has a strong bond with his family and friends.
Goals: Carlos wants to make a positive impact on the world and inspire others to chase their dreams.
Strengths: Carlos is a great storyteller and has a natural ability to connect with people.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Carlos can be a bit impulsive and jump into things without thinking them through.

part 3
556 words
1. Scenario: Carlos discovers a hidden talent for painting.
Motive: Carlos's motive for discovering a hidden talent for painting was driven by a deep desire to express himself creatively and find a new passion outside of his usual hobbies. He felt a yearning to explore different forms of self-expression and tap into his artistic side. By picking up a paintbrush and immersing himself in the world of painting, Carlos found a new way to unleash his imagination and bring his inner visions to life on canvas.

Painting became a source of solace and joy for Carlos, allowing him to escape from the pressures and demands of everyday life. It provided him with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as he experimented with colors, techniques, and subject matters. Carlos discovered that through painting, he could communicate his emotions, thoughts, and unique perspective to the world.

This newfound passion for painting opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Carlos. It became a form of self-discovery, allowing him to explore his own creativity and push the boundaries of his artistic abilities. With each brushstroke, Carlos not only found a way to express himself but also discovered a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

2. Scenario: Carlos witnesses a friend being treated unfairly.
Motive: Carlos's motive in this scenario is driven by his strong sense of justice and unwavering loyalty towards his friends. When he witnesses a friend being treated unfairly, it ignites a fire within him to take a stand and fight for what's right.

Carlos firmly believes that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and he cannot bear to see his friends subjected to injustice. His moral compass guides him to confront bullies, challenge unfair rules, and advocate for equality. He understands that loyalty means standing up for those you care about, even if it means facing difficult circumstances.

Carlos's motive is deeply rooted in his belief that no one should be mistreated or discriminated against. He believes in the power of unity and fairness, and he is willing to go against the grain to protect and support his friends.His actions serve as an inspiration for all of us to stand up for what we believe in and to support those in need.

3. Scenario: Carlos is invited to compete in a dance competition.
Motive: Carlos's motivation for participating in the dance competition is driven by his fierce ambition and burning desire to be recognized for his incredible dancing skills. He has been working tirelessly to perfect his moves and this competition presents him with the perfect opportunity to showcase his talent and prove that he's got what it takes to shine in a competitive environment.

Carlos is beyond excited to hit the dance floor and mesmerize the crowd with his mind-blowing moves. He sees this competition as his chance to make a name for himself in the dancing world and finally get the recognition he truly deserves. The adrenaline rush of the competition fuels his determination to push his limits and deliver a performance that will leave a lasting impact on the judges and the audience.
I can only imagine the mix of emotions Carlos must be experiencing as he prepares for this dance competition. The anticipation, the butterflies in his stomach, and the sheer joy of doing what he loves most.

777 words

Carlos had always been known for his outgoing personality and his love for soccer and dancing. But one day, while strolling through an art exhibition with his friends, something caught his eye. It was a vibrant painting that seemed to speak to his soul. Carlos couldn't tear his gaze away from it. He felt an inexplicable connection, as if the colors and strokes were whispering secrets only he could hear.

Intrigued, Carlos approached the artist, a wise and experienced painter named Sofia. She saw the spark of curiosity in Carlos's eyes and invited him to try painting for himself. With a mix of excitement and uncertainty, Carlos accepted the challenge.

As Carlos stood in front of the blank canvas, he hesitated. He had never held a paintbrush before, let alone tried to create something meaningful with it. But deep down, he knew he had to give it a shot. With Sofia's guidance, Carlos dipped the brush into vibrant hues and began to let his emotions flow onto the canvas.

Time seemed to stand still as Carlos lost himself in the act of painting. He discovered a newfound sense of peace and self-expression with every stroke. The colors danced and blended, creating a masterpiece that reflected his innermost thoughts and emotions.

Carlos's hidden talent for painting soon became the talk of the town. People were amazed by the depth and beauty of his artwork. His friends, who had always seen him as the life of the party, were astonished by this hidden side of him. They realized that Carlos's motives went beyond seeking attention or recognition. Painting became his sanctuary, a way to explore his emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.

With each painting, Carlos found himself delving deeper into his own motives. He discovered that his desire to express himself creatively stemmed from a longing to break free from societal expectations and find his own unique voice. Through art, he could convey his thoughts and feelings in a way that words alone couldn't capture.

Carlos's newfound passion for painting also strengthened his bond with his friends. They began to see him not just as the funny and outgoing guy, but as someone with depth and complexity. They admired his courage to pursue something outside of his comfort zone and supported him wholeheartedly.

As Carlos's artwork gained recognition, he started using his talent to make a difference in the community making paintings for the buidlings on the walls for the school everywhere it helps make a big groth in the comunity which unleashed a wave of inspiration in his life. He started incorporating his artwork into his parties, creating a unique and immersive experience for his friends. Carlos transformed his backyard into a vibrant gallery, where his paintings adorned the walls, and guests could immerse themselves in his creative world.

His friends, Jake, Emma, River, Max, Raine, and Olivia, were in awe of Carlos's artistic talent and the way he infused his beach-themed party with his paintings. The atmosphere was electric as everyone danced, laughed, and marveled at the artwork surrounding them.

Carlos's beach-themed party became a celebration of creativity and self-expression. Each friend brought their unique talents to the event, whether it was Jake's DJ skills, Emma's delicious beach-inspired treats, River's stunning photography, Max's intricate sand sculptures, Raine's energetic dance moves, or Olivia's soulful singing.

As the night went on, the party took on a life of its own. The music was pumping, the bonfire crackled, and the laughter filled the air. Carlos decided to take his artistic journey to the next level by surprising his friends with a live painting performance.

With a canvas set up in the center of the party, Carlos picked up his paintbrush and began to create a masterpiece right before everyone's eyes. The crowd gathered around, mesmerized by the strokes of his brush and the colors that danced across the canvas.

As Carlos painted, his friends couldn't help but be inspired. They joined in, grabbing paintbrushes and adding their own artistic touches to the canvas. It became a collaborative artwork, a symbol of the bond they shared and the power of creativity. soon they all made a giant work peicecall the
friendship star” it was a huge star with everything about them.

The night was filled with joy, laughter, giggling, and a sense of unity. Carlos's beach-themed party had transformed into a celebration of friendship, art, and the beauty of self-expression. It was a night with all of his friends emma, rose, river, raine,jake,max even his whole entire neighborhood was there for sometihing that would be remembered to the end of time never ever forgotten EVER!.


Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 6, 2023 12:41:40)

1000+ posts

Lily likes writing :D

Please do not post stories here. Instead, go to Things I'm Making and Creating (TIMAC).

remaking my signature because I feel like it
67 posts

Lily likes writing :D


Past Self: Hey there,furture me! How are your days in school, soccer, and softball? Any memorable moments or challenges you faced?

Present Self: Well, Past Lily, let me tell you about my journey so far. In school, I've been studying hard and exploring my interests in the arts and announcing I've also been balancing my time between soccer and softball, playing in exciting games and tournaments. It's been a lot of fun! I'm also starting to do cheerleading im trying out next week!!!

Past Self: That sounds amazing! I'm curious, Future Lily,where are you right now in our future years? Are you still involved in sports and pursuing your passion for art or announcing?

Future Self: Hey, Past and Present Lily! In 10 years, I see myself continuing to play soccer and softball recreationally. While I may not be as heavily involved as before, sports will always hold a special place in my heart. As for history, I've turned my passion into a career as a sports social media coordinator , specializing in football. It's been an incredible journey of discovery and learning. I no longer do cheer though because im getting older and im currently in college.

Past Self: That's incredible! I'm so proud of you, Future Lily. Do you have any advice for me, as I navigate through school, soccer, and softball?

Future Self: Absolutely, Past Lily. First and foremost, enjoy every moment of your journey. Cherish the friendships you make in sports and embrace the learning opportunities in school. Don't be afraid to take risks and push yourself beyond your comfort zone. And remember, it's okay to make mistakes. They're valuable lessons that will shape you into a stronger person.

Present Self: That's great advice, Future Lily! I'll definitely keep that in mind as I continue my own journey. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.

Future Self: Anytime, Present and Past Lily! Remember, life is a beautiful blend of experiences, and it's up to you to make the most of each opportunity. Keep working hard, stay passionate, and always believe in yourself. You've got this!

Past Self: I cant believe i did soccer and softball and announcing??!? I just want to do dance and gymnastics right now and i want to be a doctor.

Present self: well right now im applied to magnet schools for, art, allied health, and media/communications which is gonna help me get to where future us is.

Future Self: that is what helped me get her all those choices you made helped me get here!

lily - artist - writer - reader - SPORTS!!!
when [ v] key pressed

Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 8, 2023 19:06:39)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

first word war!!!

prompt: “We can’t eat him, it’s Thursday.”

On a small farm in a quaint little village, there lived Jack and his three pet lambs - Spotty, Whiskers, and Daisy. Jack loved the lambs dearly and cared for them as if they were his own children. The lambs were sweet and gentle, but they had a habit of wandering off on their own.

Jack was always worried that the lambs would get lost or hurt, so he made a deal with them. If they followed one rule - that they may never be eaten on Thursday - then he would let them have the run of the farm. The lambs thought the rule was a bit odd, but they loved Jack so they agreed.

Years went by, and the lambs grew up to be big, strong sheep. Jack's farm became more popular, and the villagers all thought it was a bit odd that Jack never ate his sheep. The villagers started to respect Jack's decision and never insisted that he should eat his sheep. Instead, they admired his loyalty to them.

But one day, tragedy struck. A pack of wolves showed up and ate Jack's sheep on a Thursday. The villagers and Jack were shocked and grief-stricken. Jack thought he could never recover from that loss, but the villagers were so moved by Jack's loyalty to his sheep that they decided to help him by donating some of their own livestock to him.

Jack was so grateful for the villagers' kindness, and he never forgot their generosity. Jack ended up with a small farm full of adorable animals that he treated like pets, and no one ever ate them on a Thursday. And, even when the villagers struggled with their own food supply, they never asked Jack for any of his animals. They knew that Jack would never break his promise to his sheep and eat them on a Thursday.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D


Title: “The One That Got Away”

It was a day like any other when Andrew finally found the courage to tell Charlotte that he was in love with her. They were childhood friends who had grown close over the years, and he couldn't bear to keep his feelings to himself any longer. To his surprise, she felt the same, and they started dating.

But, as they say, life has a way of throwing unexpected twists, and the two soon found themselves separated by distance. Andrew had to move to another city for work while Charlotte stayed behind. Long-distance relationships can be difficult, but the couple was determined to make it work. They kept in touch through frequent phone calls and video chats, and they visited each other when they could.

Despite their best efforts, the distance proved too much, and the relationship gradually fizzled out. While Charlotte never stopped caring for Andrew, she knew that their paths were headed in different directions. They both tried to move on, but the end of their relationship was a bitter pill to swallow.

Years went by, and they both started new lives. But in the back of their minds, they could never forget each other. Every time one of them found themselves thinking about the other, the thought was always tinged with a sense of sadness and longing. They knew that they could never be together again, but they would always remember their time together fondly. The one that got away would always hold a special place in their hearts.

It had been years since Andrew and Charlotte had seen or spoken to each other. They had each moved on with their lives, finding love and happiness with new partners. But there was always a part of them that yearned for each other, and the memories they had shared together.

One day, a friend of Charlotte's, who had known about her past relationship with Andrew, told her that he had heard something surprising about him. He had apparently been in a serious accident and was now in the hospital, fighting for his life.

Charlotte was shocked and immediately began to worry. She had never stopped caring for Andrew, despite their separation, and the thought of him being in danger was terrifying. She needed to know if he was alright, so she decided to try to find him.

She didn't have his phone number or address, so she started searching on social media instead. After a few hours of searching, she finally found his profile and sent him a message. She was overwhelmed with emotion as she hit send, not knowing if he would even read it.

To her surprise, Andrew replied almost immediately. He was grateful for her concern and told her that he was doing as well as could be expected. They began exchanging messages, and the old chemistry between them was still there.

As they caught up, they realized that there was a part of them that still longed for each other. They both knew that they couldn't be together again, but the connection between them was too strong to ignore.

They decided to meet up for lunch, just to catch up in person. The day of the lunch, Charlotte was nervous but excited. She didn't know what to expect, but she hoped that she could finally lay her feelings for Andrew to rest.

When they met, the awkwardness between them quickly melted away. They spent hours talking and catching up, as if they were old friends who had never lost touch. By the end of the day, they both knew that they still had a deep connection, one that they would never be able to break.

As they said their goodbyes, Andrew told Charlotte that he still loved her. She couldn't believe her ears, but she felt the same. When they hugged goodbye, they both knew that they were going to have to figure out how to navigate their feelings for each other.

Years went

months of intermittent communication, Andrew and Charlotte finally agreed to meet up again. To their surprise, nothing had changed between them. They still felt the same connection and chemistry they had always shared.

At the time, Charlotte, had been in a serious relationship, which she had to end before she could even consider getting back together with Andrew. She knew it would be difficult, but she couldn't keep living a lie.

When she finally broke the news to her boyfriend, he was devastated. For Charlotte, it was a difficult decision, but she knew it was the right one. She still cared about him, but she had to follow her true feelings.

Andrew and Charlotte's relationship progressed slowly, but they were determined to make it work this time. They wanted to learn from their past mistakes and build a future together that was stronger than ever.

Even though it wasn't easy, they both knew they couldn't live without each other. They spent every waking moment together, enjoying every moment and making new memories.

Six months after they had reunited, Andrew proposed to Charlotte. It was the happiest moment of their lives. They couldn't wait to start a new chapter together.

As they planned their dream wedding, they both knew that nothing could ever come between them again. Their love had brought them back together after all these years, and it was stronger than ever before.

As they stood at the altar, surrounded by their friends and family, they knew that they had finally found their way back to each other. They would spend the rest of their lives together, laughing, loving, and creating new memories, knowing that nothing could ever truly keep them apart.

As they celebrated their wedding day, Charlotte and Andrew felt like they were the luckiest people in the world. The joy and love they felt on this day was indescribable. They looked forward to a future full of adventures and memories with each other.

Over the years, their lives were filled with happiness and joy. They traveled the world, made new friends, and built their dream home together. Life was never boring with each other. They were the type of couple who people envied, always finding peace and happiness in each other's company.

One day, Charlotte decided it was time to start a family. They had always talked about having children, and now felt like the perfect time. After some time, they finally got the news they had been waiting for – they were going to have their first child. The excitement and anticipation they felt was unmatched.

Nine months later, they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. They named her Alice after Charlotte's grandmother. As they welcomed their little girl into the world, their hearts grew even fuller with love. They were a family now and couldn't imagine life without her.

Throughout the years, they continued to grow and strengthen their relationship. They had each other's backs no matter what and were always there to support one another. With each passing day, their love for each other grew stronger, and they knew they were meant to be together.

After many years, the two had finally reached retirement age. They looked back on their lives filled with happiness, memories, and love. They had built a life together that was filled with adventure, excitement, and happiness. They couldn't have asked for more. As they grew older, they knew they could always count on each other.

Despite the ups and downs in life, they had each other, and that was what mattered. They stayed together until the end and had a love that knew no bounds. They knew that no matter what the future held, they had each other. Their love was timeless and forever.

Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 9, 2023 20:50:40)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D


Part one!! 434 wordsss


Allieyah and Beau are having lunch in a café.

A: Hey, have you tried the new sandwich on the menu? It’s supposed to be delicious!

B: Really? I’ve been wanting to try it. Do you think it’s really that good?

A: Definitely! I tried it yesterday and it was amazing. The combination of flavors is something you’ve never tasted before. Trust me, I’m a connoisseur.

B: (rolls eyes) Okay, okay. I’ll take your word for it.

A: Good choice. (takes a bite of the sandwich) Hmm… this really is delicious!

B: (takes a bite) You were right, this is amazing!

A: (smiles triumphantly) I told you so!

B: (smiles) Yeah, you were right. This really is a great sandwich!

A: (grins) I knew it! (takes another bite) Mmmm… this sandwich is just perfect.

B: (grins) I’m so glad we decided to try this!

A: Me too. (takes another bite) I feel bad for all the people who don’t know about this amazing sandwich. They’re missing out. (finishes sandwich) Well, that was delicious!

B: (finishes sandwich) I don’t think I could have asked for a tastier meal. (gets up) Shall we go?

A: (gets up) You read my mind! Let’s head back to the office.

As they walk back to the office, Allieyah and Beau continue to gush about the sandwich.

A: I can’t believe how good that sandwich was. It’s like I’ve been living in a food desert all my life and now I’ve finally found the oasis.

B: I know what you mean. It’s like all my taste buds are celebrating at once. I never knew a sandwich could be so delicious.

A: (laughs) I know, right? It’s like every bite is a party in my mouth.

B: (smiles) I know! And the best part is, it’s so easy to make. We can have it for lunch every day!

A: (grins) I was just thinking the same thing. We can even share the recipe with our coworkers and start an office sandwich club.

B: (laughs) That’s such a great idea! I’m sure everyone will be jealous of our sandwich-making skills.

A: (laughs) I can’t wait to start our sandwich-making adventures. But first, we have to make sure to save some of that sandwich for dessert. After all, it was so delicious that we deserve a little treat.

B: (smirks) You’ve read my mind! Let’s go back to the café and get another one.

And with that, Allieyah and Beau set off to enjoy the rest of their day, their taste buds still singing the praises of that delicious sandwich.

PART 2!!!!

377 words

Verse 1:
Allieyah and Beau were sitting in a café
Both in the mood for some food so yummy
They saw a sandwich on the menu and they were intrigued
They had to try it, they were so intrigued
But little did they know, it was something new
They didn’t expect a taste beyond their wildest dreams
They both took a bite, and it was love at first bite
This sandwich was something they had never tasted before
They just had to shout it from the rooftops
The sandwich was so good, it was what they needed
Verse 2:
They tried the sandwich, they ate it all
They couldn’t stop talking, they were in awe
They realized they belonged together, the sandwich and them
They never knew they could taste something so good
It was like they discovered their true flavor
And the sandwich was the perfect combination of flavors
And they knew they would never forget the taste
Cause you belong with that sandwich, yeah
You belong with that sandwich, yeah, yeah
They finished the sandwich, and they knew they had to run
They needed more, they couldn’t be without it
They went back to the café, they had to get another one
They shared the recipe with their coworkers, and started a sandwich club
They ate the sandwich for lunch every single day
And they’ll never forget the special taste they had to say
Cause you belong with that sandwich, yeah
You belong with that sandwich, yeah, yeah
Verse 3:
They ate the sandwich every day, they just couldn’t get enough
They would always rave about it, and their coworkers would wonder what was the fuss
But when they tried it for themselves, they were shocked
And they realized how delicious the sandwich was, and why they were so obsessed
They never knew a sandwich could taste this good
It was like they had discovered a hidden treasure
And they knew they would forever sing its praises
Cause you belong with that sandwich, yeah
You belong with that sandwich, yeah, yeah

Allieyah and Beau will forever have this sandwich in their hearts
Their taste buds will forever sing its praises, no matter where they are
And they'll remember this sandwich

Part 3!

1116 words

It was a typical night at the SWC. A bunch of cabins were gathered outside the large building in the center, chatting as they prepared their weapons for the epic battle about to ensue. One individual was walking through the madness, a smile on their face and a glint in their eyes: their name was Finley.

Suddenly, Finleyheard two voices calling out to them, one of which they recognized - it was Mabel! Finley swiftly turned around, to be greeted by the sight of Mabel and Clev standing before them.
“Finley !” Clev exclaimed excitedly, as the three of them began approaching each other.

“My goodness, Clev. How could you have forgotten about Cabin Wars?” Mabel asked in a playful tone, while Clev laughed and nodded.

“I was trying not to think about it, as I knew it would just make me nervous,” Clev replied, as she took Mabel's hand to walk along with the other two.

“Well, don't worry. We are going to win and show them who's boss!” Finley boasted.
As Mabel, Clev, and Finley walked through the crowds of cabins and participants of Cabin Wars, they started to exchange words and their thoughts on how the battle would conclude. Finley bragged about their cabin's strength, while Clev shared her hopes of success with her newfound allies. Mabel listened carefully and offered her support, as she knew the trio of roommates would win with their combined strength. Even though they weren't from the same cabin, the connections they shared were stronger than the barriers of competition.

“Look, look!” Finley pointed out excitedly, as the trio arrived at the main building
Finley's voice snapped the other two out of their thoughts, and they turned to see what she was excited about. As they all looked around, they spotted a large, freshly-painted sign draped across the entrance to the building. It read “Cabin Wars”, which was accompanied by the sound of loud chatter coming from within. Mabel and Clev laughed in excitement at the thought of the battles and the memories that would be made tonight. Finley couldn't contain her excitement either, as her face was covered in a huge grin. The trio shared a quick glance before eagerly walking through the doors.
As the trio entered the building, they were met by a sea of faces, each one representing their respective cabins. Everyone was cheering and hyping each other up, excited to start the competition. The sight made Mabel smile, as she remembered how her cabin used to do the same exact thing before every battle. Finley and Clev both looked around the area as well, taking in the scene and the atmosphere of Cabin Wars.

After a few minutes, the announcement finally came out, causing everyone to quiet down and turn their attention to the stage in front of them.
At the front of the room stood three people: the organizers of Cabin Wars. One of them stepped forward with a microphone in their hand, ready to begin the briefing.

“Welcome, everyone, to Cabin Wars!” the organizer began. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, ready to listen to what the person had to say.

“Tonight, we will have three rounds of epic battles. Before we begin, let's go over the rules and guidelines that each cabin will need to abide by.” The organizer continued, as everyone listened carefully to every detail.
After the briefing, the organizer introduced the first round of Cabin Wars. The three people stepped back and two more organizers took their place to announce the matchups between the cabins. It was a tense moment, as everyone waited to see who would go up against whom in the first round. Finally, the names were called out, and the crowd went wild with cheers and applause for their fellow campers.Finley , Mabel, and Clev couldn't help but smile at the thought of competing against the other cabins.The first round of battles started and everyone was eager to watch as their cabins and allies clashed head-to-head, determined to win. Mabel watched Finley and Clev compete, rooting for them as they fiercely fought against their opponents. Finley and Clev both put up a good fight, using their skills and strategies to make it to the second round. As the first round came to an end, the crowd was buzzing with excitement, as they anxiously waited for the organizers to announce the results.

Finally, the moment of truth came and the results for the first round of Cabin Wars were announced. With a sigh of relief, Finley and Clev realized that they had made it to the next round. Mabel was thrilled to see her roommates advance and to know that they would have a chance to bring home the trophy for their cabin. As everyone cheered and hugged their winners, the organizers announced the next round. Everyone got back into the competitive spirit and got ready for another epic fight.
The second round of Cabin Wars began with the same excitement as the first.Finley,Clev, and Mabel watched intently as their fellow cabins clashed head-to-head, determined to be victorious. The second round ended with Finley and Clev claiming two more wins for their cabin. With another round in their favor, they were ready to take on the rest of the competition. The tension was palpable as the audience eagerly waited for the final round as it would determine who would walk away with the win.

The third and final round of Cabin Wars was finally ready to start. Everyone in the building was filled with anticipation and excitement as they watched the last two cabins step up to the challenge. With the trophy on the line, everyone was determined to win. Finley and Clev looked at each other with nods of determination and solidarity as they took their positions to compete against their opponents. Meanwhile, Mabel watched from the other side of the cabin group, cheering for both of her roommates. The battle between the two cabins raged on, with neither side wanting to back down. Finally, the organizers stood up to make an announcement, ready to decide a winner.
“And the winner of Cabin Wars is….Mystery Mansion!”

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their voices resonating through the building. Mabel ran over to Finley and Clev when their cabin were declared the winners. Finley, Clev and Mabel looked at each other and proudly raised their arms high in the air, a look of joy on their faces. Th either cabins all ran over to hug Mystery, as their cabin celebrated their victory.

“I knew we all could do it!” Mabel shouted excitedly, as Finley and Clev both smirked and laughed at her words.

total: 1972



Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 12, 2023 04:12:30)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

a red riding hood story

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved Christmas. She loved the lights, the decorations, and the magic of the season. Every year on Christmas Day, she'd wake up early to see what gifts Santa had left for her. But this year, something wasn't quite right. She got up to open her presents, and to her surprise, there was nothing but coal and a note that said “No gifts for you.” The little girl was devastated, and she went into the woods to cry. Suddenly, she heard a voice shouting “Little girl, LITTLE GIRL!” The little girl was startled and hid behind a tree. Suddenly, she saw a big, fluffy red wolf with shiny eyes looking for her. “Little girl, come to me!” the wolf said. The little girl was scared, but she was also curious. She peeked out from behind the tree and saw that the wolf looked just like the one in her favorite story, Red Riding Hood! Without thinking twice, she took the wolf's hand and followed him deep into the woods.As they walked deeper and deeper into the woods, the little girl started to wonder if she had made the right choice to trust the wolf. He seemed nice at first, but she couldn't help but wonder what he was really up to.

When they reached a clearing in the woods, the wolf stopped and turned to the little girl. “Do you know why I've brought you here?” he asked. The little girl shook her head and said “No, but it's starting to scare me.”
The wolf let out a deep, hearty laugh and said “Relax, my dear little girl. I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, I have a surprise for you.”

The little girl's eyes lit up. “A surprise?” she asked. “What is it?”

The wolf smiled. “Just wait and see.”

Suddenly, the wolf turned around and started walking away. The little girl followed him into the woods, curious to see what her surprise would be.
After a while, they reached a small cottage in the middle of the woods. The wolf opened the door and motioned for the little girl to come inside. The little girl peeked inside and saw a cozy, inviting room filled with decorations and a warm, inviting fire. “Is this our surprise?” she asked the wolf.

The wolf nodded. “Yes, my dear little girl. But wait, there's more.”

The little girl's eyes lit up. “What is it?” she asked excitedly.

“You'll see soon enough,” the wolf said mysteriously.


67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for nov 12
mystery mansion FOR THE WIN!!!!

554 words

Once upon a time, there were two willow trees standing by the edge of a crystal clear river. Though the day seemed calm, the wind was blowing rather fast, making the trees weep. The gentle rustle of their leaves created by the wind, almost sounded like sobs. The two trees seemed to be missing each other, and their tears seemed to be of sadness and loneliness
The two willow trees were the only living things in sight. They stood tall above the riverbank, reaching towards the sky. One tree had a smaller trunk than the other, but it made up for it with its lush foliage. The other had a thick, sturdy trunk, with less leaves growing on its branches. It was the perfect spot for a relaxing day by the river.

But today was different. Today, the wind was blowing harder than normal, making the trees' branches rustle and shake. And suddenly, the smallest willow tree seemed to cry, shedding its leaves into the water.
The larger willow tree looked surprised. She turned towards her counterpart, seemingly confused as to why her sister was so upset. As the wind continued to blow, it became apparent that the smaller willow tree wasn't the only one crying. The larger tree began to shed her leaves as well, creating a gentle rain that landed on the ground underneath them.

The wind blew harder, as if the trees' tears had upset it. It grew so strong that it lifted the smaller willow tree off of its roots, and carried it downstream.As the smaller willow tree sailed away in the wind, it became clear that her sister was not going to let her go without a fuss. She leaned in towards the river, reaching for her tiny counterpart. As if she was holding back the wind's grasp, her branches grew out and wrapped around the smaller willow tree, holding it tight.

At first, it appeared that the larger willow tree would be successful in keeping her sister from floating away. But the strong currents of the river were just too powerful, and they eventually ripped the smaller willow tree from her sister's tight grip.As the smaller willow tree sailed away in the wind, it became clear that her sister was not going to let her go without a fuss. She leaned in towards the river, reaching for her tiny counterpart. As if she was holding back the wind's grasp, her branches grew out and wrapped around the smaller willow tree, holding it tight.

At first, it appeared that the larger willow tree would be successful in keeping her sister from floating away. But the strong currents of the river were just too powerful, and they eventually ripped the smaller willow tree from her sister's tight grip.
As the smaller willow tree sailed away, she thought of the fond memories she had with her sister. The two grew up together, taking strength and comfort in each other's company. When the smaller willow tree was still only a sapling, she always sought out the comfort of her sister's branches. As time went on, their bond only grew stronger and more unbreakable, until today. Now, as the smaller willow tree drifted down the river, she could not help but think of her sister's tender touch, and the warmth of her embrace.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily for nov 13
657 words

“come and join us, delve deeper into the mysteries here, and unravel the secrets that lie hidden within the mansion's icy embrace,” gestured mabel, offering you a hand.
I took Mabel's hand as we made our way deeper into the mysterious mansion. She seemed eager to unravel its secrets, and I was excited to help her. The ice that covered the mansion had a magical air around it, as if it held powers beyond our understanding. But before we could uncover the mysteries within the ice-covered mansion, we knew that we had to be cautious with every step. As Mabel and I moved through corridor after corridor, we grew more and more fascinated with the secrets within. What discoveries lie beneath the icy surface? Only time and persistence will tell…
Mabel and I made our way deeper into the mysterious mansion, curious to unravel its secrets and discover the mysteries within. As we wandered through the freezing corridors, we noticed how the thick ice that covered the walls seemed to radiate a magical aura. It was as if the mansion held a hidden power, just waiting to be unlocked.

Despite the dangerous atmosphere, Mabel and I pushed forward, eager to discover what was hidden beneath the icy embrace. We passed by dusty old furniture, old paintings hanging on the walls and creaking floorboards, until we finally made our way to a long staircase.

As we ascended the stairs, we began to notice strange symbols carved into the walls and a faint whispering coming from the shadows. Mabel's face lit up with excitement as she noticed the strange markings, and she whispered to me that she believed these symbols held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the mansion. We continued up the staircase, and finally reached the top.

At the top of the staircase was a small attic, filled with cobwebs and old furniture. But it was what lay in the middle of the room that caught our attention - a large, ancient-looking book. Mabel eagerly walked towards it, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“This is it, this is what we've been looking for,” she said, as she carefully opened the book. Inside were pages filled with arcane symbols and strange, nonsensical words. Mabel began to recite what she believed to be a spell from the book, her voice growing louder with each word. The attic grew quiet for a moment, and then with a great flash of light, the ice that covered the mansion began to crack and fall away, revealing the mysteries within.

“We did it!” Mabel exclaimed, looking over at me with a smile. “We have uncovered the secrets of the ice-covered mansion. And now, let's explore what's inside.”
Mabel and I were astonished to see the ice crumbling at our feet, the frozen walls melting away to reveal the gorgeous rooms within the mansion. We marveled at the beautiful furniture and the intricate decorations, and we realized that this was a place of magic and wonder.
As we ventured deeper into the mansion, we found that each room held a different surprise - there were rooms filled with ancient tomes, rooms with magical artifacts, rooms with strange plants and animals. Mabel and I were in awe at what we saw and felt like we had stepped into another world entirely.

Our journey through the icy mansion was one full of adventure, mystery, and discovery. We felt like we had uncovered a hidden treasure, one that we would never forget. And as we made our way back outside, we felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that we had conquered something incredible and grown stronger together.

The experience had been unforgettable, one that Mabel and I would cherish forever. And the lessons we learned along the way - the importance of curiosity, the value of teamwork, and the power of resilience - would stay with us long after the icy mansions' mysteries had been uncovered.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

cat essay 1188 words

Cats are a fascinating species that have captured the hearts and minds of humans for centuries. From Ancient Egypt to present-day New York City, these furry felines have held a special place in our world. In this essay, we will explore some interesting facts and myths about cats, and delve into the history and culture surrounding these mysterious animals.

Cats are a widely recognized and adored animal, with an estimated 76 million cats living as pets in the United States alone. They are known for their independence, agility, and playful nature, making them a popular choice for pet owners. But did you know that the relationship between humans and cats began thousands of years ago?

In Egypt, cats were revered as gods. The Egyptian goddess Bastet, depicted with the head of a cat, was the protector of cats and the home. Ancient Egyptians believed that when a cat licks you, it is a sign of their love and affection, and that their purrs can heal both physical and emotional pain. As a result, cats were allowed to roam freely in the homes of the wealthy and were even embalmed and mummified after death, just like humans.

In medieval Europe, cats were often feared and associated with witchcraft. They were commonly depicted in art as devilish creatures and were considered to be evil omens. This negative perception is likely due to the fact that cats were often associated with the plague, as they would feed on infected rats and mice. Despite these negative connotations, cats have always played an important role in human history.

In ancient Greece, cats were associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. It was believed that Athena owned a cat named Bubo, who served as her messenger and was believed to have the ability to see into the future. Greek philosophers such as Aristotle believed that cats were the perfect example of the “golden mean,” as they were neither too active nor too lethargic.

Cats have also had a significant impact on the art and music of our culture. For example, the famous artist Salvador Dali had a pet cat named Babou, who appeared in several of his paintings, including his famous 1931 painting “The Persistence of Memory.” The cat even inspired Dali to create a new shade of blue, called “Babou blue,” which he used exclusively in his paintings. The band The Cure also had a cat named Tiger, who helped to inspire their 1987 hit “Pictures n a Box.”

Another interesting fact about cats is their unique relationship with humans. Despite their independence and stoic nature, cats have always been seen as affectionate and loyal companions. In fact, cats are one of the most popular pets in the United States, with an estimated 76 million cats living as pets in American homes. Cats have been known to offer emotional support and comfort to their owners, and are often referred to as “feline therapists.”

Cats are also known for their intelligence and intuition. They have a keen sense of smell and can detect scents that are imperceptible to humans. One famous example of this is the legendary cat, Oscar, who worked at the Simon Memorial Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island. Oscar was known for helping staff members locate books by the smell of their bindings, and he even had his very own library card.

In addition to their mental prowess, cats are also known for their physical abilities. They are natural hunters and can leap incredibly high, despite their small size. They are also very flexible and can contort their bodies in a way that allows them to fit into small spaces. One of the most impressive physical feats that cats can accomplish is the “cat flick,” where they can rotate their bodies mid-air to land on their feet.

Despite their impressive physical abilities, cats are also known for their laziness and love of sleep. The average house cat sleeps an estimated 16 hours a day, which is nearly twice as much as humans. Cats are able to sleep so much because they have a natural circadian rhythm, also known as an internal clock, that allows them to be active at night and sleep during the day.

In conclusion, cats are complex and fascinating animals that have captured the hearts of humans for centuries. They are known for their independence, agility, and playful nature, making them a popular choice for pet owners. From Egyptian gods to medieval witches, cats have always played a significant role in human history. In the future, it is likely that cats will continue to be an important part of our culture, serving as faithful companions, inspiration for artists and musicians, and perhaps even playing a part in human medicine.

Whether you're a cat lover or not, it's hard to deny the incredible impact that cats have had on our world.
One interesting aspect of cat behavior is how they use their tails to communicate. For example, when a cat is happy or excited, they may raise their tail along their spine and wiggle it from side to side. This is called a “happy tail” and can be seen in cats who are receiving attention from their favorite humans. On the other hand, a low, fluttering tail can be a sign of anxiety or frustration. Cats also use their tails to balance when they are jumping or climbing, and some even use them to steer themselves in the air or on the ground.

Cats also have a unique way of cleaning themselves called “grooming.” They use their tongues to clean off dirt, saliva, and loose hair from their fur. Cats have a unique tongue that is rough like sandpaper and can be used to effectively clean their fur. Cats can also use their paws to groom, and some even enjoy using special grooming tools, such as cat brushes or combs, to help the process along.

Another interesting aspect of cats is their sensory abilities. They have excellent eyesight and are able to see in low light conditions. Cats can also hear frequencies that are outside of the range of human hearing and are able to detect noises that are as faint as a mouse moving in the walls. Cats also have a strong sense of smell and can use this sense to identify predators, prey, and territory. Cats can even smell pheromones, which are chemical signals that are released by animals, including humans, during mating or stress.

Cats also have a unique method of communication called “Meowing.” Meowing is a high-pitched sound that cats use to communicate with humans. The cat's meow is specially designed to sound like a human baby's cry and to elicit a response from humans. Cats may also use body language, such as tail movements or ear positions, and even facial expressions to communicate with humans and other cats.

In summary, cats are incredible animals that have fascinated humans for centuries. They are independent, intelligent, and have unique physical, sensory, and communication abilities. Whether you're a cat lover or just curious about these fascinating creatures, there's always something new to learn about them.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

critique for @smalltoe

The story is an engaging tale of manipulation and revenge. However, there are some areas that could be improved upon to make it even more captivating.

One area is the character development. While Rebekah is well-defined and her motivations and actions are clear, her husband seems to be more of a plot device than a fully fleshed out character. It would be interesting to see more of his perspective and thought process to add depth to the story.

The pacing is another area that could be improved upon. While the story moves at a steady pace, there are some moments where it feels like it drags on for too long. For example, the passage where Rebekah's husband describes the fish as “off” could be condensed without losing impact.

The setting of the story is another area that could use some more development. While the mansion is described in some detail, there is not much attention paid to the other characters or the surrounding area, which could add depth to the story.

The dialogue is effective in conveying the characters' thoughts and emotions, but there are some moments where it feels stilted and unnatural. For example, Rebekah's words to her husband “Let me pour it for you” could be rewritten to sound more natural.

The structure of the story is overall effective, but there is room for improvement in terms of building tension and delivering a satisfying resolution. For example, the final scene where Rebekah finds herself surrounded by servants could be made more dramatic to fully convey the aftermath of her actions.

Overall, the story has potential and captures the reader's attention with its sense of suspense and mystery. However, it could benefit from more character development, attention to dialogue and pacing, and a stronger focus on building tension and delivering a satisfying conclusion.

Last edited by stvrriii (Nov. 13, 2023 05:24:58)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily 4 swc 3/4/24

first person and present tense

As I sat in the dimly lit room, staring out the window, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had been hired to do a job, and I was starting to wonder if I was up for it. The person who had hired me, a tall, dark-haired man named John, had given me a package containing what looked like a USB stick. It was my job to deliver it to a man named Mike, who was said to be living on the other side of town.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm my nerves. I had never done anything like this before, and the fact that I was doing it for a complete stranger made me feel even more uneasy. But the money John had offered me was too good to pass up.
I took one last look out the window and then stood up, picking up the package and stuffing it into my jacket. I knew I had to be careful, and that I couldn't trust anyone. But I also knew that if I wanted to make it out of this in one piece, I would need to trust my instincts.
As I walked out into the night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with fear. I was about to embark on an adventure that would test my skills as a delivery person, and I was both terrified and thrilled at the prospect.
I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Delivering a mysterious package to a complete stranger in a city I didn't know. I had never done anything like this before, and the tension was making me feel nauseous.
But the money was too good to pass up. I needed it more than anything, no matter how risky the job was.
I walked down the dark and deserted street, my eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. I tried to look confident, like I belonged in this part of town, but deep down, I knew I was out of my depth.
I made it to the designated meeting spot and took a deep breath before entering the cafe. It was a small, cozy place with warm orange light illuminating the interior.
I looked around discreetly for any sign of the man I was supposed to meet, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I took a seat at the bar and ordered a cup of coffee, trying to act like I belonged there. I kept my eyes peeled for any sign of the man, feeling more and more nervous with each passing moment.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a man with a dark trench coat and fedora sat down next to me. “You're the delivery girl, right?” he asked in a low voice.
“Yes,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I slid the package over to him, feeling relieved to be rid of it.
He took the package and slid a large wad of cash across the table to me. “That's for your trouble,” he said with a wink.
I couldn't believe it was over. I had delivered the package without anyone knowing, and now I had a small fortune in my hands. I couldn't wait to get out of there and spend my newfound wealth.

557 words
Lily <333

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

Weekly #1

March 3rd 2024
Part 1 249 words
In the ancient Greek world, Aphrodite was known as the goddess of beauty and love. Poseidon, the god of the sea, was known for his power and his control over the waters. One day, as they walked along the beach, Aphrodite and Poseidon found themselves drawn to each other. They spent hours talking, laughing, and enjoying the beauty of the countryside. But as they walked, the sky began to darken, and a storm rolled in.

As the rain began to fall, Poseidon took Aphrodite into his arms and carried her to a nearby cave for protection. Inside, the wind howled and the rain poured down, but they were safe and dry. As they waited out the storm, Poseidon confessed his feelings for Aphrodite, telling her that he had been watching her for some time and had grown to admire her beauty, her grace, and her charm.

Aphrodite was surprised and moved by Poseidon's words. She had never thought of herself as anything more than a goddess, and the thought of being desired by such a powerful being filled her with a new sense of purpose and desire. She leaned in and kissed Poseidon, and from that moment on, they were inseparable.

As the storm subsided, Poseidon and Aphrodite emerged from the cave and rode off on Poseidon's chariot, riding through the sky and dancing in the rain. They were happy and in love, and they knew that they were meant to be together, despite the distance between their worlds.

March 4th 2024
Part 2
Amelia Earhart was a daring aviator who became famous for being the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She also achieved other firsts in her field, including being the first woman to fly solo across the United States and the first person to fly across Australia.(this part is not part of the story!!!)

If Amelia Earhart were to suddenly appear in modern times, she would be amazed by the changes to the world. She would see new technology, such as planes that can fly faster and farther than anything she flew. She would also be impressed by the scientific advancements that have been made in the fields of aviation and space exploration.
She would want to learn as much as she could about the current state of the world, and she would likely be fascinated by the changes to society and the role of women in it. She would be eager to meet and learn from other female pilots and scientists, and she would enjoy sharing her experiences and knowledge with generations to come.
Amelia Earhart was a pioneer in her time, and she would likely feel proud of the progress that has been made in the field of aviation and beyond. She was always someone who was unafraid to break barriers and challenge conventional thinking, and she would likely be inspired by the boldness and creativity of today's innovators. Overall, she would be excited about the opportunities and possibilities in the modern world, and she would be ready to take on new challenges and adventures.

March 5th 2024
Part 3!!!
Aurora and Cinderella were two maidens who had been raised in different parts of the kingdom. Aurora lived in the royal castle, where she was treated like a princess, while Cinderella was a servant in a nearby farmhouse.
One day, a terrible storm broke out, and Aurora's carriage was caught in the middle of it. She was lost and scared, and she didn't know how to find her way home. She began to wander through the woods, hoping to find some shelter or guidance.
At the same time, Cinderella was making her way back from the market when she heard a loud noise coming from the woods. She followed the sounds and discovered Aurora, who was shivering and shaking with fear.
Cinderella offered to help Aurora, and they both worked together to find a way back to the castle. Along the way, they learned about each other's lives and discovered that they had a lot in common. They both had a kind heart and a sense of bravery, and they became fast friends.
When they finally arrived at the castle, Cinderella was welcomed by the king and queen, who were thankful that she had helped their daughter. The two maidens became close friends, and they would often spend their time together exploring the grounds of the castle or telling each other stories by the fire.
Despite their differences, Aurora and Cinderella knew that they were meant to be friends. They were from different worlds, but their bond was stronger than any storm, and their friendship would last for a lifetime.

March 5th 2024
Part 4!!
Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a small village by the sea. She had long, curly hair and piercing blue eyes. Her name was Mary, and she loved to explore the coastal cliffs and swim in the ocean.
One day, as she was swimming, she stumbled upon a group of merpeople. They were beautiful creatures with long hair and graceful movements. Mary was thrilled to find them and immediately started to explore the ocean with them.
As they swam, the merpeople told Mary about their kingdom beneath the waves. They lived in a stunning underwater palace, ruled by a powerful queen. Mary was captivated by their stories and asked if she could visit the palace.
The merpeople were hesitant at first, but Mary insisted, and they finally agreed to take her to see the queen. Mary was awe-struck by the palace, with its sparkling walls and crystal chandeliers. The queen was kind and wise, and she welcomed Mary with open arms.
Mary spent the rest of the day exploring the palace and asking questions about the merpeople's way of life. The queen was impressed by the girl's curiosity and took her on a tour of the underwater kingdom. Mary was in awe of the colorful fishes and unique creatures she saw along the way.
The next day, Mary was forced to say goodbye to the merpeople and return to her village. She was sad to leave, but she knew that she would always have the memories of her time with them.
Years later, Mary had her own children, and she loved to tell them the story of her adventure with the merpeople. She hoped that they would always remember the power of curiosity and the magic of kindness. And so, the story lived on, passed down from generation to generation.

Part 5:Mythology
In the modern day, the Greek gods lived in a sprawling palace atop Mount Olympus. Zeus, the god of lightning, was the king of the gods, with his lightning bolts always by his side. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was the most intelligent of the gods, with her wisdom and strategic planning abilities. Ares, the god of war, was always prepared for battle, with his weapon in hand and a fierce look in his eye.
One day, Athena received a vision of a terrible war that was coming to Earth. She called a council of the gods to discuss the vision, and they all agreed that they must prevent the war from happening.
As Athena was the goddess of strategy, she took the lead in coming up with a plan to stop the war. Ares, as the god of war, suggested a preemptive strike, but Athena knew that this would only escalate the situation.
Zeus, as the king of the gods, ordered a peace summit to be held between the two warring factions. The summit was held at Mount Olympus and was attended by representatives from both sides. Athena helped to mediate the discussions, and Ares and his warriors stood guard in case things turned violent.
As the summit progressed, it became clear that a common enemy was the source of the conflict. A powerful demon had risen from the underworld and was causing chaos and destruction. Zeus, as the most powerful god, took on the demon in a fierce battle that shook the foundations of Mount Olympus.
In the end, Zeus was victorious and the demon was cast back into the underworld. The gods of Olympus were hailed as heroes by the mortals on Earth, and peace was restored to the world.
From that day on, the Greek gods continued to watch over the world and maintain order and balance. Athena continued to use her wisdom to solve problems and Ares remained vigilant, ready to defend Olympus and the mortals from any evils that may arise.

Part 6:fairy tales
Once upon a time, there was a mermaid named Ariel. She lived in an underwater kingdom called Atlantica, ruled by her father, King Triton. Ariel was a beautiful and playful mermaid who loved to swim in the ocean and sing with her sisters.
One day, as Ariel was swimming in the ocean, she heard a sound from above. It was the sound of human music, and it was like nothing Ariel had ever heard before. She was captivated by it and swam closer to the surface to investigate.
As she swam closer, she saw a ship full of human sailors. One of the sailors, Eric, caught her eye and she was immediately smitten by him. She watched him from afar, longing to be with him but knowing that it was not possible.
But one night, as Ariel swam near the surface, a storm arose and the sailor's ship was caught in the tumultuous waters. Eric was tossed overboard and Ariel, unable to bear the thought of losing him, swam to his rescue. She helped him swim to safety and brought him back to the surface.
Eric was grateful to Ariel and fell in love with her at first sight. He offered her his hand in marriage, but Ariel knew that she could not marry him, for she was a mermaid and he was a human.
Ariel knew that if she stayed in Atlantica, she would forever be separated from Eric. So, she decided to seek the help of the sea witch, Ursula. Ursula offered her a deal - if Ariel gave up her mermaid's voice, she could have legs and live on the surface with Eric.
Ariel excitedly agreed, and Ursula transformed her into a beautiful human girl. But Ariel soon realized that she had made a mistake, for the cost was too great. Without her voice, she could not sing or speak and she missed her sisters terribly.
Undeterred, Ariel sought out Eric and danced for him in the hopes of catching his eye. Eric was enchanted by her and fell in love with her, but he could not understand why she wouldn't speak to him.
Ursula, jealous of Ariel's happiness, revealed the truth to Eric - that Ariel was once a mermaid and had given up her voice in exchange for legs. Eric, now afraid of Ariel, turned his back on her and returned to his kingdom, leaving Ariel heartbroken and alone.
As Ariel wandered the shores of the ocean

Total words – 1,764

Last edited by stvrriii (April 21, 2024 23:52:40)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

daily 3/6/24

385 words

I just closed my eyes, and the world around me disappeared. All I could see was darkness, and all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing. But then something strange happened. The darkness started to fade, and suddenly I was standing in a bright and colorful dream world.

I looked around, amazed by the sights and sounds that surrounded me. I had never experienced anything like it before. Everything was so vibrant and alive, and I felt like I was transported into a completely different dimension.

As I explored my new world, I encountered all kinds of strange and fantastical creatures. Some were friendly, and others were not so much. But what surprised me most of all was how real it felt. It was as if I was actually there, experiencing everything with all of my senses.

I walked for what felt like hours, exploring every corner of my new dream world. I saw things that I could never have imagined, and I met creatures that I never knew existed. And all the while, I felt this strange sense of purpose, like I was on a quest to find something important.

Finally, I came upon a giant tower, towering above everything else in the world. I knew that I had to go there, that it was the key to my quest. So I started to climb, feeling the weight of my journey on my shoulders.

The climb was long and difficult, but I was determined to reach the top. And when I finally did, I was met by a mysterious figure who looked at me with eyes like fire. He spoke in a language that I did not understand, but somehow I knew that he was asking me for something.

I nodded, not sure if I was doing the right thing, but feeling like it was my duty. I reached into my pocket, feeling the weight of something there. And then I handed it to the figure.

He took it, examining it closely. And then he spoke again, and this time I understood. He was thanking me, and telling me that I had done well. And with that, the dream world disappeared, and I found myself back in the real world, feeling like I had just lived a lifetime in another dimension.


67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

word war <33

The sun is shining in a beautiful blue sky, and the trees are blowing in the breeze. A girl is walking along a path in the forest. She hears something rustling in the bushes and stops to listen. Suddenly, a bunny hops out from the underbrush.
“Oh my goodness,” the girl exclaims. “I've never seen a bunny in the wild before. This must be my lucky day.”
The bunny comes closer and nuzzles against the girl's hand. “Your soft fur is so soft,” the girl coos.
Suddenly, a hawk swoops down from the sky and tries to grab the bunny. The girl screams and tries to scare the hawk away, but the bird is too fast.
The hawk manages to pick up the bunny with its talons and flies away. The girl cries tears of sadness and regret.
“Why did I stop to admire the bunny? I should have realized that I was putting it in danger. I'm so stupid.”
The girl walks away from the forest, feeling dejected. She learns a valuable lesson that day: sometimes even harmless actions can have painful consequences.

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

random poem

violetta's Torment - The Villanelle Of The Flower
A Villanelle by lily
violetta couldn't stop thinking about the flower
It was just so colorful and pretty
But she could never forget the tower

That morning, violetta was shocked by the hour
She found herself feeling rather witty
violetta couldn't stop thinking about the flower

Later, violetta was spooked by a bower
She thought the situation had become rather gritty
But she could never forget the tower

xayden said, the flower wasn't that sour
Said it was time to start thinking about a smitty
violetta couldn't stop thinking about the flower

violetta took action like a willpower
The flower was like a toxic mutuality
But she could never forget the tower

violetta nosedived like a calm glower
Her mind turned into a tittie
violetta couldn't stop thinking about the flower
But she could never forget the tower


67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

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11: 110 words
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16: 304 words
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19:775 words
20: 476 worda
21: 214 words
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25: 696 words
26: 356 words
27: 434 words

1: 1764 - 2000 pts
2: 1,960 - 2000 pts
3:2,158- (not sure about the points)

Word Wars:
1: win - 184 words - 100 points
2: win -283 words - 125 points

Cabin Wars:
1st set of wars
- 3500/3500 (completed)
- 4000/4000 (completed)
- 4500/4500 (completed)
- 2000/2000 (completed)
- 4500/4500 (completed)
- 3500/3500 (completed)
- 700/700 (completed)
- 4000/4000 (completed)
2nd set of cabin wars
- summers war
2500/ 2500 (completed)
-crysties war
2000/2000 (completed)
-ziqing11's war
2000/2000 (completed)
-Veni's war
1000/1000 (completed)
-faiths war
2500/2500 (completed)
-dolphin786's war
1700/1700 (completed)

Last edited by stvrriii (March 27, 2024 23:34:02)

67 posts

Lily likes writing :D

testing today lots of words coming

Last edited by stvrriii (March 8, 2024 15:28:04)

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