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JWC Leaders Game Night - Mad Libs


This forum is for JWC (co)leaders, so if you are not one of them, we ask that you don't post here. Thank you!

NOTE: This is the first mad lib I've written, so it's not the best heh heh. But enjoy!

Mad Libs:

It is a squishy December day, and you're bundled up in a sweater. You walk through a Christmas tree lot, trying to find the best tree. Each of them were nice, but none of them seemed right…

As you walk in between the rows of trees, you see a fork ahead. Looking to the left, you spot a Capibara. Looking to the right, you see a viola on the ground.

You decide to go down the first path, and you end up at a dead end. You look over the trees, but still, they're all too small or too big. After going the other way, you continue walking for a while. It is humid, and you're getting very tired.

Veering to the right, you hear a whoosh. You look around, trying to figure out where the noise came from. But you pause as you spot an amazing tree. Its branches are full and soft-looking, the smell so refreshing. And it's the perfect size! You smile, quickly walking back to your family so that you can pay for it.

As you skip out the exit, you grin. You found a tree for Christmas! But you still don't know what made that noise…

500+ posts

JWC Leaders Game Night - Mad Libs

Ah, this was so fun! I love it, Jean! <3


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