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SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Hello and welcome to SIC June 2023's Activity Sheet!
Please quote this post so you have your own activity sheet in a reply, or alternatively copy and paste the contents of this post into your own. If you're just finding this sheet, take some time now to look it over and mark off a couple activities you want to complete.
We hope you enjoy the activities we have curated for you

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
500+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

First! <3

Bella's Activity Sheet

Rey_venclaw wrote:

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.

50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable:
Practiced In the Hall of the Mountain King on my piano <3

60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

Last edited by Bxlla_Cxmps (June 1, 2023 18:11:13)

⤷ ❝ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪꜱɴᴛ ɪꜰ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏʀ ʙᴀᴅ. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ɪꜱ ɪꜰ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴛʀʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʙɪᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʏᴇꜱᴛᴇʀᴅᴀʏ ❞
-Michael, The Good Place ⇠

✨ Bella the Bell Pepper ✨
Revenge bedtime procrastinator ◦ Avid writer and reader ◦ Jump scare enthusiast ◦ Aspiring Archaeologist ◦ Lover of too many quotes …✍
#harlequinftw #illu-fiftw <33

➶ ˢʰᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ’ᵗ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵃ ᵏⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ⁱⁿ ˢʰⁱⁿⁱⁿᵍ ᵃʳᵐᵒʳ ˢʰᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵒˡᵈ ʰᵉʳ ᵒʷⁿ ᵒⁿ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵗᵗˡᵉᶠⁱᵉˡᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵗʰᵒᵘˢᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ ˊˎ-

37 posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Second <3
Activities I’ve done are crossed out
Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
I listened to moonlight sonata by Beethoven.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable. I played on my piano for 30 mins
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/859090704
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7327035/
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/859090704
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/859090704 Proof inside ;3
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable. I gave my sister a gift for her birthday!
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.I helped my lil sis clean her room and pack for a trip <3

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points

Last edited by Hermione909Granger (June 22, 2023 04:50:29)

Em :: She/her :: Scratch Camps :: Swiftie <3
This life is sweeter than fiction ✨
Trying to reinvent myself <3
1000+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
Done! Listened to Fur Elise

20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
Done! Proof at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860211859/

30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
Done! Proof at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860211859

20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
Done! Proof at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860211859

30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.

70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
Done! Proof at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/860211859

80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.

Raven bursts into my study, grinning excitedly about something. Her hair is blond, but the rest of her is in her natural blue form. “Charles, can we go see the pride parade?”
“Was this your idea or Angel’s?”
“Neither, actually. A bunch of the kids came to Erik and me about it. We told them we’d run it by you before agreeing, and Erik said I should be the one to ask since I’d get your actual thoughts.”
“And why is that?” I ask. As far as I’m aware, I’m more honest with Erik than anyone else, my sister included.
“Because you can’t say no to Erik.”
“That’s not true!” I insist, although I can’t stop a smile. In recent years at least, that has indeed, for the most part, been the case.
Raven’s staring at me with one blue eyebrow raised, as if she knows exactly what I’m thinking. Even though that’s not her power, she probably does.
“He… can be very persuasive,” I protest. “You’ve seen him.”
Raven just shakes her head. “Whatever. I’m not here to argue about how biased you are toward your boyfriend and against the rest of us. I’m here because I’m pan and I’m proud of it and I want to take my girlfriend to pride.”
“Ah, so this is about you and Angel.”
“Not originally. But now, yes.”

20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)

30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.

40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
Done! it was journaling in free verse so i’m not giving proof <3

50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.

60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
Done! I wrote more than this, but I don’t want to make my post too long so

This week is one of the busiest at the compound in a long time. The support group’s space is already fuller than it’s ever been by the time Peter arrives.
Scott, Hope, and Ava have been training most of the day and sit off in one corner, talking quietly but animatedly. Ava phases in and out of physical existence every once in a while.
Clint finally was able to take the time to visit, and Kate looks ecstatic at meeting him.
Vision is supposed to be helping Jenna increase how long she can sustain a mental connection, but she ended up on his shoulders at some point, and it doesn’t look like they’re doing much training at the moment.
Tony is tinkering with something at a table near the centre of the room that repeatedly beeps at him every few minutes. Rhodey was helping him originally, but now he seems to be distracted by a video on his phone.

70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.

20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.

30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.

60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.

70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.

80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.

20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.

50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.

60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.

70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.

90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.
Done! Made myself an omelet.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points

Last edited by Rey_venclaw (June 18, 2023 21:42:53)

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
1000+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Please only post in this forum if you need ideas for your project. Thanks

Welcome to my signature! This is not part of any of my posts, meaning that my signature can be as off topic as I want!

Datsu | They/any/none pronouns | Aroace | Filipino
Scratcher | Forumer | Griffpatcher
cool thing you should see
PFP: Osage-chan with non-binary questioning, aroace, and panpronominal flag [edit by me; original character from Inabakumori; art by nukunukunigirimeshi]
Certified japanese music listener and OSC member :3

totally not an advertisment to give me internets

random emoticons i made up and put here because why not :
c ^^ c '^w^ `>n<`
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

I'll move this over to the Collaboration section for you - that's a better fit for this kind of topic

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.
(credit to Za-Chary)

100+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Fourth!! Lily's activity thread – completed activities will be in bold, activities that I want to do soon will be italized, and proof will be in my camps thread and I'll put the link below the activity it applies to <3 – also a note that I didn't know we were supposed to put dates on, so from now (june 9) I will do it, but the rest I'd have to guess so… Proof project here:: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/861153926/

Rey_venclaw wrote:

Music Activities::
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities::
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities::
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required. 06/12/23
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities::
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities::
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities::
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable. (06/08/2023)
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities::
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities::
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

MY PROOF THREAD:: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/682100/?page=1#post-7307792

Last edited by lilyjen (July 1, 2023 02:21:49)

“Don't stay in one place for too long. Run. It was the only way to stay ahead of the sadness. The jokes and smiles to hide the pain. For this smile is fake. And this laugh hurts. I am broken. And it's the one thing I can't fix.” - Leo Valdez, HOO

“It's… hard, when you can't trust yourself. I spent my whole life believing I was doing something good for someone good… but it was a lie. And some part of me still wants to believe in that lie, just like you wanna believe you're dumb, or whatever. But it's not true. I promise. I wouldn't mess with you.” - Hunter, TOH
100+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

here's my SIC activity sheet! completed activities are in bold <3

Rey_venclaw wrote:

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points

Last edited by strange_skies (June 5, 2023 07:20:24)

rivskyejasper aka the best team ever<33

'you can hear it in the silence'
31 posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Hello and welcome to SIC June 2023's Activity Sheet!
Please quote this post so you have your own activity sheet in a reply, or alternatively copy and paste the contents of this post into your own. If you're just finding this

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
♡50 points: I practiced hot cross bind on a recorder XD
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: I researched “uncommon mental and behavioral disorders” and learned a lot!
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest! (Q. How many pages would be a novel? I read a short novel I think today, around 500 pages book called bluestars something, one of the warrior cats super editions)

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.
500+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

raya's sheet <3

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
the sic playlist?
Brave by Sara Bareilles
Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye
On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons
Hall of Fame by The Script
Believer by Imagine Dragons

Art Activities

Writing Activities

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities

Self-Care Activities
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

other activities

Music Activities
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points

Last edited by lokiously (June 16, 2023 22:21:37)

i love pillows!
1000+ posts

SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

In addition to these, each time you complete either all activities in one section, or one activity from each section, you gain one hundred more points! Also, if you share proof of an activity where proof is optional, you get ten extra points.

Last edited by Luna-Lovegood-LOL (June 4, 2023 22:14:12)

☾ luna (she/her) ┆ entp-t ┆ writer ┆ violinist
★ fantasy swc for the win!

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SIC Activity Sheet — June 2023

Jas's SIC Activity Sheet <3

Rey_venclaw wrote:

Music Activities
10 points: Listen to a piece of classical music. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Listen to a song you’ve never heard before. Do you like it? What do you notice? Express your thoughts in any way you choose. Proof required.
30 points: Pick two countries, or choose randomly with an online generator. Make sure they’re on different continents! Look up and listen to a piece of music from each country. Compare and contrast the music in any way you choose. Proof optional.
40 points: Everything can make sound if you use it creatively enough! Make an entirely new instrument out of household items. Proof optional.
50 points: If you have access to an instrument, spend some time practicing on it. If not, look instruments you might like to have or think you could find a way to get. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Find a piece of music making equipment (instrument, app, etc) that you haven’t used before. Don’t look up how to use it. See what you can figure out by yourself! Proof not applicable.
70 points: Pair up with another SIC-er and create some sort of musical experience in collaboration. Proof required
80 points: Create a short playlist, about 5 songs, and post it on Scratch. You can download files and them upload them to a project, backpack them from another project to yours, or just post a list. Make sure all songs are appropriate for Scratch! Proof required.
90 points: Try your hand at writing your own music! You can do this in any way you like. Proof required.

Art Activities
10 points: Fill an entire page. It’s entirely up to you how you do this! Proof optional.
20 points: Create an artwork using something fibrous — yarn, string, fabric, an old piece of clothing. Proof required.
30 points: Try scribble art! Scribble random lines, and see what you can make out of them! Proof optional.
40 points: Create a colour palette, or randomly generate one with an online generator. Create an artwork inspired by this colour palette. Proof required.
50 points: Do you prefer making traditional art or digital art? If you prefer traditional art, try to draw in your traditional style with a digital art program. If you prefer digital art, try drawing in your digital style on paper! Proof required.
60 points: Make something out of paper. This could be origami, quilling (designs made with paper spirals), or anything you can think of. Proof required.
70 points: Choose a medium you don’t usually use and make something with it. Proof required.
80 points: Make an icon creator. It can be as simple or complex as you like. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and work on an artwork you add to little by little every day of camp. This art can be anything, so long as you work on it daily. Proof required.

Writing Activities
10 points: Set a timer for ten minutes at the most, and write the entire time. Don’t think about the story, just write. Proof optional.
20 points: Reflect on your day in writing. Proof not applicable (due to personal information)
30 points: Write a short story inspired by a song or lyric. Proof required.
40 points: Write poetry. Proof optional.
50 points: Look up a random word generator and generate 3-5 words. Incorporate these words into a short writing piece. Proof required.
60 points: Write fanfiction! Proof required.
70 points: Outline a scene, or a couple scenes, and then write them. Proof required.
80 points: Create an entirely new character and add as much detail and dynamic personality as you can. Proof required.
90 points: Start on June 1, and write in a journal or diary every day of session. You can write as much or little as you want, in any style, as long as you do it daily. Proof not applicable (due to personal information), but please be honest about this!

Reading Activities
10 points: Read anything you want! Proof not applicable.
20 points: Read something from your favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Read something from your least favourite genre. Proof not applicable.
40 points: Ask a friend or sibling for a book recommendation and read some of it! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Read a couple chapters of a scratch comic. Proof not applicable.
60 points: Is there something you’re curious about? Research it and read about it. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Read a non-fiction book. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Read something another SIC-er has written and give them feedback! Make sure they want the feedback first. Proof required.
90 points: Read an entire novel during SIC. Only counts if you started and finished it in June! Proof not applicable, but please be honest!

Coding Activities
10 points: Investigate the purposes of blocks you’re unfamiliar with. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Use a block or script you’ve never used before. Proof optional.
30 points: Look at an old project of yours, or someone else’s if you don’t have any. Make sure it isn’t too complicated. Now, without looking at the original project’s code, try to replicate it. How close did you come? Proof optional.
40 points: Code something using a Scratch tutorial, or a tutorial another Scratcher made. Proof optional.
50 points: What do you know about other programming languages? Pick one and research it. Share a couple similarities and differences between Scratch and the programming language of your choice. Proof required.
60 points: Code a project that makes use of variables. Proof optional.
70 points: Code something that helps you with a task you need to complete. Proof optional.
80 points: Make a tutorial on how to code something on Scratch. Proof required.
90 points: Code any project you’d like and share it with us! Proof required.

Self-Care Activities
10 points: Change up your nightly routine to get more than 10 hours of sleep tonight <3 Proof not applicable.
20 points: Set aside 20 minutes to take a nap. Even if you don’t succeed in falling asleep, stay there and let your mind and body relax. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Create a routine goal and try to stick to it for the next week. Proof (in the form of sharing the goal and whether you managed it) optional.
40 points: Spend about an hour with absolutely no screen time. Instead, do something creative, active, or collaborative. Proof optional.
50 points: Practice mindfulness. Set aside all distractions and take a few deep breaths. How do you feel right now, physically and emotionally? Why do you feel this way? What’s around you? Is there anything your mind won’t stop wandering to? Proof not applicable.
60 points: Express your emotions in a safe way of your choice. Proof optional.
70 points: Spend a good amount of time cleaning your room. If you don’t have much to clean up, ask a family member if they have any chores you could help with. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Try a guided meditation. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Make yourself a healthy, delicious meal from scratch. No instant noodles or kraft dinner allowed! Be sure you have permission from a parent, and if possible, have someone around to help you if you need it. Proof optional.

Outdoor Activities
10 points: Go on a short walk in nature, or spend some time at a park. Proof not applicable.
20 points: Find a tree or plant near you and try to identify it using a field guide or online resource. Record what you think it is and tell us. Remember not to touch or eat any plant unless you’re positive it’s safe to do so! Further proof not applicable.
30 points: What is something in the natural world you want to learn more about? Do some research, and share a couple facts with SIC-ers. Proof required (the facts count).
40 points: Recruit at least two people to join you in an outdoor activity of your choice! Proof not applicable.
50 points: Make a leaf rubbing! This is where you stick a leaf under a sheet of paper and rub firmly on the paper with a pencil or crayon. The patterns of the leaf should reveal themselves on the paper. If it’s winter where you live, try rubbing a stick or piece of bark. Proof required.
60 points: Get some exercise! Do something active outside for as long as you can. How do you feel after? Proof not applicable.
70 points: Have a ball around? Lots of games use them. Invent your own! Proof optional.
80 points: Go outside and record what you notice with each sense (but don’t taste things unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so!). Do this every couple days, and see if you notice any patterns. Proof required.
90 points: Start a nature journal! You can include basically anything in it. Flowers you’ve gathered and maybe tried to identify, lists of animals you’ve seen, descriptions of the weather, anything! Proof required, although be careful not to give anything away about your location!

Inspiring Others Activities
10 points: Smile at everyone you see today. Proof not applicable.
20 points: What is a piece of advice that has helped you a lot? Pass it on to someone you know, or share it with other SIC-ers. Proof not applicable.
30 points: Find a friend and work on homework, writing, art, or anything else together. Be sure to keep each other accountable! Proof not applicable.
40 points: Go to a project you really enjoyed and let the creator know what you think of it! Proof optional.
50 points: Write a thank-you note to someone you appreciate. Explain why you appreciate them and the impact they’ve had on you. Proof optional.
60 points: Write a kind message on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere in public for a stranger to find. You could hide it at school, at your local library or community centre, or anywhere else you can think of. Proof not applicable.
70 points: Give someone a handmade gift. Proof not applicable.
80 points: Do something small you think will have a positive impact on your community. Proof not applicable.
90 points: Be a mentor to someone. Do you have younger siblings, or know any younger kids in your area? Find someone who wants help with something you’re good at and see what you can do for them. Proof not applicable.

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj

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