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Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

KokichiUchiha wrote:

do not become inactive
Im not, I think we need a task board so we all know what to do.

I am a freelance foley artist(Sound Effects).
Examples of my work:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Comment on my profile if you are interested in my services.
500+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

KokichiUchiha wrote:

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

1. I'm sorry it seemed like I neglected you, I would very much like a text engine.
details -
The text box will take up the bottom of the screen. The character render will be displayed above their name (and also located outside the textbox, most likely taking up half of the rest of the screen), located in the top right corner of the textbox. I would also like the ability for simple effects (maybe if you put a character in the code text, it will make the rest of the display text shake until you put another character in the code text.) For reference, something similar to the Chripy Reverie text engine's style. For the font, I would like a pixelated font.

i'll try to build what you request. when you say half of the screen, do you mean half of the screen; side to side or make it in the middle with gaps.
also, as to confirm, you want me to add to the engine that if you enter a certain word, it acts a certain way? if you want more than one effect, i would like the list in order to do what i can.

Each character model would be on the right side and how high they go will depend on the height of the character model.

The effects would be - (text engine refrence from Chripy 4)
put 1 ~ to make text shake midly
put 2 ~~ to make text flow up and down
put 3 ~~~ to make text shake heavily
put 1 ` to reset effects

I'm Bilingual_Dude5, a game developer who is currently working on surviving middle school
I am an Aquarius and I am talkative and smart.
Interests: 70-80's music, Star Wars, video games, game developing, watching Youtube, learning languages, geography, science, and history, and Scratch.
Please reach me on my profile!
Check out the official forum for a game I'm working on, Rust - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/695772/?page=1
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Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

The_wolf_KA wrote:

KokichiUchiha wrote:

do not become inactive
Im not, I think we need a task board so we all know what to do.

Post #130 is the music taskboard, but otherwise, yes, we need one.


For all your music needs….
1000+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

active bumping

100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

SquashDog wrote:

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

Ok guys, I'm so so so sorry. I haven't been active at ALL lately because school just started yesterday, and I had Boy Scouts after that. Before that, I had to do many last-minute items for school so I've just been exhausted. This is the first time I've been able to answer any of my messages. I'll answer all your questions.

Also thanks y'all for sticking around.

1. Signups will close this Friday. Thank you Primosaur and others for bringing this to my attention, and I will let you know that I agree.
2. Squash's estimate was just about right, I am around 4% done.

1. @IAMBash_Bro2010, I am very sorry, but we are looking for people that will help the team and are cooperative, not people who spam and beg to join. People have real lives outside of Scratch, and SquashDog and many others have clarified that I will come to accept or deny your application at some point. After careful consideration, I have decided not to accept you into the collaboration. No hard feelings, and I wish you the best of luck in your future collaboration.

You are accepted, please be patient when it comes to being added to the studio.

1. I'm so sorry I left you alone to deal with all that's happened in the past few days… Forgive me?

1. I genuinely thank you for being honest with me and speaking your voice (this is what I like in a team member). I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was trying to keep a secret. As I said above, I have been very busy and wanted to know if anyone actually wanted to hear what I had to say about the next planned game in the timeline to know if I should actually bother writing it (note how I said "that is for me to know and for you to ask for", no offense). I will add a paragraph explaining the future of the Rust storyline at the bottom of this post. (I've been working on it with my IRL friend, codename Redwood, while I'm at school)
2. Thanks for getting on the next music track, I appreciate it.

1. I'm sorry it seemed like I neglected you, I would very much like a text engine.
details -
The text box will take up the bottom of the screen. The character render will be displayed above their name (and also located outside the textbox, most likely taking up half of the rest of the screen), located in the top right corner of the textbox. I would also like the ability for simple effects (maybe if you put a character in the code text, it will make the rest of the display text shake until you put another character in the code text.) For reference, something similar to the Chripy Reverie text engine's style. For the font, I would like a pixelated font.

Continuation of the Rust timeline:
(the # numbers mean what time they happen chronologically, so if two entries have the same number before them, that means that they happen at the same or similar times)
(The Rust Legends series is a series that consists of small games that tell small stories in Rust's timeline)
#1 - Rust - You know.
#1 - Bronze - A shorter, smaller, and similar game to Rust that follows the adventures of Leaderbot 139, BR0NZ3.
#2 - Rust Legends 1 - As Rust is launched through the air, most of the effects from the Endless Night are reverted. Rust lands near a house of an unnamed teenage girl and her family. Her parents aren't home, so she goes outside to check what happened. Rust was badly damaged and most of his inner workings needed repair. The girl, happens to be a tech genius and checks to see what happened to the robot. She adds a new memory unit since the old one was unsalvageable (meaning that Rust has no memory of his past), turns on and reprograms Rust's memory chip so that he has the emotional maturity of a teenager, and paints him blue along with adding a few accessories (the hoodie, most notably). The game follows them messing around the city.
#2 - Bronze 2 - The game follows BR0NZ3 after the Night Source was destroyed.
#3 - Rust Legends 2: Bronze and Rust - Bronze meets Rust and the teenage girl after their previous adventures. This gameplay is similar to Rust Legends 2.
#4 - Rust Legends 3/Bronze 3 - Bronze's memory and orientation chips get broken and he goes on a confused adventure. Rust and the teen go and find Bronze in a slightly different twin game.
#5 - Rust 2 is still being written… It's about when the trio go on vacation to an island and a horde of fire monsters attack coming out of the volcano on the island
Its all good Good ideas! I think we should make a studio/dev team name

Dont worry i’ve been so busy with school too (my first few weeks in middle school have been HECTIC and i’ve got so much homework to do so yea i’ll be inactive for a bit in this project but i’m getting used to it, don’t worry about it i understand where ur coming from

Just your typical 12 year old girl who loves to read
when I receive [wake up]
broadcast [ awesomeness]
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)



Could one of you give me an email? That way, I can send you the mp3 file of my next soundtrack(sorry for not finishing it earlier, I was busy with school).


For all your music needs….
1000+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

primosaur wrote:



Could one of you give me an email? That way, I can send you the mp3 file of my next soundtrack(sorry for not finishing it earlier, I was busy with school).

you aren't necessarily allowed to that so why don't you just make it into a project?

100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)


I forgot you could upload files

Sorry for the inconvinience!


For all your music needs….
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

primosaur wrote:


I forgot you could upload files

Sorry for the inconvinience!
all good haha

BIG update coming soon!
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

It's uploaded, share your thoughts. If this should serve as the track for something other than the halfway point, let me know!


For all your music needs….
1000+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

i will be unavailable this weekend starting at 7pm. sorry for any inconveniences (i will be back though)

100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

So I planned to start with the sound effects tomorrow, but something happened and I will be in a hotel for the weekend.
I still plan to start tomorrow, I just may not get as much done.

Let me know what needs to be done.

Last edited by The_wolf_KA (Aug. 25, 2023 22:22:41)

I am a freelance foley artist(Sound Effects).
Examples of my work:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Comment on my profile if you are interested in my services.
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

I fixed the quality of the dark tower theme.

Sorry for it being so repetitive!


For all your music needs….
500+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

rust for godot may or may not happen in the near future

I'm Bilingual_Dude5, a game developer who is currently working on surviving middle school
I am an Aquarius and I am talkative and smart.
Interests: 70-80's music, Star Wars, video games, game developing, watching Youtube, learning languages, geography, science, and history, and Scratch.
Please reach me on my profile!
Check out the official forum for a game I'm working on, Rust - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/695772/?page=1
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100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

I have a proposal that I think will work really well.

In developing the base game, we will start by making just one mission+safezone work completely. We will have all art, gameplay, music, et. cetera for that mission. When it is done, we can use it as a model for other missions. Finally, we will assemble all 7 missions into one project, make the boss fight and end credits, then make the tutorial, once we get an Idea of what will be most important in the game. After that we can insert cutscenes, and we have a finished game, more or less!


For all your music needs….
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

rust for godot may or may not happen in the near future

Once again, Eyes on the prize. Make it on scratch, and the opportunities are endless. Fail to? There's a chance it was because we didn't focus enough on the base scratch game.

Any music you want written right now? If not, I'll just make another mission soundtrack…..


For all your music needs….
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

I see the music taskboard has been added to the initial post!

@Bilingual_Dude5, can you edit it so that halfway point is marked as done?


For all your music needs….
500+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

primosaur wrote:

I have a proposal that I think will work really well.

In developing the base game, we will start by making just one mission+safezone work completely. We will have all art, gameplay, music, et. cetera for that mission. When it is done, we can use it as a model for other missions. Finally, we will assemble all 7 missions into one project, make the boss fight and end credits, then make the tutorial, once we get an Idea of what will be most important in the game. After that we can insert cutscenes, and we have a finished game, more or less!

Good idea!
I was already planning on leaving the tutorial for last, as I've kinda not known what to do.

primosaur wrote:

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

rust for godot may or may not happen in the near future

Once again, Eyes on the prize. Make it on scratch, and the opportunities are endless. Fail to? There's a chance it was because we didn't focus enough on the base scratch game.

Any music you want written right now? If not, I'll just make another mission soundtrack…..
I understand. I'm not making it on Godot parallel with the scratch version. I'm just announcing it because my friend Checkmate and I are trying to learn Godot before we start on the Godot port, when the Scratch version is fully done.

also, can you make the safe zone theme. It is a soft background music.

primosaur wrote:

I see the music taskboard has been added to the initial post!

@Bilingual_Dude5, can you edit it so that halfway point is marked as done?
on it

I'm Bilingual_Dude5, a game developer who is currently working on surviving middle school
I am an Aquarius and I am talkative and smart.
Interests: 70-80's music, Star Wars, video games, game developing, watching Youtube, learning languages, geography, science, and history, and Scratch.
Please reach me on my profile!
Check out the official forum for a game I'm working on, Rust - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/695772/?page=1
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(Working on getting a new banner.)

I reached 100 posts! 100th post
200! 200th post
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

primosaur wrote:

I have a proposal that I think will work really well.

In developing the base game, we will start by making just one mission+safezone work completely. We will have all art, gameplay, music, et. cetera for that mission. When it is done, we can use it as a model for other missions. Finally, we will assemble all 7 missions into one project, make the boss fight and end credits, then make the tutorial, once we get an Idea of what will be most important in the game. After that we can insert cutscenes, and we have a finished game, more or less!

Good idea!
I was already planning on leaving the tutorial for last, as I've kinda not known what to do.

primosaur wrote:

Bilingual_Dude5 wrote:

rust for godot may or may not happen in the near future

Once again, Eyes on the prize. Make it on scratch, and the opportunities are endless. Fail to? There's a chance it was because we didn't focus enough on the base scratch game.

Any music you want written right now? If not, I'll just make another mission soundtrack…..
I understand. I'm not making it on Godot parallel with the scratch version. I'm just announcing it because my friend Checkmate and I are trying to learn Godot before we start on the Godot port, when the Scratch version is fully done.

also, can you make the safe zone theme. It is a soft background music.

primosaur wrote:

I see the music taskboard has been added to the initial post!

@Bilingual_Dude5, can you edit it so that halfway point is marked as done?
on it

Sure, I'll make the safe zone theme as soon as I can!


For all your music needs….
100+ posts

Looking for a few helping hands for my new game, Rust! (Signups Closed)

So i’m tired of working in the lunchroom because drawing shadows on a free website that DOES NOT SAVE automatically unless you download it sucks, so im moving onto the factory (which has been sketched out) maybe coudl you add more detail what you want the robot factory to look like? like is it just a bunch of robots being manufactured? If so, maybe like is it futuristic ai robots or clunky mechanical robots?

Just your typical 12 year old girl who loves to read
when I receive [wake up]
broadcast [ awesomeness]

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