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Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022


Hey there, SWC-ers! Welcome to this workshop! Today you'll be learning about Flash Fiction. By the end, you'll hopefully have a good grasp on what Flash Fiction is, different types of Flash Fiction, a bit of the history behind it, and helpful tips on how to write it. Afterward, you'll complete an activity and write your own Flash Fiction! It might be helpful to have a way to take notes or write down ideas as you read, but that's entirely up to you. Let's get started!

I would like to add a note that I've decided to capitalize Flash Fiction throughout this workshop, but it is not a proper noun, so it's fine to leave it uncapitalized if you want!

What is Flash Fiction?

Before you start to write your own Flash Fiction, it'll help you to have a bit of background on the topic. Starting with, what even is it?

Flash Fiction is defined as a very short story. There's no set, agreed-upon word count boundary that separates Flash Fiction from a standard short story, but most Flash Fiction works are under 1,500 words. There are sub-types of Flash Fiction that are more rigid as far as word count, we'll get into those later.

Elements of Flash Fiction:

Flash Fiction varies greatly, but there are a few things all, or at least most, Flash Fiction stories have in common. These include:

  • Brevity. All Flash Fiction stories are very short.
  • Complete story. Flash Fiction stories aren't fragments. They have a beginning, middle, and end. They progress in plot, and have developed characters and settings.
  • Surprise. Flash Fiction works are very short, so in order to make an impact on the reader, they often have unexpected endings and/or contain an element of surprise.

A Few Types of Flash Fiction:

There are many different types of Flash Fiction, most characterized by length/word count. We'll only get into a few of the more common ones here.

  • Six-Word-Story: Exactly what it sounds like, a story written in six words, no more or less.
  • Dribble: A story in fifty words. Some writers write them with exactly fifty words, others just go for approximately fifty.
  • Drabble: A story in either approximately or exactly one hundred words.
  • Double drabble: A story in either approximately or exactly two hundred words.
  • Twitterature: A story in under 280 characters, so it can fit in a Tw1tter post.
  • Sudden Fiction: A story in either approximately or exactly 750 words

A Very Brief History of Flash Fiction:

Flash Fiction has been around for a long time, since early on in the existence of writing. It wasn't well-known, however, until the 1800s. Throughout that century, American writers such as Walt Whitman, Kate Chopin, and Ambrose Pierce wrote and popularized Flash Fiction. People began to gather Flash Fiction into collections in the 1930s. The invention of the internet has made Flash Fiction much more popular in recent years as people have more and more ways to share their ideas and creations.

Tips on Writing Flash Fiction:

Everyone writes Flash Fiction differently, so you'll have to practice and take some time to figure out your style. To help you out, here's a bunch of tips you can use.

  • Start with a bare outline. If you write only the very basics of your story to begin with, you'll have plenty of work room to change things and add details.
  • Edit, edit, edit! Every word of Flash Fiction has to be the perfect word for its place in the story, because of how short the work is. Go over your writing several times and make sure every choice you've made is the best option.
  • End with a bang. Finish off your story with a surprise or revelation, and it will be more memorable for your readers
  • Write one important moment. If you try to write more than one or two scenes, your Flash Fiction will become dry and vague. Keep the timeframe small!
  • Use imagery, symbolism, and figurative language. This will make it easier to get your point across with few words, and it'll make your work more interesting.
  • Use few characters. This one kind of explains itself. With too many characters, you won't be able to give them all a purpose without exceeding your word count parameters.
  • Make use of your title. Many Flash Fiction writers, as well as poets, use their title as part of their story. You can use the title of your Flash Fiction to explain – or even resolve ahead of time – something you didn't have the words to express in your text body.
  • Trust your reader. You don't have a lot of space, so it's okay to leave some things to the reader's imagination.
  • Action is the base of Flash Fiction. Use active voice, and make sure something is happening.
  • Avoid summary. Make sure at least most of your Flash Fiction is in scene format. Too much explanation will make your writing uninteresting.
  • Avoid dull language. You have very little space to make an impact on your reader, so make your writing as meaningful and interesting as you can!
  • Remember, most dailies count as Flash Fiction! This means you likely have quite a bit of experience writing Flash Fiction already.

Examples of Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction can be very hard to credit properly. Many works of flash fiction are attributed to multiple authors, or have slightly different versions around the internet, and it can be challenging to tell which is right. I’ve done my best to credit properly, but there is a chance I messed up or missed something.

Here’s three examples of incredibly short Flash Fiction, written by various authors. In order, they would be considered a six-word-story, a four word story, and a twitterature.

For sale: baby shoes, never worn
(possibly Ernest Hemingway, possibly not)

“Widow’s first year”
I kept myself alive
(Joyce Carol Oates)

“im sorry, its a girl” said the doctor to the father.
“no, im sorry, youre a sexist” said the girl child to the world.

(Adhiraj Singh)

And here’s an example of a longer piece of flash fiction, written by the wonderful Leopard of Thriller. It would probably be considered a short sudden fiction.

“Mad With Monotony”
A single crystalline droplet. It falls, the only noise in the place. Without the water, there is nothing. Without it, the cave would be flooded with an alien silence: haunting, melancholy, ethereal. Yet oppressive and… empty.
As empty as my heart.
The water shimmers for one moment as it catches the brightness radiating from the one stream of light. The illusion of a gilded waterfall slipping down from above is given from it – before it falls into my hands. It’s followed by another, and another. Hardly any water; any more would be too tempting to slip through my lips. Nothing can quench the pain until my task is finished. Until the bowl is full.
I glance over at it, the only thing that is lit up in the dark emptiness of my prison. The bowl is the only thing that gives the tedious cycle, the monotonous drag of boredom, a beguiling sense of importance. It’s the only thing that keeps me collecting the water, keeps me dragging myself to carry on. It’s the only thing that is illuminated, set apart from the brooding depths of tangible darkness… the only thing that gives me hope. The gold glints, flooding my mind with memories of one of many undulating intonations of dawn and dusk, of the indescribable depths of colours and beauty that I will one day see again.
“More water… More, and more. Eventually…” I mutter, trying to keep the bitterness and the longing out of my voice. Trying to keep my mind on the task. To stop it wandering. To stop it thinking of my emotions or my thirst. I just have to accept it: I’m trapped here until I fill the bowl.
Imprisoned, isolated… alone. Ashamed of myself, grieving for myself, agonised by the pain and the anger.
I stumble forwards, travelling the few steps towards the bowl, wincing at the pain that rushes through my feet. I let the water go, and feel a slight smile wash across my face. “Just a few hundred more times,” I laugh sarcastically. “Then…”
But it’s not soon before I stop smiling. As I move to collect more water, I feel the pain. The fatigue, the throbbing of my feet. The loneliness. I feel the thirst and the hunger inside me. I feel the weight of my crime, the shame from the bittersweet thrill of revealing the truth.
Even if it was the right thing to do. It had a cost, but revealing what I did… what he did, our ruler, our ‘God’… It had to be done. Gods can’t be murderers, can they?
No. they can’t. That’s why I did what I did. Why I broadcasted that video, that evidence.
I still feel the agony. But I know it’s worth it. It has to be. I’m doing my part for humanity. It’s simple: fill the bowl every day, only stop when the whole empire has drunk. When the whole empire has been saved. Down here, down in the caves, it’s all for a reason.
Or so I tell myself.


Your Flash Fiction activity:

Now that you've learned the basics of Flash Fiction, it's time to do the daily! To earn up to 350 points for your cabin, write three complete Flash Fiction stories that, in total, amount to no more than 400 words. Best of luck!


There you have it! I hope you learned at least something from this workshop, and will now go on to write your own amazing Flash Fiction. Have a good rest of the session!

– Soki

Last edited by Rey_venclaw (Nov. 7, 2022 22:13:58)

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022


“You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy” - Nightbirde

43 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

This sounds super fun! I'm going to start working on the daily now

Last edited by --Shine-- (Nov. 8, 2022 01:37:39)

100+ posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

No more than? So it could be 18 words?

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
39 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

Xy here, doing the flash fiction writing daily (total 392 words, that was close):

I woke up, yawning. My pet, a black cat with green eyes stared at me. His name is Shadow. He's a magical cat. He can talk. “Come on! You'll be late for the concert”, Shadow shouted at me. Last week, I promised to my cousin Joey to watch his piano concert. As me and Shadow walked through the streets, I saw a wanted poster. It says “WANTED. Diamond thief” It didn't show the price, which I tough was weird. Finally, me and Shadow arrived at the concert. “No pets aloud” sign is right at the entrance. I let Shadow loose, exploring. I walked in, and watched the concert. It was great. I saw a diamond exhibition, so I decided to see it. When I was looking and the beautiful diamonds, there was a loud crash. Everyone here looked up, and saw a thief. Suddenly there was an orange cat, and it said “Don't worry! I got this!”. Everyone was frozen. The orange cat touches the thief with its paws, and the thief was suddenly in a cage. There was sparkles everywhere, and everyone except myself faint. When everyone woke up, they assumed that a man has grabbed a cage from the back rooms and fight the thief. No one else know the truth except myself.
(215 words)

The rain fell heavily. I watched outside the blurry window. I dozed off and started day dreaming. There was a swan, it has beautiful white fur. One of the boys in my class shouted, “HEY! Don't steal my bread idea”. And so, I dreamed that a beautiful swan was eating a bread. I remembered today's history class, and I dreamed that the swan fly- “Alya, Alya! Hey!”, suddenly a voice shouted at me. “W-what…?”, I slowly opened my eyes. “Stop with the day dreaming, and do the math practice!”, my teacher said. I groaned, and when I just started, I fell asleep.
(102 words)

I kept on falling, and falling. “Don't worry big brother, it'll be fine!”, shouted Bella, my little sister. We finally landed on tall grass. It started itching my legs. “Wait… Isn't this the place where mother… go away…?” I whispered. Bella nodded. “This is a secret place, so tell NO ONE about it”, Bella exclaimed. She put some flowers on the ground, and the ghost of mother appeared. She hugged us, and then fade away.
(75 words)

Also why did it became smaller and smeller- XD

-Xy, have a great day! I'm a mouse, Pokémon, The Owl House, Amphibia and Warrior Cats obsessed scratcher here
24 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

Flash fiction daily (november 8):

It was cold in the interrogation room. It was dark and musty, too Effie shuddered, her fear (and her heartbeat!) quickly increasing. Nobody was with Effie. Effie had to find a way out, but the chains that bound her were too tight. Luckily, her father had give her a very handy… tool, before he had disappeared from Effie's life forever. It was a knife. A good one, too. She flicked it open, and struggled to get her armed hand to her chained wrists. It took a lot of struggling, but eventually she did it. Now for her legs. 30 minutes later, she was finally free. Her eyes darted around the room for an escape route, and then her eyes stopped on some jagged bricks leading up to a window. She ran over o it, and then began to climb. When she go to the top, her hands were aching and sore, but she had made it. She cracked open the window and squeezed out of it. She stood on the roof and took a deep breath. After so long, she was finally free.
(183 words)

I was so, blissfully happy. My fingers intertwined with his, and my head leaned against his shoulder. I gazed into his eyes and he brushed the hair out of my face. “I love you,” he said, leaning in. Our lips touched. It was warm, and I loved it. His lips were soft and the kiss was short and sweet. I wish it had lasted longer. He squeezed my hand as we stood up to take a walk underneath the moonlit sky. I shivered, for it was very cold, and he looked at me, and slipped his jacket off of his shoulders, and onto mine. “Thank you,” I whispered. We were quiet, but that was worth it. The night was still young, and we stayed happy for a long time.
(129 words)

My feet pointed to the floor, and as I pirouetted and did jetes, I had never been happier. This was paradise, a utopia. On the stage, nothing could scare me. Even though I was in front of thousands of people who were watching my every move, I wasn't scared. That is, until I stumbled to the floor and humiliated myself. My best friend, Libby grabbed me and pulled me back up onto my feet. But I was in no shape for dancing. My ankle was twisted. My understudy zoomed onto the stage, and I watched the rest of the performance from the wings. If I couldn't be onstage, I could still support my friends, and my onstage family, in different ways.
(121 words)

total of: 433 words (close enough)

35 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

this is really interesting! i cant wait to try it out /gen /pos

tom / clo - all pronouns
‎ ‎ ‎ duke of delirium, thriller's daughter,
‎ ‎ we cannot lie, we loathe to love her.

a bit abt me:
↝ im an infp-t and slytherpuff is my home
↝ i am neurodivergent
↝ i am a hi-fi,, thriller boy at heart <33
#thrillerftw #thrilledforthriller
12 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

nov. 6 ~ flash fiction
a daily

a monster is just a monster

(but what of its children?)

(eleven words ~ 11 words)

'i am just a normal boy' the child believes

( sungold hair, emerald eyes. he is nothing like his parents he is a treasure )

'i am normal' the merchant believes

( born by storm, brought by sea – he is an orphan he never needed a home, anyway )

'i am normal' the lord assures

( who, when the light is angled at the right way, looks like something more he is a god, after all )

'i am alone' the king grieves

( he is never alone. the universe sings songs to him, for he is their sun, their son, their king their child their heir he is the world he is the light he— )

'i am eternal' a god sings

(and he simply is)

one hundred nineteen words ~ 119 words

it goes like this:

love is a dangerous thing

especially when it's given a knife

(he settles for the ghost of her)

twenty-two words ~ 22 words


edit and authors note: i think this was eh?? i mean, the second could've been better, but word limits my beloathed

Last edited by --kinoko-- (Nov. 9, 2022 00:24:20)

~ hello there traveller! welcome to my little corner of the internet!

# cody . leo
# intp-t . he/they . slytherin
# aspiring author & poet
# huge astronomy nerd
# manager of the neuro-squiggles studio

~ farewell, then. shall we meet again?
24 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

cxtton-moon wrote:

Flash fiction daily (november 8):

It was cold in the room. It was dark, too. Effie shuddered, her fear (and her heartbeat!) increasing. Effie had to find a way out, but the chains that bound her were too tight. Luckily, her father had give her a very handy… tool, before he had disappeared from Effie's life forever. It was a knife. A good one, too. She flicked it open, and struggled to get her armed hand to her chained wrists. It took a lot of struggling, but eventually she did it. Now for her legs. Later, she was finally free. Her eyes darted around the room for an escape route, and then her eyes stopped on some jagged bricks leading up to a window. She ran over o it, and then began to climb. When she go to the top, her hands were aching and sore, but she had made it. She cracked open the window and squeezed out of it. She stood on the roof and took a deep breath. After so long, she was free.

I was so, blissfully happy. My fingers intertwined with his, and my head leaned against his shoulder. I gazed into his eyes and he brushed the hair out of my face. “I love you,” he said, leaning in. Our lips touched. It was warm, and I loved it. His lips were soft and the kiss was short and sweet. I wish it had lasted longer. He squeezed my hand as we stood up to take a walk underneath the moonlit sky. I shivered, for it was very cold, and he looked at me, and slipped his jacket off of his shoulders, and onto mine. The night was still young, and we stayed happy for a long time.

My feet pointed to the floor, and as I pirouetted, I realized: this was paradise, a utopia. On the stage, nothing could scare me. Even though I was in front of thousands of people who were watching my every move, I wasn't scared. That is, until I stumbled to the floor and humiliated myself. My best friend, Libby grabbed me and pulled me back up onto my feet. But I was in no shape for dancing. My understudy zoomed onto the stage, and I watched the rest of the performance from the wings. If I couldn't be onstage, I could still support my friends, and my onstage family, in different ways.

total of: 400 words (had to cut 33 from my old one)

81 posts

Flash Fiction Workshop – SWC November 2022

Daily Nov 8-9th

Story 1 (Twitterature)

I sat on the bus seat , peeping out of the window as we passed each bus stop. The cars whirred by and the trucks honked. I felt aloof . Nobody ever sat with me. No matter how many times I changed my seat , not a single person would come, sit , and talk to me while we were going to school or back home. I never knew the reason . People shunned me for a particular reason which I never knew why. As I sat looking out of the window , I could hear footsteps coming closer to my seat. A little girl with blue eyes had just arrived. “May I sit here?”, she asked. “Yes you can“ ,was my reply . I glanced at the girl with my spectacles. She looked just like me! Short black hair, spectacles and blue eyes! The little girl spoke first. “Today is very bright and sunny isn’t it?” . I nodded. “I like bright and sunny days. They make you feel nice and warm.” I felt a spark of joy flicker in her eyes. “My name is Annabeth but you can call me Anna. What’s yours?” . “Charlotte”, was my answer. “Charlotte is a nice name! What are you looking outside for Charlotte?“ She asked curiously. “I’m just looking at the cars going by.” I answered , trying to be enthusiastic. “Well I hope we’ll be great friends Charlotte.” Said Annabeth suddenly. “I hope we will.” I said with a warm smile.

240 words

Story 2 (Drabble)

The wind blew in my face. Izumi had managed to get ice cream for me and it was my favorite: Mint chocolate chip! I sat on the bench with Izumi, eating my ice cream. Izumi had brought Chocolate fudge ice cream with her. “Really is hot today isn’t it , Rin?” Asked Izumi as she licked her ice cream. “It sure is. Climate change has really had an impact on that.” I answered. The ice cream seller, Noriko, popped up. “Ice cream is the best remedy for the heat”. He said.
“It sure is!” I said , happily licking the ice cream.

100 words

Story 3 (Six word story)

Aki-chan has a crush on Hiroshi

100 words

Total: 340 words

Last edited by sit_candy (Nov. 11, 2022 12:33:09)

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