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- » [ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
The Potato ShopDescription
Hi!!! This is the Potato Shop, where if you can think it, we sell it. We have lightning fast service, impeccable quality, and a knack of being very helpful and kind. Look around to see some example work, order forms, and read some excellent reviews!!! We make music, PFPs, thumbnails, code, banners, BBcode siggys, and anything else that you can think of!!!ReviewsOverall - 9.5/10
It’s a really nice shop with great customer service and order quality. Great banner, great products and great layout. I have a few recommendations, to maybe tidy up your quotes, use an image host and potentially change your banner. I’d definitely recommend this shop to anyone looking for a good shop.
LinkYour rating (out of 10): 100000
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: bbcode siggy
Extra Notes - nothing other that freaking amazing ^^Your rating (out of 10): 9
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: A bump banner
Extra Notes - The service was pretty quick, and the quality was amazing!Your rating (out of 10): 10
Who fulfilled your order: purple-car
What you bought: Thumbnail/cover art
Extra Notes - I love the overexaggerated arm, tbh, and bonus point for fixing my typo!Your rating (out of 10): 9.9
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: A cursor icon
Extra Notes - Great quality! Thanks!Your rating (out of 10): infinity/10
Who fulfilled your order: ~Teo~Potatoe~
What you bought: intro
Extra Notes - This was amazing. i will be sure to come backTerms and Conditions:
Section 1; General:
1.1: If asked if you have read the Terms and Conditions, reply with “Of course not”
1.1.1: Failure to comply with 1.1 will result in your request not being completed
1.2: Being rude to any other person in this shop will result in being banned
1.3: Banned users can not send requests
1.3.1: Failure to comply with 1.3 will result in your requests not being fulfilled
Section 2; Ordering:
2.1: You can send 1 order request per hour
2.1.1: Failure to comply with 2.1 will result in only the first request going through
2.2: You can not be mean to the staff member who made your item if you don't like it
2.2.1: Failure to comply with 2.2 will result in being banned
2.3: The order must be possible to make on Scratch, unless the worker is comfortable using another tool
2.4: If your order does not get fulfilled within the given timeline, contact -TeoPotato- on his profile
Section 3; Applying:
3.1: If you do not get accepted, you can not complain
3.2: You must be patient and wait at least 24 hours to be added to the board, we are working as fast as we can
Section 4; Reviewing:
4.1: Reviews must have at least 1 positive thing
4.2: Reviews must be at least 1 star
4.3: Reviews must not be mean
4.4: Failure to comply with any rules in Section 4; Reviewing will result in being banned
Section 5; Advertising:
5.1: Advertising here outside of the advertisements box is strictly forbidden
5.1.1: Failure to comply with 5.1 will result in being banned
5.2: Your advertisement must be completed through the advertisement form
5.3: Advertising anything inappropriate or mean will result in being banned
5.4: You must also include this in the bottom of the description:Come visit the Potato Shop for spudtacular deals: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/667750/Banned Users:
None yet!
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (Oct. 28, 2023 20:41:55)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
FormsOrder Form:
Your username:
What you want:
Description of item, including colors, mechanics, and more:
Where we can contact you:
Deadline (at least 48 hours):
Who you want it made by (leave blank for anyone):
Have you read the Terms and Conditions (located in the first post)?
Notes -Advertisement Form:
Your username:
What you want to advertise:
Link to banner image (optional):
Have you read the Terms and Conditions?Partnership Form:
Your username:
Your shop's name:
Your shop's banner (link):
Shop link:
(Optional) Shop description:
Have you read the Terms and Conditions?Review Form:
Your rating (out of 10):
Who fulfilled your order:
What you bought:
Extra Notes -
Have you read the Terms and Conditions?Employee Forms:Application:
What position you want:
Your activity level out of 10:
Your time zone:
Example works (at least 1):
Are you kind and easy to work with?
Have you read the Terms and Conditions?
Notes -Vacation:
How long you will be gone:
Will you have fun?
Notes -Retirement:
Are you sure you want to retire?
Reason (optional):
Notes -
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (March 23, 2023 22:28:55)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (April 6, 2023 23:20:35)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Staff BoardStaff:—Chiefs:
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO): @-TeoPotato-
- Vice President (VP): @purple-car
- Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): @MyScratchedAccount
- Chief Of Coding (COC): @-TeoPotato-
- Chief Of Art (COA): @purple-car
- Chief of Music (COM): @meowsic55
- Chief Of Operations (COO): @-TeoPotato--Staff:
- Coders: @wikibro300000, @an-adaptable-rock, @kinosaurs515, @doggy_boi1, TheBiggesterHat, AJ-Scratch-AJ
- Artists: @purple-car (chief artist), @an-adaptable-rock, @doggy_boi1, CodeKing_11, AJ-Scratch-AJ
- Composers: @meowsic55, -OPEN-
- Head of PFPs: @doggy_boi1
- Head of Thumbs: -OPEN-
- BUMPer: @doggy_boi1—Employees:
- @-TeoPotato- | Owner | TZ: Pacific Standard Time (PST) | United States |
- @purple-car | Chief of Art | TZ: Central Time (CT) | United States | posts orders on @Red0ish |
- @wikibro300000 | Coder | TZ: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) | United Kingdom | ON VACATION! |
- @an-adaptable-rock | Artist and Coder | TZ: Singapore Time (SGT) | Singapore | Portfolio |
- @meowsic55 | Composer | TZ: Eastern Standard Time (EST) | Romania |
- @kinosaurs515 | Coder | TZ: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEST) | Australia |
- @doggy_boi1 | Coder, Artist, BUMPer, and Head of PFPs | TZ: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) | United States |
- @TheBiggesterHat | Coder | TZ: CST | United States |
- @MyScratchAccount | CMO | TZ: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) | Australia |
- @CodeKing_11 | Artist | TZ: Central Time (CT) | United States |
- @AJ-Scratch-AJ | Artist and Coder | TZ: Indian Standard Time (IST) | India |Resources:
- Banner- BUMPhttps://u.cubeupload.com/MatteoBottorff/BlueYellowFuturistic.pnghttps://u.cubeupload.com/MatteoBottorff/BluePinkGradientFash.pngOpen Orders:Your username: RomeoDog
What you want: A function named “levenshtein” which sets a variable (named count) to the normalized Levenshtein Distance betwen two strings
Description of item, including colors, mechanics, and more: The fuction should be named “levenshtein” and have 2 parameters, str1 and str2. The function should set a variable named “count” to the normalized Levenshtein Distance between str1 and str2
Where we can contact you: Profile messages
Deadline (at least 48 hours): 48 hours (unless it takes more time, i would rather have a quality result that takes a few days than a rushed sloppy result)
Who you want it made by (leave blank for anyone):
Have you read the Terms and Conditions (located in the first post)? Of course not
(Open)Finished Orders:Total - 7
-TeoPotato- - 3
purple-car - 3
wikibro300000 - 0
an-adaptable-rock -1
meowsic55 -0
(outdated numbers)
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (April 7, 2023 14:49:44)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Example WorksVisit all the shops I work at!
The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop) - The Glow Shop - The Morning Shop of Coding
Coding Hut - Lovely Littles Shoppe
Just a weirdo who likes among usGl1tch//they/them//aroace//ur local weirdo
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (March 23, 2023 22:36:46)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (April 4, 2023 22:51:15)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
March 6, 2023: Shop madeNews:
March 7, 2023: First order completed
March 7, 2023: First review
March 7, 2023: First employee
March 7, 2023: First partner, the Artist's Cabin
March 7, 2023: 2 pages
March 10, 2023: Second employee
March 11, 2023: Third employee
March 11, 2023: Fourth employee
March 11, 2023: Second order completed
March 11, 2023: 3 pages
March 11, 2023: Terms and Conditions updated
March 12, 2023: Second review
March 12, 2023: Fifth employee
March 18, 2023: 100th post
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (March 21, 2023 04:37:21)
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
- TheGl1tchedDrag0n
1000+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Your username: TheGl1tchedDrag0n
What you want: bbcode siggy
Description of item, including colors, mechanics, and more: i would like a siggy bbcode with all info provided in my siggy, with cyan,blue and any other cool colors
Where we can contact you: my profile pls ^^
Deadline (at least 48 hours): 1 week
Who you want it made by (leave blank for anyone): anyone that can
Have you read the Terms and Conditions (located in the first post)? of course not
Notes - nuthin
- Grey_Do
100+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Your banner is made in canva right
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
yep! Your banner is made in canva right
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Your username: TheGl1tchedDrag0nI'll take it!!!
What you want: bbcode siggy
Description of item, including colors, mechanics, and more: i would like a siggy bbcode with all info provided in my siggy, with cyan,blue and any other cool colors
Where we can contact you: my profile pls ^^
Deadline (at least 48 hours): 1 week
Who you want it made by (leave blank for anyone): anyone that can
Have you read the Terms and Conditions (located in the first post)? of course not
Notes - nuthin
- TheGl1tchedDrag0n
1000+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
thx!Your username: TheGl1tchedDrag0nI'll take it!!!
What you want: bbcode siggy
Description of item, including colors, mechanics, and more: i would like a siggy bbcode with all info provided in my siggy, with cyan,blue and any other cool colors
Where we can contact you: my profile pls ^^
Deadline (at least 48 hours): 1 week
Who you want it made by (leave blank for anyone): anyone that can
Have you read the Terms and Conditions (located in the first post)? of course not
Notes - nuthin
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Visit all the shops I work at!
The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop) - The Glow Shop - The Morning Shop of Coding
Coding Hut - Lovely Littles Shoppe
Just a weirdo who likes among us
The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop) - The Glow Shop - The Morning Shop of Coding
Coding Hut - Lovely Littles Shoppe
Just a weirdo who likes among us
Gl1tch//they/them//aroace//ur local weirdo
[b][big][color=FF8800]Visit all the shops I work at![/color][/big][/b]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/662083/][color=0000FF][big][b]The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop)[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/640606/][color=3F88C5]The Glow Shop[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/663328/][color=9B6F98]The Morning Shop of Coding[/color][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/652178/][color=5CD0D6]Coding Hut[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/666113/][color=9A031E]Lovely Littles Shoppe[/color][/b][/big][/url]
[big][b][color=#3F88C5]J[/color][color=#3F8AC5]u[/color][color=#408CC6]s[/color][color=#418EC6]t[/color] [color=#4393C7]a[/color] [color=#4597C8]w[/color][color=#469AC9]e[/color][color=#479CC9]i[/color][color=#489ECA]r[/color][color=#48A0CA]d[/color][color=#49A3CB]o[/color] [color=#4BA7CC]w[/color][color=#4CA9CC]h[/color][color=#4DACCD]o[/color] [color=#4FB0CE]l[/color][color=#50B2CF]i[/color][color=#51B5CF]k[/color][color=#52B7D0]e[/color][color=#52B9D0]s[/color] [color=#54BED1]a[/color][color=#55C0D2]m[/color][color=#56C2D2]o[/color][color=#57C4D3]n[/color][color=#58C7D3]g[/color] [color=#5ACBD4]u[/color][color=#5BCDD5]s[/color][/b][/big]
[b][color=3F88C5][center]Gl1tch//they/them//aroace//ur local weirdo[/center][/color][/b]
Here it is! I hope you like it, but if you don't you can just tell me and I'll fix it. Also, if you ever want anything changed in the future you can just ask me and I will change it. Thank you for being the first order, I would appreciate a review!!! Have a good day!!! Or night…
Last edited by -TeoPotato- (March 7, 2023 05:39:56)
- TheGl1tchedDrag0n
1000+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Visit all the shops I work at!hecking amazing :0 :heart eyes:
The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop) - The Glow Shop - The Morning Shop of Coding
Coding Hut - Lovely Littles Shoppe
Just a weirdo who likes among usGl1tch//they/them//aroace//ur local weirdo[b][big][color=FF8800]Visit all the shops I work at![/color][/big][/b]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/662083/][color=0000FF][big][b]The Gl1tched Cabin (my own shop)[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/640606/][color=3F88C5]The Glow Shop[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/663328/][color=9B6F98]The Morning Shop of Coding[/color][/url]
[url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/652178/][color=5CD0D6]Coding Hut[/color][/url] - [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/666113/][color=9A031E]Lovely Littles Shoppe[/color][/b][/big][/url]
[big][b][color=#3F88C5]J[/color][color=#3F8AC5]u[/color][color=#408CC6]s[/color][color=#418EC6]t[/color] [color=#4393C7]a[/color] [color=#4597C8]w[/color][color=#469AC9]e[/color][color=#479CC9]i[/color][color=#489ECA]r[/color][color=#48A0CA]d[/color][color=#49A3CB]o[/color] [color=#4BA7CC]w[/color][color=#4CA9CC]h[/color][color=#4DACCD]o[/color] [color=#4FB0CE]l[/color][color=#50B2CF]i[/color][color=#51B5CF]k[/color][color=#52B7D0]e[/color][color=#52B9D0]s[/color] [color=#54BED1]a[/color][color=#55C0D2]m[/color][color=#56C2D2]o[/color][color=#57C4D3]n[/color][color=#58C7D3]g[/color] [color=#5ACBD4]u[/color][color=#5BCDD5]s[/color][/b][/big]
[b][color=3F88C5][center]Gl1tch//they/them//aroace//ur local weirdo[/center][/color][/b]Here it is! I hope you like it, but if you don't you can just tell me and I'll fix it. Also, if you ever want anything changed in the future you can just ask me and I will change it. Thank you for being the first order!!!
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Thank you!!!hecking amazing :0 :heart eyes: snip
- TheGl1tchedDrag0n
1000+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Your rating (out of 10): 100000
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: bbcode siggy
Extra Notes - nothing other that freaking amazing ^^
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: bbcode siggy
Extra Notes - nothing other that freaking amazing ^^
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Your rating (out of 10): 100000Thank you for the review!
Who fulfilled your order: -TeoPotato-
What you bought: bbcode siggy
Extra Notes - nothing other that freaking amazing ^^
- -TeoPotato-
82 posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |

Last edited by -TeoPotato- (March 7, 2023 22:11:06)
- purple-car
100+ posts
[ REOPENED! ] | The Potato Shop | Open 24/7 | ⚡ Lightning Fast Service ⚡ | SPUDTACULAR DEALS |⭐ 10/10 Reviews ⭐ |
Employee Form:
What position you want: Artist
Your activity level out of 10: 8
Your time zone: Central
Example works (at least 1): 1: https://www.linkpicture.com/q/image1-1.png 2: https://www.linkpicture.com/q/image0-5_2.png
Are you kind and easy to work with? yes
Have you read the Terms and Conditions? Of course not
Notes - I post my orders on my other account @Red0ish
Partnership form:
Your username: purple-car (wikibro300000 is the owner, I did get permission)
Your shop's name: The artist's cabin
Your shop's banner (link): https://u.cubeupload.com/hfhdj/Group116.png
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/664884/
(Optional) Shop description:
What position you want: Artist
Your activity level out of 10: 8
Your time zone: Central
Example works (at least 1): 1: https://www.linkpicture.com/q/image1-1.png 2: https://www.linkpicture.com/q/image0-5_2.png
Are you kind and easy to work with? yes

Have you read the Terms and Conditions? Of course not
Notes - I post my orders on my other account @Red0ish
Partnership form:
Your username: purple-car (wikibro300000 is the owner, I did get permission)
Your shop's name: The artist's cabin
Your shop's banner (link): https://u.cubeupload.com/hfhdj/Group116.png
Shop link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/664884/
(Optional) Shop description:
Last edited by purple-car (March 7, 2023 16:40:43)