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1000+ posts

Walls Puzzle Editor

Post save codes for Puzzle Editor:

Please use the [code] tag when posting codes. For example:

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:
1000+ posts

Walls Puzzle Editor

Easy puzzle with more than 1 solution:

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:
1000+ posts

Walls Puzzle Editor

I've changed the level codes now, so they're shorter. Old codes still work.

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:
1000+ posts

Walls Puzzle Editor


This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:
1000+ posts

Walls Puzzle Editor

Here's a randomly generated puzzle

This text under the grey line is my signature. It's not part of my post, but it automatically shows up under all of my posts.

I recommend reading jvvg and Sliverus's essays.


Stuff at the bottom of my signature:

for \({
set [i v] to [0]
}; <(i) < [10]>; {
change [i v] by (1)
}) \{{
think (i) for (1) secs
}} :: control

Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.

An0therRand0mC0der wrote:

a bully with a big belly steals your moist cheesy beef
music origins
Be horizontal —
(thanks @thugatwoary and @Za-Chary)
Be high contrast
Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1. Social experiment.
i ran out of characters
Kumquat lore
The Scratch Forums support bf +-<>[],.
It seems I can still use assets in my signature. test:

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